
Contribution by owllex, 2021

Cooldowns are used to model rate-limited actions, like how often a character can perform a given action; until a certain time has passed their command can not be used again. This contrib provides a simple cooldown handler that can be attached to any typeclass. A cooldown is a lightweight persistent asynchronous timer that you can query to see if a certain time has yet passed.

Cooldowns are completely asynchronous and must be queried to know their state. They do not fire callbacks, so are not a good fit for use cases where something needs to happen on a specific schedule (use delay or a TickerHandler for that instead).

See also the evennia howto for more information about the concept.


To use, simply add the following property to the typeclass definition of any object type that you want to support cooldowns. It will expose a new cooldowns property that persists data to the object’s attribute storage. You can set this on your base Object typeclass to enable cooldown tracking on every kind of object, or just put it on your Character typeclass.

By default the CooldownHandler will use the cooldowns property, but you can customize this if desired by passing a different value for the db_attribute parameter.

from evennia.contrib.game_systems.cooldowns import CooldownHandler
from evennia.utils.utils import lazy_property

def cooldowns(self):
    return CooldownHandler(self, db_attribute="cooldowns")


Assuming you’ve installed cooldowns on your Character typeclasses, you can use a cooldown to limit how often you can perform a command. The following code snippet will limit the use of a Power Attack command to once every 10 seconds per character.

class PowerAttack(Command):
    def func(self):
        if self.caller.cooldowns.ready("power attack"):
            self.caller.cooldowns.add("power attack", 10)
            self.caller.msg("That's not ready yet!")

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