Evennia Multidescer

Contribution by Griatch 2016

A “multidescer” is a concept from the MUSH world. It allows for creating, managing and switching between multiple character descriptions and is a way for quickly managing your look (such as when changing clothes) in more free-form roleplaying systems. This will also work well together with the rpsystem contrib.

This multidescer will not require any changes to the Character class, rather it will use the multidescs Attribute (a list) and create it if it does not exist.


Edit mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py and add from evennia.contrib.game_systems.multidescer import CmdMultiDesc to the top.

Next, look up the at_cmdset_create method of the CharacterCmdSet class and add a line self.add(CmdMultiDesc()) to the end of it.

Reload the server and you should have the +desc command available (it will replace the default desc command).

This document page is generated from evennia/contrib/game_systems/multidescer/README.md. Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.