# In-text tags parsed by Evennia ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 Colors.md Clickable-Links.md Inline-Functions.md ``` Evennia will parse various special tags and markers embedded in text and convert it dynamically depending on if the data is going in or out of the server. - _Colors_ - Using `|r`, `|n` etc can be used to mark parts of text with a color. The color will become ANSI/XTerm256 color tags for Telnet connections and CSS information for the webclient. ``` > say Hello, I'm wearing my |rred hat|n today. ``` - _Clickable links_ - This allows you to provide a text the user can click to execute an in-game command. This is on the form `|lc command |lt text |le`. Clickable links are generally only parsed in the _outgoing_ direction, since if users could provde them, they could be a potential security problem. To activate, `MXP_ENABLED=True` must be added to settings (disabled by default). ``` py self.msg("This is a |c look |ltclickable 'look' link|le") ``` - _FuncParser callables_ - These are full-fledged function calls on the form `$funcname(args, kwargs)` that lead to calls to Python functions. The parser can be run with different available callables in different circumstances. The parser is run on all outgoing messages if `settings.FUNCPARSER_PARSE_OUTGOING_MESSAGES_ENABLED=True` (disabled by default). ``` > say The answer is $eval(40 + 2)! ```