# Basic Map Contribution - helpme 2022 This adds an ascii `map` to a given room which can be viewed with the `map` command. You can easily alter it to add special characters, room colors etc. The map shown is dynamically generated on use, and supports all compass directions and up/down. Other directions are ignored. If you don't expect the map to be updated frequently, you could choose to save the calculated map as a .ndb value on the room and render that instead of running mapping calculations anew each time. ## Installation: Adding the `MapDisplayCmdSet` to the default character cmdset will add the `map` command. Specifically, in `mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py`: ```python ... from evennia.contrib.grid.ingame_map_display import MapDisplayCmdSet # <--- class CharacterCmdset(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet): ... def at_cmdset_creation(self): ... self.add(MapDisplayCmdSet) # <--- ``` Then `reload` to make the new commands available. ## Settings: In order to change your default map size, you can add to `mygame/server/settings.py`: ```python BASIC_MAP_SIZE = 5 # This changes the default map width/height. ``` ## Features: ### ASCII map (and evennia supports UTF-8 characters and even emojis) This produces an ASCII map for players of configurable size. ### New command - `CmdMap` - view the map ---- This document page is generated from `evennia/contrib/grid/ingame_map_display/README.md`. Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.