# Evennia Documentation This is the manual of [Evennia](https://www.evennia.com), the open source Python `MU*` creation system. Use the Search bar on the left to find or discover interesting articles. - [Introduction](./Evennia-Introduction.md) - what is this Evennia thing? - [Evennia in Pictures](./Evennia-In-Pictures.md) - a visual overview of Evennia - [Contributing and Getting help](./Contributing.md) - when you get stuck or want to chip in ## Setup - [Installation](Setup/Setup-Overview.md#installation-and-running) - getting started - [Running the Game](Setup/Running-Evennia.md) - how to start, stop and reload Evennia - [Updating the Server](Setup/Updating-Evennia.md) - how to update Evennia - [Configuration](Setup/Setup-Overview.md#configuration) - how to set up Evennia the way you like it - [Going Online](Setup/Setup-Overview.md#going-online) - bringing your game online ## Tutorials and Howtos - [The Beginner Tutorial](Howtos/Howtos-Overview.md#beginner-tutorial) - learn the basics and build a small game (in progress) - [Tutorials and Howto's](Howtos/Howtos-Overview.md#howtos) - mixed tutorials and help articles to learn Evennia - [Coding with Evennia](Coding/Coding-Overview.md) - resources and hints for coding and development ## The Evennia Library - [Core components](Components/Components-Overview.md) - the core building blocks of Evennia - [Core Concepts](Concepts/Concepts-Overview.md) - larger-scale concepts and features - [API](./Evennia-API.md) - the full API-reference, generated from source ## Contributions and Info - [Contribs](Contribs/Contribs-Overview.md) - game-specific code and snippets to use for your game - [Documentation - how to contribute](./Contributing-Docs.md) - if you want to help out with this manual - [License](./Licensing.md) - Evennia licensing FAQ - [Links](./Links.md) - useful links if you need extra reading ---- ## All Sections
Click here to expand the full Documentation index. ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 3 Evennia-Introduction Evennia-In-Pictures Setup/Running-Evennia Setup/Updating-Evennia Setup/Setup-Overview Howtos/Howtos-Overview Components/Components-Overview Concepts/Concepts-Overview Coding/Coding-Overview Contribs/Contribs-Overview Contributing Contributing-Docs Licensing Links ```
```{toctree} :hidden: Evennia-API Licensing Unimplemented ```