Scripts for the in-game Python system.
import re
import sys
import traceback
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from queue import Queue
from django.conf import settings
from evennia import ChannelDB, DefaultObject, DefaultScript, ScriptDB, logger
from evennia.contrib.base_systems.ingame_python.callbackhandler import CallbackHandler
from evennia.contrib.base_systems.ingame_python.utils import (
from evennia.utils.ansi import raw
from evennia.utils.create import create_channel
from evennia.utils.dbserialize import dbserialize
from evennia.utils.utils import all_from_module, delay, pypath_to_realpath
# Constants
RE_LINE_ERROR = re.compile(r'^ File "\<string\>", line (\d+)')
[docs]class EventHandler(DefaultScript):
The event handler that contains all events in a global script.
This script shouldn't be created more than once. It contains
event (in a non-persistent attribute) and callbacks (in a
persistent attribute). The script method would help adding,
editing and deleting these events and callbacks.
[docs] def at_script_creation(self):
"""Hook called when the script is created."""
self.key = "event_handler"
self.desc = "Global event handler"
self.persistent = True
# Permanent data to be stored
self.db.callbacks = {}
self.db.to_valid = []
self.db.locked = []
# Tasks
self.db.tasks = {}
[docs] def at_server_start(self):
"""Set up the event system when starting.
Note that this hook is called every time the server restarts
(including when it's reloaded). This hook performs the following
- Create temporarily stored events.
- Generate locals (individual events' namespace).
- Load eventfuncs, including user-defined ones.
- Re-schedule tasks that aren't set to fire anymore.
- Effectively connect the handler to the main script.
self.ndb.events = {}
for typeclass, name, variables, help_text, custom_call, custom_add in EVENTS:
self.add_event(typeclass, name, variables, help_text, custom_call, custom_add)
# Generate locals
self.ndb.current_locals = {}
self.ndb.fresh_locals = {}
addresses = ["evennia.contrib.base_systems.ingame_python.eventfuncs"]
addresses.extend(getattr(settings, "EVENTFUNCS_LOCATIONS", ["world.eventfuncs"]))
for address in addresses:
if pypath_to_realpath(address):
# Restart the delayed tasks
now = datetime.now()
for task_id, definition in tuple(self.db.tasks.items()):
future, obj, event_name, locals = definition
seconds = (future - now).total_seconds()
if seconds < 0:
seconds = 0
delay(seconds, complete_task, task_id)
# Place the script in the CallbackHandler
from evennia.contrib.base_systems.ingame_python import typeclasses
CallbackHandler.script = self
DefaultObject.callbacks = typeclasses.EventObject.callbacks
# Create the channel if non-existent
self.ndb.channel = ChannelDB.objects.get(db_key="everror")
except ChannelDB.DoesNotExist:
self.ndb.channel = create_channel(
desc="Event errors",
[docs] def get_events(self, obj):
Return a dictionary of events on this object.
obj (Object or typeclass): the connected object or a general typeclass.
A dictionary of the object's events.
Events would define what the object can have as
callbacks. Note, however, that chained callbacks will not
appear in events and are handled separately.
You can also request the events of a typeclass, not a
connected object. This is useful to get the global list
of events for a typeclass that has no object yet.
events = {}
all_events = self.ndb.events
classes = Queue()
if isinstance(obj, type):
invalid = []
while not classes.empty():
typeclass = classes.get()
typeclass_name = typeclass.__module__ + "." + typeclass.__name__
for key, etype in all_events.get(typeclass_name, {}).items():
if key in invalid:
if etype[0] is None: # Invalidate
if key not in events:
events[key] = etype
# Look for the parent classes
for parent in typeclass.__bases__:
return events
[docs] def get_variable(self, variable_name):
Return the variable defined in the locals.
This can be very useful to check the value of a variable that can be modified in an event, and whose value will be used in code. This system allows additional customization.
variable_name (str): the name of the variable to return.
The variable if found in the locals.
None if not found in the locals.
This will return the variable from the current locals.
Keep in mind that locals are shared between events. As
every event is called one by one, this doesn't pose
additional problems if you get the variable right after
an event has been executed. If, however, you differ,
there's no guarantee the variable will be here or will
mean the same thing.
return self.ndb.current_locals.get(variable_name)
[docs] def get_callbacks(self, obj):
Return a dictionary of the object's callbacks.
obj (Object): the connected objects.
A dictionary of the object's callbacks.
This method can be useful to override in some contexts,
when several objects would share callbacks.
obj_callbacks = self.db.callbacks.get(obj, {})
callbacks = {}
for callback_name, callback_list in obj_callbacks.items():
new_list = []
for i, callback in enumerate(callback_list):
callback = dict(callback)
callback["obj"] = obj
callback["name"] = callback_name
callback["number"] = i
if new_list:
callbacks[callback_name] = new_list
return callbacks
[docs] def add_callback(self, obj, callback_name, code, author=None, valid=False, parameters=""):
Add the specified callback.
obj (Object): the Evennia typeclassed object to be extended.
callback_name (str): the name of the callback to add.
code (str): the Python code associated with this callback.
author (Character or Account, optional): the author of the callback.
valid (bool, optional): should the callback be connected?
parameters (str, optional): optional parameters.
This method doesn't check that the callback type exists.
obj_callbacks = self.db.callbacks.get(obj, {})
if not obj_callbacks:
self.db.callbacks[obj] = {}
obj_callbacks = self.db.callbacks[obj]
callbacks = obj_callbacks.get(callback_name, [])
if not callbacks:
obj_callbacks[callback_name] = []
callbacks = obj_callbacks[callback_name]
# Add the callback in the list
"created_on": datetime.now(),
"author": author,
"valid": valid,
"code": code,
"parameters": parameters,
# If not valid, set it in 'to_valid'
if not valid:
self.db.to_valid.append((obj, callback_name, len(callbacks) - 1))
# Call the custom_add if needed
custom_add = self.get_events(obj).get(callback_name, [None, None, None, None])[3]
if custom_add:
custom_add(obj, callback_name, len(callbacks) - 1, parameters)
# Build the definition to return (a dictionary)
definition = dict(callbacks[-1])
definition["obj"] = obj
definition["name"] = callback_name
definition["number"] = len(callbacks) - 1
return definition
[docs] def edit_callback(self, obj, callback_name, number, code, author=None, valid=False):
Edit the specified callback.
obj (Object): the Evennia typeclassed object to be edited.
callback_name (str): the name of the callback to edit.
number (int): the callback number to be changed.
code (str): the Python code associated with this callback.
author (Character or Account, optional): the author of the callback.
valid (bool, optional): should the callback be connected?
RuntimeError if the callback is locked.
This method doesn't check that the callback type exists.
obj_callbacks = self.db.callbacks.get(obj, {})
if not obj_callbacks:
self.db.callbacks[obj] = {}
obj_callbacks = self.db.callbacks[obj]
callbacks = obj_callbacks.get(callback_name, [])
if not callbacks:
obj_callbacks[callback_name] = []
callbacks = obj_callbacks[callback_name]
# If locked, don't edit it
if (obj, callback_name, number) in self.db.locked:
raise RuntimeError("this callback is locked.")
# Edit the callback
{"updated_on": datetime.now(), "updated_by": author, "valid": valid, "code": code}
# If not valid, set it in 'to_valid'
if not valid and (obj, callback_name, number) not in self.db.to_valid:
self.db.to_valid.append((obj, callback_name, number))
elif valid and (obj, callback_name, number) in self.db.to_valid:
self.db.to_valid.remove((obj, callback_name, number))
# Build the definition to return (a dictionary)
definition = dict(callbacks[number])
definition["obj"] = obj
definition["name"] = callback_name
definition["number"] = number
return definition
[docs] def del_callback(self, obj, callback_name, number):
Delete the specified callback.
obj (Object): the typeclassed object containing the callback.
callback_name (str): the name of the callback to delete.
number (int): the number of the callback to delete.
RuntimeError if the callback is locked.
obj_callbacks = self.db.callbacks.get(obj, {})
callbacks = obj_callbacks.get(callback_name, [])
# If locked, don't edit it
if (obj, callback_name, number) in self.db.locked:
raise RuntimeError("this callback is locked.")
# Delete the callback itself
code = callbacks[number]["code"]
except IndexError:
"Deleting callback {} {} of {}:\n{}".format(callback_name, number, obj, code)
del callbacks[number]
# Change IDs of callbacks to be validated
i = 0
while i < len(self.db.to_valid):
t_obj, t_callback_name, t_number = self.db.to_valid[i]
if obj is t_obj and callback_name == t_callback_name:
if t_number == number:
# Strictly equal, delete the callback
del self.db.to_valid[i]
i -= 1
elif t_number > number:
# Change the ID for this callback
self.db.to_valid.insert(i, (t_obj, t_callback_name, t_number - 1))
del self.db.to_valid[i + 1]
i += 1
# Update locked callback
for i, line in enumerate(self.db.locked):
t_obj, t_callback_name, t_number = line
if obj is t_obj and callback_name == t_callback_name:
if number < t_number:
self.db.locked[i] = (t_obj, t_callback_name, t_number - 1)
# Delete time-related callbacks associated with this object
for script in obj.scripts.all():
if isinstance(script, TimecallbackScript):
if script.obj is obj and script.db.callback_name == callback_name:
if script.db.number == number:
elif script.db.number > number:
script.db.number -= 1
[docs] def accept_callback(self, obj, callback_name, number):
Valid a callback.
obj (Object): the object containing the callback.
callback_name (str): the name of the callback.
number (int): the number of the callback.
obj_callbacks = self.db.callbacks.get(obj, {})
callbacks = obj_callbacks.get(callback_name, [])
# Accept and connect the callback
callbacks[number].update({"valid": True})
if (obj, callback_name, number) in self.db.to_valid:
self.db.to_valid.remove((obj, callback_name, number))
[docs] def call(self, obj, callback_name, *args, **kwargs):
Call the connected callbacks.
obj (Object): the Evennia typeclassed object.
callback_name (str): the callback name to call.
*args: additional variables for this callback.
Keyword Args:
number (int, optional): call just a specific callback.
parameters (str, optional): call a callback with parameters.
locals (dict, optional): a locals replacement.
True to report the callback was called without interruption,
False otherwise.
# First, look for the callback type corresponding to this name
number = kwargs.get("number")
parameters = kwargs.get("parameters")
locals = kwargs.get("locals")
# Errors should not pass silently
allowed = ("number", "parameters", "locals")
if any(k for k in kwargs if k not in allowed):
raise TypeError(
"Unknown keyword arguments were specified " "to call callbacks: {}".format(kwargs)
event = self.get_events(obj).get(callback_name)
if locals is None and not event:
"The callback {} for the object {} (typeclass "
"{}) can't be found".format(callback_name, obj, type(obj))
return False
# Prepare the locals if necessary
if locals is None:
locals = self.ndb.fresh_locals.copy()
for i, variable in enumerate(event[0]):
locals[variable] = args[i]
except IndexError:
"callback {} of {} ({}): need variable "
"{} in position {}".format(callback_name, obj, type(obj), variable, i)
return False
locals = {key: value for key, value in locals.items()}
callbacks = self.get_callbacks(obj).get(callback_name, [])
if event:
custom_call = event[2]
if custom_call:
callbacks = custom_call(callbacks, parameters)
# Now execute all the valid callbacks linked at this address
self.ndb.current_locals = locals
for i, callback in enumerate(callbacks):
if not callback["valid"]:
if number is not None and callback["number"] != number:
exec(callback["code"], locals, locals)
except InterruptEvent:
return False
except Exception:
etype, evalue, tb = sys.exc_info()
trace = traceback.format_exception(etype, evalue, tb)
self.handle_error(callback, trace)
return True
[docs] def handle_error(self, callback, trace):
Handle an error in a callback.
callback (dict): the callback representation.
trace (list): the traceback containing the exception.
This method can be useful to override to change the default
handling of errors. By default, the error message is sent to
the character who last updated the callback, if connected.
If not, display to the everror channel.
callback_name = callback["name"]
number = callback["number"]
obj = callback["obj"]
oid = obj.id
"An error occurred during the callback {} of "
"{} (#{}), number {}\n{}".format(callback_name, obj, oid, number + 1, "\n".join(trace))
# Create the error message
line = "|runknown|n"
lineno = "|runknown|n"
for error in trace:
if error.startswith(' File "<string>", line '):
res = RE_LINE_ERROR.search(error)
if res:
lineno = int(res.group(1))
# Try to extract the line
line = raw(callback["code"].splitlines()[lineno - 1])
except IndexError:
exc = raw(trace[-1].strip("\n").splitlines()[-1])
err_msg = "Error in {} of {} (#{})[{}], line {}:" " {}\n{}".format(
callback_name, obj, oid, number + 1, lineno, line, exc
# Inform the last updater if connected
updater = callback.get("updated_by")
if updater is None:
updater = callback["created_by"]
if updater and updater.sessions.all():
err_msg = "Error in {} of {} (#{})[{}], line {}:" " {}\n {}".format(
callback_name, obj, oid, number + 1, lineno, line, exc
[docs] def add_event(self, typeclass, name, variables, help_text, custom_call, custom_add):
Add a new event for a defined typeclass.
typeclass (str): the path leading to the typeclass.
name (str): the name of the event to add.
variables (list of str): list of variable names for this event.
help_text (str): the long help text of the event.
custom_call (callable or None): the function to be called
when the event fires.
custom_add (callable or None): the function to be called when
a callback is added.
if typeclass not in self.ndb.events:
self.ndb.events[typeclass] = {}
events = self.ndb.events[typeclass]
if name not in events:
events[name] = (variables, help_text, custom_call, custom_add)
[docs] def set_task(self, seconds, obj, callback_name):
Set and schedule a task to run.
seconds (int, float): the delay in seconds from now.
obj (Object): the typecalssed object connected to the event.
callback_name (str): the callback's name.
This method allows to schedule a "persistent" task.
'utils.delay' is called, but a copy of the task is kept in
the event handler, and when the script restarts (after reload),
the differed delay is called again.
The dictionary of locals is frozen and will be available
again when the task runs. This feature, however, is limited
by the database: all data cannot be saved. Lambda functions,
class methods, objects inside an instance and so on will
not be kept in the locals dictionary.
now = datetime.now()
delta = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
# Choose a free task_id
used_ids = list(self.db.tasks.keys())
task_id = 1
while task_id in used_ids:
task_id += 1
# Collect and freeze current locals
locals = {}
for key, value in self.ndb.current_locals.items():
except TypeError:
locals[key] = value
self.db.tasks[task_id] = (now + delta, obj, callback_name, locals)
delay(seconds, complete_task, task_id)
# Script to call time-related events
[docs]class TimeEventScript(DefaultScript):
"""Gametime-sensitive script."""
[docs] def at_script_creation(self):
"""The script is created."""
self.start_delay = True
self.persistent = True
# Script attributes
self.db.time_format = None
self.db.event_name = "time"
self.db.number = None
[docs] def at_repeat(self):
Call the event and reset interval.
It is necessary to restart the script to reset its interval
only twice after a reload. When the script has undergone
down time, there's usually a slight shift in game time. Once
the script restarts once, it will set the average time it
needs for all its future intervals and should not need to be
restarted. In short, a script that is created shouldn't need
to restart more than once, and a script that is reloaded should
restart only twice.
if self.db.time_format:
# If the 'usual' time is set, use it
seconds = self.ndb.usual
if seconds is None:
seconds, usual, details = get_next_wait(self.db.time_format)
self.ndb.usual = usual
if self.interval != seconds:
if self.db.event_name and self.db.number is not None:
obj = self.obj
if not obj.callbacks:
event_name = self.db.event_name
number = self.db.number
obj.callbacks.call(event_name, obj, number=number)
# Functions to manipulate tasks
[docs]def complete_task(task_id):
Mark the task in the event handler as complete.
task_id (int): the task ID.
This function should be called automatically for individual tasks.
script = ScriptDB.objects.get(db_key="event_handler")
except ScriptDB.DoesNotExist:
logger.log_trace("Can't get the event handler.")
if task_id not in script.db.tasks:
logger.log_err("The task #{} was scheduled, but it cannot be " "found".format(task_id))
delta, obj, callback_name, locals = script.db.tasks.pop(task_id)
script.call(obj, callback_name, locals=locals)