

Rolls dice for roleplaying, in-game gambling or GM:ing

Evennia contribution - Griatch 2012

This module implements a a dice-roller and a dice/roll command to go with it. It uses standard RPG ‘d’-syntax (e.g. 2d6 to roll two six-sided die) and also supports modifiers such as 3d6 + 5.

> roll 1d20 + 2

One can also specify a standard Python operator in order to specify eventual target numbers and get results in a fair and guaranteed unbiased way. For example a GM could (using the dice command) from the start define the roll as 2d6 < 8 to show that a roll below 8 is required to succeed. The command will normally echo this result to all parties (although it also has options for hidden and secret rolls).


Add the CmdDice command from this module to your character’s cmdset (and then restart the server):

# in mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py

# ...
from evennia.contrib.rpg import dice  <---

class CharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):
    # ...
    def at_cmdset_creation(self):
        # ...
        self.add(dice.CmdDice())  # <---


roll 1d100 + 10

To roll dice in code, use the roll function from this module:

from evennia.contrib.rpg import dice

dice.roll(“3d10 + 2”)

If your system generates the dice dynamically you can also enter each part of the roll separately:

dice.roll(3, 10, (“+”, 2)) # 3d10 + 2

evennia.contrib.rpg.dice.dice.roll(dice, dicetype=6, modifier=None, conditional=None, return_tuple=False, max_dicenum=10, max_dicetype=1000)[source]

This is a standard dice roller.

  • dice (int or str) – If an int, this is the number of dice to roll, and dicetype is used to determine the type. If a str, it should be on the form NdM where N is the number of dice and M is the number of sides on each die. Also NdM [modifier] [number] [conditional] is understood, e.g. 1d6 + 3 or 2d10 / 2 > 10.

  • dicetype (int, optional) – Number of sides of the dice to be rolled. Ignored if dice is a string.

  • modifier (tuple, optional) – A tuple (operator, value), where operator is one of “+”, “-”, “/” or “*”. The result of the dice roll(s) will be modified by this value. Ignored if dice is a string.

  • conditional (tuple, optional) – A tuple (conditional, value), where conditional is one of “==”,**”<”,”>”,”>=”,”<=**” or “!=”. Ignored if dice is a string.

  • return_tuple (bool) – Return a tuple with all individual roll results or not.

  • max_dicenum (int) – The max number of dice to allow to be rolled.

  • max_dicetype (int) – The max number of sides on the dice to roll.


int, bool or tuple – By default, this is the result of the roll + modifiers. If conditional is given, or dice is a string defining a conditional, then a True/False value is returned. Finally, if return_tuple is set, this is a tuple (result, outcome, diff, rolls), where, result is the the normal result of the roll + modifiers, outcome and diff are the boolean absolute difference between the roll and the conditional input; both will be will be None if conditional is not set. The rolls a tuple holding all the individual rolls (one or more depending on how many dice were rolled).


TypeError if non-supported modifiers or conditionals are given.


All input numbers are converted to integers.



# string form print roll(“3d6 + 2”) 10 print roll(“2d10 + 2 > 10”) True print roll(“2d20 - 2 >= 10”) (8, False, 2, (4, 6)) # roll was 4 + 6 - 2 = 8

# explicit arguments print roll(2, 6) # 2d6 7 print roll(1, 100, (‘+’, 5) # 1d100 + 5 4 print roll(1, 20, conditional=(‘<’, 10) # let’say we roll 3 True print roll(3, 10, return_tuple=True) (11, None, None, (2, 5, 4)) print roll(2, 20, (‘-’, 2), conditional=(‘>=’, 10), return_tuple=True) (8, False, 2, (4, 6)) # roll was 4 + 6 - 2 = 8

evennia.contrib.rpg.dice.dice.roll_dice(dice, dicetype=6, modifier=None, conditional=None, return_tuple=False, max_dicenum=10, max_dicetype=1000)

This is a standard dice roller.

  • dice (int or str) – If an int, this is the number of dice to roll, and dicetype is used to determine the type. If a str, it should be on the form NdM where N is the number of dice and M is the number of sides on each die. Also NdM [modifier] [number] [conditional] is understood, e.g. 1d6 + 3 or 2d10 / 2 > 10.

  • dicetype (int, optional) – Number of sides of the dice to be rolled. Ignored if dice is a string.

  • modifier (tuple, optional) – A tuple (operator, value), where operator is one of “+”, “-”, “/” or “*”. The result of the dice roll(s) will be modified by this value. Ignored if dice is a string.

  • conditional (tuple, optional) – A tuple (conditional, value), where conditional is one of “==”,**”<”,”>”,”>=”,”<=**” or “!=”. Ignored if dice is a string.

  • return_tuple (bool) – Return a tuple with all individual roll results or not.

  • max_dicenum (int) – The max number of dice to allow to be rolled.

  • max_dicetype (int) – The max number of sides on the dice to roll.


int, bool or tuple – By default, this is the result of the roll + modifiers. If conditional is given, or dice is a string defining a conditional, then a True/False value is returned. Finally, if return_tuple is set, this is a tuple (result, outcome, diff, rolls), where, result is the the normal result of the roll + modifiers, outcome and diff are the boolean absolute difference between the roll and the conditional input; both will be will be None if conditional is not set. The rolls a tuple holding all the individual rolls (one or more depending on how many dice were rolled).


TypeError if non-supported modifiers or conditionals are given.


All input numbers are converted to integers.



# string form print roll(“3d6 + 2”) 10 print roll(“2d10 + 2 > 10”) True print roll(“2d20 - 2 >= 10”) (8, False, 2, (4, 6)) # roll was 4 + 6 - 2 = 8

# explicit arguments print roll(2, 6) # 2d6 7 print roll(1, 100, (‘+’, 5) # 1d100 + 5 4 print roll(1, 20, conditional=(‘<’, 10) # let’say we roll 3 True print roll(3, 10, return_tuple=True) (11, None, None, (2, 5, 4)) print roll(2, 20, (‘-’, 2), conditional=(‘>=’, 10), return_tuple=True) (8, False, 2, (4, 6)) # roll was 4 + 6 - 2 = 8

class evennia.contrib.rpg.dice.dice.CmdDice(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

roll dice


dice[/switch] <nr>d<sides> [modifier] [success condition]


hidden - tell the room the roll is being done, but don’t show the result secret - don’t inform the room about neither roll nor result


dice 3d6 + 4 dice 1d100 - 2 < 50

This will roll the given number of dice with given sides and modifiers. So e.g. 2d6 + 3 means to ‘roll a 6-sided die 2 times and add the result, then add 3 to the total’. Accepted modifiers are +, -, * and /. A success condition is given as normal Python conditionals (<,>,<=,>=,==,!=). So e.g. 2d6 + 3 > 10 means that the roll will succeed only if the final result is above 8. If a success condition is given, the outcome (pass/fail) will be echoed along with how much it succeeded/failed with. The hidden/secret switches will hide all or parts of the roll from everyone but the person rolling.

key = 'dice'
aliases = ['roll', '@dice']
locks = 'cmd:all()'

Mostly parsing for calling the dice roller function

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'roll @dice', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'dice', 'no_prefix': ' roll dice', 'tags': '', 'text': "\n roll dice\n\n Usage:\n dice[/switch] <nr>d<sides> [modifier] [success condition]\n\n Switch:\n hidden - tell the room the roll is being done, but don't show the result\n secret - don't inform the room about neither roll nor result\n\n Examples:\n dice 3d6 + 4\n dice 1d100 - 2 < 50\n\n This will roll the given number of dice with given sides and modifiers.\n So e.g. 2d6 + 3 means to 'roll a 6-sided die 2 times and add the result,\n then add 3 to the total'.\n Accepted modifiers are +, -, * and /.\n A success condition is given as normal Python conditionals\n (<,>,<=,>=,==,!=). So e.g. 2d6 + 3 > 10 means that the roll will succeed\n only if the final result is above 8. If a success condition is given, the\n outcome (pass/fail) will be echoed along with how much it succeeded/failed\n with. The hidden/secret switches will hide all or parts of the roll from\n everyone but the person rolling.\n "}
class evennia.contrib.rpg.dice.dice.DiceCmdSet(cmdsetobj=None, key=None)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet

a small cmdset for testing purposes. Add with @py self.cmdset.add(“contrib.dice.DiceCmdSet”)


Called when set is created

path = 'evennia.contrib.rpg.dice.dice.DiceCmdSet'