```{important} This is the v0.9.5 documentation of Evennia, originally converted from the old [evennia wiki](https://github.com/evennia/evennia/wiki) at 2020-10-11 18:06:03.062022. While we will fix outright mistakes, minor typos and visual conversion issues will **not** be addressed in this version. A new and refactored version of the docs is being prepared for version 1.0 of Evennia. ``` # Evennia Documentation This is the manual of [Evennia](http://www.evennia.com), the open source Python `MU*` creation system. You can Search the documentation on the left. If you have trouble with unclear documentation, please let us know on our [mailing list][group], over [IRC][chat] or by making a new [documentation issue](github:issue). There is [a lengthier introduction](./Evennia-Introduction.md) to read. You might also want to read about [how to get and give help](./How-To-Get-And-Give-Help.md). - The [Getting Started](./Getting-Started.md) page helps installing and starting Evennia for the first time. - The [Admin Docs](./Administrative-Docs.md) covers running and maintaining an Evennia server. - The [Builder Docs](./Builder-Docs.md) helps for starting to build a game world using Evennia. - The [Developer Central](./Developer-Central.md) describes how Evennia works and is used by coders. - The [Tutorials & Examples](./Tutorials.md) contains help pages on a step-by-step or tutorial format. - The [Documentation-Contributing](./Contributing-Docs.md) page helps with how to write and contribute to these docs. - The [API](./Evennia-API.md) documentation is created from the latest source code. - The [TOC](./toc.md) lists all regular documentation pages. [group]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21forum/evennia [chat]: http://tinyurl.com/p22oofg [icon_new]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/evennia/evennia/images/bright4.png [icon_admin]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/evennia/evennia/images/speedometer26.png [icon_builder]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/evennia/evennia/images/toolbox3.png [icon_devel]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/evennia/evennia/images/technical.png [icon_tutorial]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/evennia/evennia/images/living1.png [icon_API]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/evennia/evennia/images/python3.png ```{toctree} :hidden: Getting-Started.md Administrative-Docs.md Developer-Central.md Tutorials.md Contributing-Docs.md ```