# Easy fillable form Contribution by Tim Ashley Jenkins, 2018 This module contains a function that generates an `EvMenu` for you - this menu presents the player with a form of fields that can be filled out in any order (e.g. for character generation or building). Each field's value can be verified, with the function allowing easy checks for text and integer input, minimum and maximum values / character lengths, or can even be verified by a custom function. Once the form is submitted, the form's data is submitted as a dictionary to any callable of your choice. ## Usage The function that initializes the fillable form menu is fairly simple, and includes the caller, the template for the form, and the callback(caller, result) to which the form data will be sent to upon submission. init_fill_field(formtemplate, caller, formcallback) Form templates are defined as a list of dictionaries - each dictionary represents a field in the form, and contains the data for the field's name and behavior. For example, this basic form template will allow a player to fill out a brief character profile: PROFILE_TEMPLATE = [ {"fieldname":"Name", "fieldtype":"text"}, {"fieldname":"Age", "fieldtype":"number"}, {"fieldname":"History", "fieldtype":"text"}, ] This will present the player with an EvMenu showing this basic form: ``` Name: Age: History: ``` While in this menu, the player can assign a new value to any field with the syntax = , like so: ``` > name = Ashley Field 'Name' set to: Ashley ``` Typing 'look' by itself will show the form and its current values. ``` > look Name: Ashley Age: History: ``` Number fields require an integer input, and will reject any text that can't be converted into an integer. ``` > age = youthful Field 'Age' requires a number. > age = 31 Field 'Age' set to: 31 ``` Form data is presented as an EvTable, so text of any length will wrap cleanly. ``` > history = EVERY MORNING I WAKE UP AND OPEN PALM SLAM[...] Field 'History' set to: EVERY MORNING I WAKE UP AND[...] > look Name: Ashley Age: 31 History: EVERY MORNING I WAKE UP AND OPEN PALM SLAM A VHS INTO THE SLOT. IT'S CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK AND RIGHT THEN AND THERE I START DOING THE MOVES ALONGSIDE WITH THE MAIN CHARACTER, RIDDICK. I DO EVERY MOVE AND I DO EVERY MOVE HARD. ``` When the player types 'submit' (or your specified submit command), the menu quits and the form's data is passed to your specified function as a dictionary, like so: formdata = {"Name":"Ashley", "Age":31, "History":"EVERY MORNING I[...]"} You can do whatever you like with this data in your function - forms can be used to set data on a character, to help builders create objects, or for players to craft items or perform other complicated actions with many variables involved. The data that your form will accept can also be specified in your form template - let's say, for example, that you won't accept ages under 18 or over 100. You can do this by specifying "min" and "max" values in your field's dictionary: ``` PROFILE_TEMPLATE = [ {"fieldname":"Name", "fieldtype":"text"}, {"fieldname":"Age", "fieldtype":"number", "min":18, "max":100}, {"fieldname":"History", "fieldtype":"text"} ] ``` Now if the player tries to enter a value out of range, the form will not acept the given value. ``` > age = 10 Field 'Age' reqiures a minimum value of 18. > age = 900 Field 'Age' has a maximum value of 100. ``` Setting 'min' and 'max' for a text field will instead act as a minimum or maximum character length for the player's input. There are lots of ways to present the form to the player - fields can have default values or show a custom message in place of a blank value, and player input can be verified by a custom function, allowing for a great deal of flexibility. There is also an option for 'bool' fields, which accept only a True / False input and can be customized to represent the choice to the player however you like (E.G. Yes/No, On/Off, Enabled/Disabled, etc.) This module contains a simple example form that demonstrates all of the included functionality - a command that allows a player to compose a message to another online character and have it send after a custom delay. You can test it by importing this module in your game's `default_cmdsets.py` module and adding CmdTestMenu to your default character's command set. ## FIELD TEMPLATE KEYS: ### Required: ``` fieldname (str): Name of the field, as presented to the player. fieldtype (str): Type of value required: 'text', 'number', or 'bool'. ``` ### Optional: - max (int): Maximum character length (if text) or value (if number). - min (int): Minimum charater length (if text) or value (if number). - truestr (str): String for a 'True' value in a bool field. (E.G. 'On', 'Enabled', 'Yes') - falsestr (str): String for a 'False' value in a bool field. (E.G. 'Off', 'Disabled', 'No') - default (str): Initial value (blank if not given). - blankmsg (str): Message to show in place of value when field is blank. - cantclear (bool): Field can't be cleared if True. - required (bool): If True, form cannot be submitted while field is blank. - verifyfunc (callable): Name of a callable used to verify input - takes (caller, value) as arguments. If the function returns True, the player's input is considered valid - if it returns False, the input is rejected. Any other value returned will act as the field's new value, replacing the player's input. This allows for values that aren't strings or integers (such as object dbrefs). For boolean fields, return '0' or '1' to set the field to False or True. ---- This document page is generated from `evennia/contrib/utils/fieldfill/README.md`. Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.