# How To Contribute And Get Help ## Getting Help If you cannot find what you are looking for in the documentation, here's where to go next: - [The Discussions forums][forum] are great for getting help, starting longer-form discussions, showing off your work or get some input on what you are working on. This is also the place to follow Evennia development. - [The Discord server][chat] has a very helpful `#getting-help` channel for both big and small Evennia problems. It allows for more direct discussion. You can also track both the evennia code changes and the discussion forum from discord. ## Giving Help In general, being active and helpful in the [discssion forums][forum] or [discord chat][chat] is already a big help! If you want to spread the word, consider writing about Evennia on your blog or in your favorite (relevant) forum. Write a review somewhere (good or bad, we like feedback either way). Rate it on listings. Talk about it to your friends ... that kind of thing. ### Help with Documentation Evennia is highly dependent on good-quality documentation! - [Reporting a Documentation issue][issues] is the easiest way to help out. The more eyes we get on things, the better - if we don't know about the problems, we can't fix them! Even reporting typos is a great help. - [Contributing directly to the docs](./Contributing-Docs.md) is also possible; you just need a text editor. You can fix issues or even propose a new tutorial! ### Helping with code Even if you don't feel confident with tackling a bug or feature, just correcting typos, adjusting formatting or simply *using* the thing and reporting when stuff doesn't make sense helps us a lot! - [Reporting a code issue or bug][issues] is the easiest way to help out. Don't assume we are aware of a problem - if it's not written down in an issue, the problem will most likely be forgotten. Do this even if you plan to make a _Pull Request_ and fix the issue yourself. - [Make a feature request][issues] if you want to see a new Evennia feature. You can also bring it up with the community first so you are sure it's something that would be interesting to be included with Evennia core. - [Make a Pull Request](Coding/Version-Control.md#contributing-to-evennia) (PR) to fix bugs or new features. Make sure to follow the [Evennia Code-Style guide](Coding/Evennia-Code-Style.md). - [The Guide for making an Evennia contrib](Contribs/Contribs-Guidelines.md) outlines how you do to make your own Evennia [contrib](Contribs/Contribs-Overview.md) to distribute with Evennia. ### Helping with Donations Evennia is a free and open-source project. Any monetary donations you want to offer are _completely voluntary_. While highly appreciated, we don't expect you to donate and don't hide any secret features behind a donation-paywall. Just see it as a way of showing appreciation by dropping a few coins in the cup. - [Become an Evennia patron][patron] which donates a (usually small) sum every month to show continued support. - [Make a one-time donation][paypal] if a monthly donation is not your thing. This is a PayPal link but you don't need PayPal yourself to use it. [patron]: https://www.patreon.com/griatch [donate]: https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=zbU72YdRqPgsbpTw3M_4vR-5QJ7XvUhL9W6JlnPJw70M9LOqY1xD7xKGx0V1jLFSthY3xAztQpSsqW9n [forking]: Coding/Version-Control#forking-evennia [pullrequest]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/pulls [issues]: https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues [patch]: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Patch_%28computing%29 [codestyle]:: Evennia-Code-Style [forum]:https://github.com/evennia/evennia/discussions [issues]:https://github.com/evennia/evennia/issues/choose [chat]: https://discord.com/invite/AJJpcRUhtF [paypal]: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/GriatchEvennia [patreon]: https://www.patreon.com/griatch [issues-bounties]:https://github.com/evennia/evennia/labels/bounty [bountysource]: https://www.bountysource.com/teams/evennia