# Async Process ```{important} This is considered an advanced topic. ``` ## Synchronous versus Asynchronous ```{sidebar} This is also explored in the [Command Duration Tutorial](../Howtos/Howto-Command-Duration.md). ``` Most program code operates *synchronously*. This means that each statement in your code gets processed and finishes before the next can begin. This makes for easy-to-understand code. It is also a *requirement* in many cases - a subsequent piece of code often depend on something calculated or defined in a previous statement. Consider this piece of code in a traditional Python program: ```python print("before call ...") long_running_function() print("after call ...") ``` When run, this will print `"before call ..."`, after which the `long_running_function` gets to work for however long time. Only once that is done, the system prints `"after call ..."`. Easy and logical to follow. Most of Evennia work in this way and often it's important that commands get executed in the same strict order they were coded. Evennia, via Twisted, is a single-process multi-user server. In simple terms this means that it swiftly switches between dealing with player input so quickly that each player feels like they do things at the same time. This is a clever illusion however: If one user, say, runs a command containing that `long_running_function`, *all* other players are effectively forced to wait until it finishes. Now, it should be said that on a modern computer system this is rarely an issue. Very few commands run so long that other users notice it. And as mentioned, most of the time you *want* to enforce all commands to occur in strict sequence. ## `utils.delay` ```{sidebar} delay() vs time.sleep() This is equivalent to something like `time.sleep()` except `delay` is asynchronous while `sleep` would lock the entire server for the duration of the sleep. ``` The `delay` function is a much simpler sibling to `run_async`. It is in fact just a way to delay the execution of a command until a future time. ```python from evennia.utils import delay # [...] # e.g. inside a Command, where `self.caller` is available def callback(obj): obj.msg("Returning!") delay(10, callback, self.caller) ``` This will delay the execution of the callback for 10 seconds. Provide `persistent=True` to make the delay survive a server `reload`. While waiting, you can input commands normally. You can also try the following snippet just see how it works: py from evennia.utils import delay; delay(10, lambda who: who.msg("Test!"), self) Wait 10 seconds and 'Test!' should be echoed back to you. ## `@utils.interactive` decorator The `@interactive` [decorator](https://realpython.com/primer-on-python- decorators/) makes any function or method possible to 'pause' and/or await player input in an interactive way. ```python from evennia.utils import interactive @interactive def myfunc(caller): while True: caller.msg("Getting ready to wait ...") yield(5) caller.msg("Now 5 seconds have passed.") response = yield("Do you want to wait another 5 secs?") if response.lower() not in ("yes", "y"): break ``` The `@interactive` decorator gives the function the ability to pause. The use of `yield(seconds)` will do just that - it will asynchronously pause for the number of seconds given before continuing. This is technically equivalent to using `call_async` with a callback that continues after 5 secs. But the code with `@interactive` is a little easier to follow. Within the `@interactive` function, the `response = yield("question")` question allows you to ask the user for input. You can then process the input, just like you would if you used the Python `input` function. All of this makes the `@interactive` decorator very useful. But it comes with a few caveats. - The decorated function/method/callable must have an argument named exactly `caller`. Evennia will look for an argument with this name and treat it as the source of input. - Decorating a function this way turns it turns it into a Python [generator](https://wiki.python.org/moin/Generators). This means - You can't use `return ` from a generator (just an empty `return` works). To return a value from a function/method you have decorated with `@interactive`, you must instead use a special Twisted function `twisted.internet.defer.returnValue`. Evennia also makes this function conveniently available from `evennia.utils`: ```python from evennia.utils import interactive, returnValue @interactive def myfunc(): # ... result = 10 # this must be used instead of `return result` returnValue(result) ``` ## `utils.run_async` ```{warning} Unless you have a very clear purpose in mind, you are unlikely to get an expected result from `run_async`. Notably, it will still run your long-running function _in the same thread_ as the rest of the server. So while it does run async, a very heavy and CPU-heavy operation will still block the server. So don't consider this as a way to offload heavy operations without affecting the rest of the server. ``` When you don't care in which order the command actually completes, you can run it *asynchronously*. This makes use of the `run_async()` function in `src/utils/utils.py`: ```python run_async(function, *args, **kwargs) ``` Where `function` will be called asynchronously with `*args` and `**kwargs`. Example: ```python from evennia import utils print("before call ...") utils.run_async(long_running_function) print("after call ...") ``` Now, when running this you will find that the program will not wait around for `long_running_function` to finish. In fact you will see `"before call ..."` and `"after call ..."` printed out right away. The long-running function will run in the background and you (and other users) can go on as normal. A complication with using asynchronous calls is what to do with the result from that call. What if `long_running_function` returns a value that you need? It makes no real sense to put any lines of code after the call to try to deal with the result from `long_running_function` above - as we saw the `"after call ..."` got printed long before `long_running_function` was finished, making that line quite pointless for processing any data from the function. Instead one has to use *callbacks*. `utils.run_async` takes reserved kwargs that won't be passed into the long-running function: - `at_return(r)` (the *callback*) is called when the asynchronous function (`long_running_function` above) finishes successfully. The argument `r` will then be the return value of that function (or `None`). ```python def at_return(r): print(r) ``` - `at_return_kwargs` - an optional dictionary that will be fed as keyword arguments to the `at_return` callback. - `at_err(e)` (the *errback*) is called if the asynchronous function fails and raises an exception. This exception is passed to the errback wrapped in a *Failure* object `e`. If you do not supply an errback of your own, Evennia will automatically add one that silently writes errors to the evennia log. An example of an errback is found below: ```python def at_err(e): print("There was an error:", str(e)) ``` - `at_err_kwargs` - an optional dictionary that will be fed as keyword arguments to the `at_err` errback. An example of making an asynchronous call from inside a [Command](../Components/Commands.md) definition: ```python from evennia import utils, Command class CmdAsync(Command): key = "asynccommand" def func(self): def long_running_function(): #[... lots of time-consuming code ...] return final_value def at_return_function(r): self.caller.msg(f"The final value is {r}") def at_err_function(e): self.caller.msg(f"There was an error: {e}") # do the async call, setting all callbacks utils.run_async(long_running_function, at_return=at_return_function, at_err=at_err_function) ``` That's it - from here on we can forget about `long_running_function` and go on with what else need to be done. *Whenever* it finishes, the `at_return_function` function will be called and the final value will pop up for us to see. If not we will see an error message. > Technically, `run_async` is just a very thin and simplified wrapper around a [Twisted Deferred](https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/9.0.0/core/howto/defer.html) object; the wrapper sets up a default errback also if none is supplied. If you know what you are doing there is nothing stopping you from bypassing the utility function, building a more sophisticated callback chain after your own liking.