# Player Characters In the [previous lesson about rules and dice rolling](./Beginner-Tutorial-Rules.md) we made some assumptions about the "Player Character" entity: - It should store Abilities on itself as `character.strength`, `character.constitution` etc. - It should have a `.heal(amount)` method. So we have some guidelines of how it should look! A Character is a database entity with values that should be able to be changed over time. It makes sense to base it off Evennia's [DefaultCharacter Typeclass](../../../Components/Typeclasses.md). The Character class is like a 'character sheet' in a tabletop RPG, it will hold everything relevant to that PC. ## Inheritance structure Player Characters (PCs) are not the only "living" things in our world. We also have _NPCs_ (like shopkeepers and other friendlies) as well as _monsters_ (mobs) that can attack us. In code, there are a few ways we could structure this. If NPCs/monsters were just special cases of PCs, we could use a class inheritance like this: ```python from evennia import DefaultCharacter class EvAdventureCharacter(DefaultCharacter): # stuff class EvAdventureNPC(EvAdventureCharacter): # more stuff class EvAdventureMob(EvAdventureNPC): # more stuff ``` All code we put on the `Character` class would now be inherited to `NPC` and `Mob` automatically. However, in _Knave_, NPCs and particularly monsters are _not_ using the same rules as PCs - they are simplified to use a Hit-Die (HD) concept. So while still character-like, NPCs should be separate from PCs like this: ```python from evennia import DefaultCharacter class EvAdventureCharacter(DefaultCharacter): # stuff class EvAdventureNPC(DefaultCharacter): # separate stuff class EvAdventureMob(EvadventureNPC): # more separate stuff ``` Nevertheless, there are some things that _should_ be common for all 'living things': - All can take damage. - All can die. - All can heal - All can hold and lose coins - All can loot their fallen foes. - All can get looted when defeated. We don't want to code this separately for every class but we no longer have a common parent class to put it on. So instead we'll use the concept of a _mixin_ class: ```python from evennia import DefaultCharacter class LivingMixin: # stuff common for all living things class EvAdventureCharacter(LivingMixin, DefaultCharacter): # stuff class EvAdventureNPC(LivingMixin, DefaultCharacter): # stuff class EvAdventureMob(LivingMixin, EvadventureNPC): # more stuff ``` ```{sidebar} In [evennia/contrib/tutorials/evadventure/characters.py](../../../api/evennia.contrib.tutorials.evadventure.characters.md) is an example of a character class structure. ``` Above, the `LivingMixin` class cannot work on its own - it just 'patches' the other classes with some extra functionality all living things should be able to do. This is an example of _multiple inheritance_. It's useful to know about, but one should not over-do multiple inheritance since it can also get confusing to follow the code. ## Living mixin class > Create a new module `mygame/evadventure/characters.py` Let's get some useful common methods all living things should have in our game. ```python # in mygame/evadventure/characters.py from .rules import dice class LivingMixin: # makes it easy for mobs to know to attack PCs is_pc = False @property def hurt_level(self): """ String describing how hurt this character is. """ percent = max(0, min(100, 100 * (self.hp / self.hp_max))) if 95 < percent <= 100: return "|gPerfect|n" elif 80 < percent <= 95: return "|gScraped|n" elif 60 < percent <= 80: return "|GBruised|n" elif 45 < percent <= 60: return "|yHurt|n" elif 30 < percent <= 45: return "|yWounded|n" elif 15 < percent <= 30: return "|rBadly wounded|n" elif 1 < percent <= 15: return "|rBarely hanging on|n" elif percent == 0: return "|RCollapsed!|n" def heal(self, hp): """ Heal hp amount of health, not allowing to exceed our max hp """ damage = self.hp_max - self.hp healed = min(damage, hp) self.hp += healed self.msg(f"You heal for {healed} HP.") def at_pay(self, amount): """When paying coins, make sure to never detract more than we have""" amount = min(amount, self.coins) self.coins -= amount return amount def at_attacked(self, attacker, **kwargs): """Called when being attacked and combat starts.""" pass def at_damage(self, damage, attacker=None): """Called when attacked and taking damage.""" self.hp -= damage def at_defeat(self): """Called when defeated. By default this means death.""" self.at_death() def at_death(self): """Called when this thing dies.""" # this will mean different things for different living things pass def at_do_loot(self, looted): """Called when looting another entity""" looted.at_looted(self) def at_looted(self, looter): """Called when looted by another entity""" # default to stealing some coins max_steal = dice.roll("1d10") stolen = self.at_pay(max_steal) looter.coins += stolen ``` Most of these are empty since they will behave differently for characters and npcs. But having them in the mixin means we can expect these methods to be available for all living things. Once we create more of our game, we will need to remember to actually call these hook methods so they serve a purpose. For example, once we implement combat, we must remember to call `at_attacked` as well as the other methods involving taking damage, getting defeated or dying. ## Character class We will now start making the basic Character class, based on what we need from _Knave_. ```python # in mygame/evadventure/characters.py from evennia import DefaultCharacter, AttributeProperty from .rules import dice class LivingMixin: # ... class EvAdventureCharacter(LivingMixin, DefaultCharacter): """ A character to use for EvAdventure. """ is_pc = True strength = AttributeProperty(1) dexterity = AttributeProperty(1) constitution = AttributeProperty(1) intelligence = AttributeProperty(1) wisdom = AttributeProperty(1) charisma = AttributeProperty(1) hp = AttributeProperty(8) hp_max = AttributeProperty(8) level = AttributeProperty(1) xp = AttributeProperty(0) coins = AttributeProperty(0) def at_defeat(self): """Characters roll on the death table""" if self.location.allow_death: # this allow rooms to have non-lethal battles dice.roll_death(self) else: self.location.msg_contents( "$You() $conj(collapse) in a heap, alive but beaten.", from_obj=self) self.heal(self.hp_max) def at_death(self): """We rolled 'dead' on the death table.""" self.location.msg_contents( "$You() collapse in a heap, embraced by death.", from_obj=self) # TODO - go back into chargen to make a new character! ``` We make an assumption about our rooms here - that they have a property `.allow_death`. We need to make a note to actually add such a property to rooms later! In our `Character` class we implement all attributes we want to simulate from the _Knave_ ruleset. The `AttributeProperty` is one way to add an Attribute in a field-like way; these will be accessible on every character in several ways: - As `character.strength` - As `character.db.strength` - As `character.attributes.get("strength")` See [Attributes](../../../Components/Attributes.md) for seeing how Attributes work. Unlike in base _Knave_, we store `coins` as a separate Attribute rather than as items in the inventory, this makes it easier to handle barter and trading later. We implement the Player Character versions of `at_defeat` and `at_death`. We also make use of `.heal()` from the `LivingMixin` class. ### Funcparser inlines This piece of code in the `at_defeat` method above is worth some more extra explanation: ```python self.location.msg_contents( "$You() $conj(collapse) in a heap, alive but beaten.", from_obj=self) ``` Remember that `self` is the Character instance here. So `self.location.msg_contents` means "send a message to everything inside my current location". In other words, send a message to everyone in the same place as the character. The `$You() $conj(collapse)` are [FuncParser inlines](../../../Components/FuncParser.md). These are functions that execute in the string. The resulting string may look different for different audiences. The `$You()` inline function will use `from_obj` to figure out who 'you' are and either show your name or 'You'. The `$conj()` (verb conjugator) will tweak the (English) verb to match. - You will see: `"You collapse in a heap, alive but beaten."` - Others in the room will see: `"Thomas collapses in a heap, alive but beaten."` Note how `$conj()` chose `collapse/collapses` to make the sentences grammatically correct. ### Backtracking We make our first use of the `rules.dice` roller to roll on the death table! As you may recall, in the previous lesson, we didn't know just what to do when rolling 'dead' on this table. Now we know - we should be calling `at_death` on the character. So let's add that where we had TODOs before: ```python # mygame/evadventure/rules.py class EvAdventureRollEngine: # ... def roll_death(self, character): ability_name = self.roll_random_table("1d8", death_table) if ability_name == "dead": # kill the character! character.at_death() # <------ TODO no more else: # ... if current_ability < -10: # kill the character! character.at_death() # <------- TODO no more else: # ... ``` ## Connecting the Character with Evennia You can easily make yourself an `EvAdventureCharacter` in-game by using the `type` command: type self = evadventure.characters.EvAdventureCharacter You can now do `examine self` to check your type updated. If you want _all_ new Characters to be of this type you need to tell Evennia about it. Evennia uses a global setting `BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS` to know which typeclass to use when creating Characters (when logging in, for example). This defaults to `typeclasses.characters.Character` (that is, the `Character` class in `mygame/typeclasses/characters.py`). There are thus two ways to weave your new Character class into Evennia: 1. Change `mygame/server/conf/settings.py` and add `BASE_CHARACTER_TYPECLASS = "evadventure.characters.EvAdventureCharacter"`. 2. Or, change `typeclasses.characters.Character` to inherit from `EvAdventureCharacter`. You must always reload the server for changes like this to take effect. ```{important} In this tutorial we are making all changes in a folder `mygame/evadventure/`. This means we can isolate our code but means we need to do some extra steps to tie the character (and other objects) into Evennia. For your own game it would be just fine to start editing `mygame/typeclasses/characters.py` directly instead. ``` ## Unit Testing > Create a new module `mygame/evadventure/tests/test_characters.py` For testing, we just need to create a new EvAdventure character and check that calling the methods on it doesn't error out. ```python # mygame/evadventure/tests/test_characters.py from evennia.utils import create from evennia.utils.test_resources import BaseEvenniaTest from ..characters import EvAdventureCharacter class TestCharacters(BaseEvenniaTest): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.character = create.create_object(EvAdventureCharacter, key="testchar") def test_heal(self): self.character.hp = 0 self.character.hp_max = 8 self.character.heal(1) self.assertEqual(self.character.hp, 1) # make sure we can't heal more than max self.character.heal(100) self.assertEqual(self.character.hp, 8) def test_at_pay(self): self.character.coins = 100 result = self.character.at_pay(60) self.assertEqual(result, 60) self.assertEqual(self.character.coins, 40) # can't get more coins than we have result = self.character.at_pay(100) self.assertEqual(result, 40) self.assertEqual(self.character.coins, 0) # tests for other methods ... ``` If you followed the previous lessons, these tests should look familiar. Consider adding tests for other methods as practice. Refer to previous lessons for details. For running the tests you do: evennia test --settings settings.py .evadventure.tests.test_characters ## About races and classes _Knave_ doesn't have any D&D-style _classes_ (like Thief, Fighter etc). It also does not bother with _races_ (like dwarves, elves etc). This makes the tutorial shorter, but you may ask yourself how you'd add these functions. In the framework we have sketched out for _Knave_, it would be simple - you'd add your race/class as an Attribute on your Character: ```python # mygame/evadventure/characters.py from evennia import DefaultCharacter, AttributeProperty # ... class EvAdventureCharacter(LivingMixin, DefaultCharacter): # ... charclass = AttributeProperty("Fighter") charrace = AttributeProperty("Human") ``` We use `charclass` rather than `class` here, because `class` is a reserved Python keyword. Naming `race` as `charrace` thus matches in style. We'd then need to expand our [rules module](./Beginner-Tutorial-Rules.md) (and later [character generation](./Beginner-Tutorial-Chargen.md) to check and include what these classes mean. ## Summary With the `EvAdventureCharacter` class in place, we have a better understanding of how our PCs will look like under _Knave_. For now, we only have bits and pieces and haven't been testing this code in-game. But if you want you can swap yourself into `EvAdventureCharacter` right now. Log into your game and run the command type self = evadventure.characters.EvAdventureCharacter If all went well, `ex self` will now show your typeclass as being `EvAdventureCharacter`. Check out your strength with py self.strength = 3 ```{important} When doing `ex self` you will _not_ see all your Abilities listed yet. That's because Attributes added with `AttributeProperty` are not available until they have been accessed at least once. So once you set (or look at) `.strength` above, `strength` will show in `examine` from then on. ```