# Sessions ``` ┌──────┐ │ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌──────┐ │Client├─┼──►│Session├───►│Account├──►│Object│ └──────┘ │ └───────┘ └───────┘ └──────┘ ^ ``` An Evennia *Session* represents one single established connection to the server. Depending on the Evennia session, it is possible for a person to connect multiple times, for example using different clients in multiple windows. Each such connection is represented by a session object. A session object has its own [cmdset](./Command-Sets.md), usually the "unloggedin" cmdset. This is what is used to show the login screen and to handle commands to create a new account (or [Account](./Accounts.md) in evennia lingo) read initial help and to log into the game with an existing account. A session object can either be "logged in" or not. Logged in means that the user has authenticated. When this happens the session is associated with an Account object (which is what holds account-centric stuff). The account can then in turn puppet any number of objects/characters. A Session is not *persistent* - it is not a [Typeclass](./Typeclasses.md) and has no connection to the database. The Session will go away when a user disconnects and you will lose any custom data on it if the server reloads. The `.db` handler on Sessions is there to present a uniform API (so you can assume `.db` exists even if you don't know if you receive an Object or a Session), but this is just an alias to `.ndb`. So don't store any data on Sessions that you can't afford to lose in a reload. ## Working with Sessions ### Properties on Sessions Here are some important properties available on (Server-)Sessions - `sessid` - The unique session-id. This is an integer starting from 1. - `address` - The connected client's address. Different protocols give different information here. - `logged_in` - `True` if the user authenticated to this session. - `account` - The [Account](./Accounts.md) this Session is attached to. If not logged in yet, this is `None`. - `puppet` - The [Character/Object](./Objects.md) currently puppeted by this Account/Session combo. If not logged in or in OOC mode, this is `None`. - `ndb` - The [Non-persistent Attribute](./Attributes.md) handler. - `db` - As noted above, Sessions don't have regular Attributes. This is an alias to `ndb`. - `cmdset` - The Session's [CmdSetHandler](./Command-Sets.md) Session statistics are mainly used internally by Evennia. - `conn_time` - How long this Session has been connected - `cmd_last` - Last active time stamp. This will be reset by sending `idle` keepalives. - `cmd_last_visible` - last active time stamp. This ignores `idle` keepalives and representes the last time this session was truly visibly active. - `cmd_total` - Total number of Commands passed through this Session. ### Returning data to the session When you use `msg()` to return data to a user, the object on which you call the `msg()` matters. The `MULTISESSION_MODE` also matters, especially if greater than 1. For example, if you use `account.msg("hello")` there is no way for evennia to know which session it should send the greeting to. In this case it will send it to all sessions. If you want a specific session you need to supply its session to the `msg` call (`account.msg("hello", session=mysession)`). On the other hand, if you call the `msg()` message on a puppeted object, like `character.msg("hello")`, the character already knows the session that controls it - it will cleverly auto-add this for you (you can specify a different session if you specifically want to send stuff to another session). Finally, there is a wrapper for `msg()` on all command classes: `command.msg()`. This will transparently detect which session was triggering the command (if any) and redirects to that session (this is most often what you want). If you are having trouble redirecting to a given session, `command.msg()` is often the safest bet. You can get the `session` in two main ways: * [Accounts](./Accounts.md) and [Objects](./Objects.md) (including Characters) have a `sessions` property. This is a *handler* that tracks all Sessions attached to or puppeting them. Use e.g. `accounts.sessions.get()` to get a list of Sessions attached to that entity. * A Command instance has a `session` property that always points back to the Session that triggered it (it's always a single one). It will be `None` if no session is involved, like when a mob or script triggers the Command. ### Customizing the Session object When would one want to customize the Session object? Consider for example a character creation system: You might decide to keep this on the out-of-character level. This would mean that you create the character at the end of some sort of menu choice. The actual char-create cmdset would then normally be put on the account. This works fine as long as you are `MULTISESSION_MODE` below 2. For higher modes, replacing the Account cmdset will affect *all* your connected sessions, also those not involved in character creation. In this case you want to instead put the char-create cmdset on the Session level - then all other sessions will keep working normally despite you creating a new character in one of them. By default, the session object gets the `commands.default_cmdsets.UnloggedinCmdSet` when the user first connects. Once the session is authenticated it has *no* default sets. To add a "logged-in" cmdset to the Session, give the path to the cmdset class with `settings.CMDSET_SESSION`. This set will then henceforth always be present as soon as the account logs in. To customize further you can completely override the Session with your own subclass. To replace the default Session class, change `settings.SERVER_SESSION_CLASS` to point to your custom class. This is a dangerous practice and errors can easily make your game unplayable. Make sure to take heed of the [original](evennia.server.session) and make your changes carefully. ## Portal and Server Sessions *Note: This is considered an advanced topic. You don't need to know this on a first read-through.* Evennia is split into two parts, the [Portal and the Server](./Portal-And-Server.md). Each side tracks its own Sessions, syncing them to each other. The "Session" we normally refer to is actually the `ServerSession`. Its counter-part on the Portal side is the `PortalSession`. Whereas the server sessions deal with game states, the portal session deals with details of the connection-protocol itself. The two are also acting as backups of critical data such as when the server reboots. New Account connections are listened for and handled by the Portal using the [protocols](Portal-And- Server) it understands (such as telnet, ssh, webclient etc). When a new connection is established, a `PortalSession` is created on the Portal side. This session object looks different depending on which protocol is used to connect, but all still have a minimum set of attributes that are generic to all sessions. These common properties are piped from the Portal, through the AMP connection, to the Server, which is now informed a new connection has been established. On the Server side, a `ServerSession` object is created to represent this. There is only one type of `ServerSession`; It looks the same regardless of how the Account connects. From now on, there is a one-to-one match between the `ServerSession` on one side of the AMP connection and the `PortalSession` on the other. Data arriving to the Portal Session is sent on to its mirror Server session and vice versa. During certain situations, the portal- and server-side sessions are "synced" with each other: - The Player closes their client, killing the Portal Session. The Portal syncs with the Server to make sure the corresponding Server Session is also deleted. - The Player quits from inside the game, killing the Server Session. The Server then syncs with the Portal to make sure to close the Portal connection cleanly. - The Server is rebooted/reset/shutdown - The Server Sessions are copied over ("saved") to the Portal side. When the Server comes back up, this data is returned by the Portal so the two are again in sync. This way an Account's login status and other connection-critical things can survive a server reboot (assuming the Portal is not stopped at the same time, obviously). ### Sessionhandlers Both the Portal and Server each have a *sessionhandler* to manage the connections. These handlers are global entities contain all methods for relaying data across the AMP bridge. All types of Sessions hold a reference to their respective Sessionhandler (the property is called `sessionhandler`) so they can relay data. See [protocols](../Concepts/Protocols.md) for more info on building new protocols. To get all Sessions in the game (i.e. all currently connected clients), you access the server-side Session handler, which you get by ``` from evennia.server.sessionhandler import SESSION_HANDLER ``` > Note: The `SESSION_HANDLER` singleton has an older alias `SESSIONS` that is commonly seen in various places as well. See the [sessionhandler.py](evennia.server.sessionhandler) module for details on the capabilities of the `ServerSessionHandler`.