# Links *A list of resources that may be useful for Evennia users and developers.* ## Official Evennia resources - [evennia.com](https://www.evennia.com) - Main Evennia portal page. Links to all corners of Evennia. - [Evennia development blog](https://www.evennia.com/devblog/index.html) - Musings from the lead developer. - [Evennia on GitHub](https://github.com/evennia/evennia) - Download code and read documentation. - [Evennia on PyPi](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/evennia) - [Evennia on Open Hub](https://www.openhub.net/p/6906) ## Evennia Community - [Evennia Game Index](http://games.evennia.com/) - An automated listing of Evennia games. - [Evennia official Discord channel](https://discord.gg/AJJpcRUhtF) - Chat and get help! - [Evennia official forums](https://github.com/evennia/evennia/discussions) on Github Discussions. - [Evennia subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Evennia/) - A little slower moving, but still active ## Third-party Evennia stuff - [Search Evennia docs with chatGPT](https://chat.openai.com/g/g-Qu7AJQEbZ-evennia-guide) - custom chatGPT loaded with the Evennia docs (as of Dec 2023) - [Evennia-related repos on github](https://github.com/search?p=1&q=evennia) - [Evennia minimud](https://github.com/InspectorCaracal/evennia-minimud) - minimal Evennia game using only contribs, based on Evennia 2.0.0 code. Useful to build from! - [EvscapeRoom](https://github.com/Griatch/evscaperoom) Full code of Evennia-based multiplayer escaperoom (engine is an [Evennia contrib](Contribs/Contrib-Evscaperoom.md)) - [Arx sources](https://github.com/Arx-Game/arxcode) - Open-source code release of the very popular [Arx](https://play.arxmush.org/) Evennia-based game. [Here are instructions for installing](https://www.evennia.com/docs/1.0-dev/Howtos/Arxcode-Installation.html). Uses a somewhat old version of Evennia. - [Encarnia sources](https://github.com/whitehorse-io/encarnia) - An open-sourced game dir for an older version of Evennia with things like races, combat etc. [Summary here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/comments/6z6s3j/encarnia_an_evennia_python_mud_code_base_with/). - [The dark net/March Hare MUD](https://github.com/thedarknet/evennia) from the 2019 [DEF CON 27](https://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-27/dc-27-index.html) hacker conference in Paris. This is an Evennia game dir with batchcode to build the custom _Hackers_ style cyberspace zone with puzzles and challenges [used during the conference](https://dcdark.net/home#). ### Other - [Evennia for MUSHers](https://musoapbox.net/topic/1150/evennia-for-mushers) - An article describing Evennia for those used to the MUSH way of doing things. - *[Language Understanding for Text games using Deep reinforcement learning](http://news.mit.edu/2015/learning-language-playing-computer-games-0924#_msocom_1)* ([PDF](https://people.csail.mit.edu/karthikn/pdfs/mud-play15.pdf)) - MIT research paper using Evennia to train AIs. ---- ## General MU* resources ### Tools - [ROM area reader](https://github.com/ctoth/area_reader) - Parser for converting ROM area files to Python objects. ### Informational - [writing games](https://writing-games.com) - curated collection of blogs and texts on text-based gaming, plenty of MU content - [Imaginary Realities unofficial archive](http://tharsis-gate.org/articles/imaginary.html) - An e-magazine on game and MUD design that has several articles about Evennia. - [Lost Library of MOO](https://www.hayseed.net/MOO/) - Archive of scientific articles on mudding (in particular moo). - [Mud Client/Server Interaction](http://cryosphere.net/mud-protocol.html) - A page on classic MUD telnet protocols. - [Mud-dev wiki](http://mud-dev.wikidot.com/) - A (very) slowly growing resource on MUD creation. - [Mud Tech's fun/cool but ...](https://gc-taylor.com/blog/2013/01/08/mud-tech-funcool-dont-forget-ship-damned-thing/) - Greg Taylor gives good advice on mud design. - [Nick Gammon's hints thread](http://www.gammon.com.au/forum/bbshowpost.php?bbsubject_id=5959) - Contains a very useful list of things to think about when starting your new MUD. - [Raph Koster's laws of game design](https://www.raphkoster.com/games/laws-of-online-world-design/the-laws-of-online-world-design/) - thought-provoking guidelines and things to think about when designing a virtual multiplayer world (Raph is known for *Ultima Online* among other things). ### Interesting Communities - [Grapevine](https://grapevine.haus/) - MUD listings and inter-game chat network - [MUD Coder's Guild](https://mudcoders.com/) - A blog and [associated Slack channel](https://slack.mudcoders.com/) with discussions on MUD development. - [Multi User Dungeon Discord](https://discord.gg/multi-user-dungeon-279748146316312576) General MUD development discord server - [MudBytes](http://www.mudbytes.net/) - MUD listing and forums - [MudConnector](http://www.mudconnect.com/) - MUD listing and forums - [MudLab](http://mudlab.org/) - MUD design discussion forum - [BrandMuDay](https://brandmuday.mythicus.net/) MU* forum mainly focused on MUSH-type gaming. - [MuSoapbox](https://musoapbox.net/) - MU* forum mainly focused on MUSH-type gaming. - [Top Mud Sites](http://www.topmudsites.com/) - MUD listing and forums - [r/MUD on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/) MUD-centered subreddit ---- ## General Game-Dev Resources ### Tools - [GIT](https://git-scm.com/) - [Documentation](https://git-scm.com/documentation) - [Learn GIT in 15 minutes](https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1) (interactive tutorial) ### Frameworks - [Django's homepage](https://www.djangoproject.com/) - [Documentation](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en) - [Code](https://code.djangoproject.com/) - [Twisted homepage](https://twistedmatrix.com/) - [Documentation](https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/index.html) - [Code](https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser) ### Learning Python - [Python Website](https://www.python.org/) - [Documentation](https://www.python.org/doc/) - [Tutorial](https://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html) - [Jetbrains Python academy](https://hyperskill.org/onboarding?track=python) - free online programming curriculum for different skill levels ### General RPG - [Lost Garden](https://lostgarden.home.blog/) - A game development blog with long and interesting articles (not MUD-specific) - [What Games Are](http://whatgamesare.com/) - A blog about general game design (not MUD-specific) - [The Alexandrian](https://thealexandrian.net/) - A blog about tabletop roleplaying and board games, but with lots of general discussion about rule systems and game balance that could be applicable also for MUDs. - [r/RPG on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/) General RPG subreddit ### Literature - Richard Bartle *Designing Virtual Worlds* ([amazon page](https://www.amazon.com/Designing-Virtual-Worlds-Richard-Bartle/dp/0131018167)) - Essential reading for the design of any persistent game world, written by the co-creator of the original game *MUD*. Published in 2003 but it's still as relevant now as when it came out. Covers everything you need to know and then some. When the rights to Designing Virtual Worlds returned to him, Richard Bartle made the PDF of his Designing Virtual Worlds freely available through his own website ([Designing Virtual Worlds](https://mud.co.uk/dvw/)). A direct link to the PDF can be found [here](https://mud.co.uk/richard/DesigningVirtualWorlds.pdf). - David M. Beazley *Python Essential Reference (4th ed)* ([amazon page](https://www.amazon.com/Python-Essential-Reference-David-Beazley/dp/0672329786/)) - Our recommended book on Python; it not only efficiently summarizes the language but is also an excellent reference to the standard library for more experienced Python coders. - Luciano Ramalho, *Fluent Python* ([O'Reilly page](https://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920032519.do)) - This is an excellent book for experienced Python coders willing to take their code to the next level. A great read with a lot of useful info also for veteran Pythonistas. - Richard Cantillon *An Essay on Economic Theory* ([free pdf](https://mises.org/books/essay_on_economic_theory_cantillon.pdf)) - A very good English translation of *Essai sur la Nature du Commerce en Général*, one of the foundations of modern economic theory. Written in 1730 but the translation is annotated and the essay is actually very easy to follow also for a modern reader. Required reading if you think of implementing a sane game economic system.