3. Intro to using Python with Evennia

Time to dip our toe into some coding! Evennia is written and extended in Python. Python is a mature and professional programming language that is very fast to work with.

That said, even though Python is widely considered easy to learn, we can only cover the basics in these lessons. While we will hopefully get you started with the most important bits you need, you may likely need to compliment with some learning on your own. Luckily there’s a vast amount of free online learning resources available for Python. See our link section for some examples.

While this will be quite basic if you are an experienced developer, you may want to at least stay around for the first few sections where we cover how to run Python from inside Evennia.

First, if you were quelling yourself to play the tutorial world, make sure to get your superuser powers back:


3.1. Evennia Hello world

The py Command (or !, which is an alias) allows you as a superuser to execute raw Python from in-game. This is useful for quick testing. From the game’s input line, enter the following:

> py print("Hello World!")

You will see

> print("Hello world!")
Hello World!

The print(...) function is the basic, in-built way to output text in Python. We are sending “Hello World” as a single argument to this function. If we were to send multiple arguments, they’d be separated by commas.

The quotes "..." mean that you are inputting a string (i.e. text). You could also have used single-quotes '...' - Python accepts both.

A third way to enter Python strings is to use triple-quotes ("""...""" or '''...'''. This is used for longer strings stretching across multiple lines. When we insert code directly to py like this we can only use one line though.

3.2. Making some text ‘graphics’

When making a text-game you will, unsurprisingly, be working a lot with text. Even if you have the occational button or even graphical element, the normal process is for the user to input commands as text and get text back. As we saw above, a piece of text is called a string in Python and is enclosed in either single- or double-quotes.

Strings can be added together:

> py print("This is a " + "breaking change.")
This is a breaking change.

A string multiplied with a number will repeat that string as many times:

> py print("|" + "-" * 40 + "|")


> py print("A" + "a" * 5 + "rgh!")

3.2.1. .format()

While combining different strings is useful, even more powerful is the ability to modify the contents of the string in-place. There are several ways to do this in Python and we’ll show two of them here. The first is to use the .format method of the string:

> py print("This is a {} idea!".format("good"))
This is a good idea!

A method can be thought of as a resource “on” another object. The method knows on which object it sits and can thus affect it in various ways. You access it with the period .. In this case, the string has a resource format(...) that modifies it. More specifically, it replaced the {} marker inside the string with the value passed to the format. You can do so many times:

> py print("This is a {} idea!".format("good"))
This is a good idea!


> py print("This is the {} and {} {} idea!".format("first", "second", "great"))
This is the first and second great idea!

Note the double-parenthesis at the end - the first closes the format(... method and the outermost closes the print(.... Not closing them will give you a scary SyntaxError. We will talk a little more about errors in the next section, for now just fix until it prints as expected.

Here we passed three comma-separated strings as arguments to the string’s format method. These replaced the {} markers in the same order as they were given.

The input does not have to be strings either:

> py print("STR: {}, DEX: {}, INT: {}".format(12, 14, 8))
STR: 12, DEX: 14, INT: 8

To separate two Python instructions on the same line, you use the semi-colon, ;. Try this:

> py a = "awesome sauce" ; print("This is {}!".format(a))
This is awesome sauce!


MUD clients and semi-colon

Some MUD clients use the semi-colon ; to split client-inputs into separate sends. If so, the above will give an error. Most clients allow you to run in ‘verbatim’ mode or to remap to use some other separator than ;. If you still have trouble, use the Evennia web client.

What happened here was that we assigned the string "awesome sauce" to a variable we chose to name a. In the next statement, Python remembered what a was and we passed that into format() to get the output. If you replaced the value of a with something else in between, that would be printed instead.

Here’s the stat-example again, moving the stats to variables (here we just set them, but in a real game they may be changed over time, or modified by circumstance):

> py stren, dext, intel = 13, 14, 8 ; print("STR: {}, DEX: {}, INT: {}".format(stren, dext, intel))
STR: 13, DEX: 14, INT: 8

The point is that even if the values of the stats change, the print() statement would not change - it just keeps pretty-printing whatever is given to it.

You can also use named markers, like this:

 > py print("STR: {stren}, INT: {intel}, STR again: {stren}".format(dext=10, intel=18, stren=9))
 STR: 9, INT: 18, Str again: 9

the key=value pairs we add are called keyword arguments for the format() method. Each named argument will go to the matching {key} in the string. When using keywords, the order we add them doesn’t matter. We have no {dext} and two {stren} in the string, and that works fine.

3.2.2. f-strings

Using .format() is powerful (and there is a lot more you can do with it). But the f-string can be even more convenient. An f-string looks like a normal string … except there is an f front of it, like this:

f"this is now an f-string."

An f-string on its own is just like any other string. But let’s redo the example we did before, using an f-string:

> py a = "awesome sauce" ; print(f"This is {a}!")
This is awesome sauce!

We insert that a variable directly into the f-string using {a}. Fewer parentheses to remember and arguable easier to read as well!

> py stren, dext, intel = 13, 14, 8 ; print(f"STR: {stren}, DEX: {dext}, INT: {intel}")
STR: 13, DEX: 14, INT: 8

In modern Python code, f-strings are more often used than .format() but to read code you need to be aware of both.

We will be exploring more complex string concepts when we get to creating Commands and need to parse and understand player input.

3.2.3. Colored text

Python itself knows nothing about colored text, this is an Evennia thing. Evennia supports the standard color schemes of traditional MUDs.

> py print("|rThis is red text!|n This is normal color.")

Adding that |r at the start will turn our output bright red. |R will make it dark red. |n gives the normal text color. You can also use RGB (Red-Green-Blue) values from 0-5 (Xterm256 colors):

> py print("|043This is a blue-green color.|[530|003 Now dark blue text on orange background.")

If you don’t see the expected color, your client or terminal may not support Xterm256 (or color at all). Use the Evennia webclient.

Use the commands color ansi or color xterm to see which colors are available. Experiment! You can also read a lot more in the Colors documentation.

3.3. Importing code from other modules

As we saw in the previous sections, we used .format to format strings and me.msg to access the msg method on me. This use of the full-stop character is used to access all sorts of resources, including that in other Python modules.

Keep your game running, then open a text editor of your choice. If your game folder is called mygame, create a new text file test.py in the subfolder mygame/world. This is how the file structure should look:


For now, only add one line to test.py:

print("Hello World!")

Don’t forget to save the file. We just created our first Python module! To use this in-game we have to import it. Try this:

> py import world.test
Hello World

If you make some error (we’ll cover how to handle errors below), make sure the text looks exactly like above and then run the reload command in-game for your changes to take effect.

… So as you can see, importing world.test actually means importing world/test.py. Think of the period . as replacing / (or \ for Windows) in your path.

The .py ending of test.py is never included in this “Python-path”, but only files with that ending can be imported this way. Where is mygame in that Python-path? The answer is that Evennia has already told Python that your mygame folder is a good place to look for imports. So we should not include mygame in the path - Evennia handles this for us.

When you import the module, the top “level” of it will execute. In this case, it will immediately print “Hello World”.

Now try to run this a second time:

> py import world.test

You will not see any output this or any subsequent times! This is not a bug. Rather it is because of how Python importing works - it stores all imported modules and will avoid importing them more than once. So your print will only run the first time, when the module is first imported.

Try this:

> reload

And then

> py import world.test
Hello World!

Now we see it again. The reload wiped the server’s memory of what was imported, so it had to import it anew. You’d have to do this every time you wanted the hello-world to show, which is not very useful.

We’ll get back to more advanced ways to import code in a later lesson - this is an important topic. But for now, let’s press on and resolve this particular problem.

3.3.1. Our first own function

We want to be able to print our hello-world message at any time, not just once after a server reload. Change your mygame/world/test.py file to look like this:

def hello_world():
    print("Hello World!")

As we are moving to multi-line Python code, there are some important things to remember:

  • Capitalization matters in Python. It must be def and not DEF, hello_world() is not the same as Hello_World().

  • Indentation matters in Python. The second line must be indented or it’s not valid code. You should also use a consistent indentation length. We strongly recommend that you, for your own sanity’s sake, set up your editor to always indent 4 spaces (not a single tab-character) when you press the TAB key.

So about that function. Line 1:

  • def is short for “define” and defines a function (or a method, if sitting on an object). This is a reserved Python keyword; try not to use these words anywhere else.

  • A function name can not have spaces but otherwise we could have called it almost anything. We call it hello_world. Evennia follows Python’s standard naming style with lowercase letters and underscores. We recommend you do the same.

  • The colon (:) at the end of line 1 indicates that the header of the function is complete.

Line 2:

  • The indentation marks the beginning of the actual operating code of the function (the function’s body). If we wanted more lines to belong to this function those lines would all have to start at least at this indentation level.

Now let’s try this out. First reload your game to have it pick up our updated Python module, then import it.

> reload
> py import world.test

Nothing happened! That is because the function in our module won’t do anything just by importing it (this is what we wanted). It will only act when we call it. So we need to first import the module and then access the function within:

> py import world.test ; world.test.hello_world()
Hello world!

There is our “Hello World”! As mentioned earlier, use use semi-colon to put multiple Python-statements on one line. Note also the previous warning about mud-clients using the ; to their own ends.

So what happened there? First we imported world.test as usual. But this time the ‘top level’ of the module only defined a function. It didn’t actually execute the body of that function.

By adding () to the hello_world function we call it. That is, we execute the body of the function and print our text. We can now redo this as many times as we want without having to reload in between:

> py import world.test ; world.test.hello_world()
Hello world!
> py import world.test ; world.test.hello_world()
Hello world!

3.4. Sending text to others

The print command is a standard Python structure. We can use that here in the py command since we can se the output. It’s great for debugging and quick testing. But if you need to send a text to an actual player, print won’t do, because it doesn’t know who to send to. Try this:

> py me.msg("Hello world!")
Hello world!

This looks the same as the print result, but we are now actually messaging a specific object, me. The me is a shortcut to ‘us’, the one running the py command. It is not some special Python thing, but something Evennia just makes available in the py command for convenience (self is an alias).

The me is an example of an Object instance. Objects are fundamental in Python and Evennia. The me object also contains a lot of useful resources for doing things with that object. We access those resources with ‘.’.

One such resource is msg, which works like print except it sends the text to the object it is attached to. So if we, for example, had an object you, doing you.msg(...) would send a message to the object you.

For now, print and me.msg behaves the same, just remember that print is mainly used for debugging and .msg() will be more useful for you in the future.

3.5. Parsing Python errors

Let’s try this new text-sending in the function we just created. Go back to your test.py file and Replace the function with this instead:

def hello_world():
    me.msg("Hello World!")

Save your file and reload your server to tell Evennia to re-import new code, then run it like before:

 > py import world.test ; world.test.hello_world()

No go - this time you get an error!

File "./world/test.py", line 2, in hello_world
    me.msg("Hello World!")
NameError: name 'me' is not defined

This is called a traceback. Python’s errors are very friendly and will most of the time tell you exactly what and where things go wrong. It’s important that you learn to parse tracebacks so you know how to fix your code.

A traceback is to be read from the bottom up:

  • (line 3) An error of type NameError is the problem …

  • (line 3) … more specifically it is due to the variable me not being defined.

  • (line 2) This happened on the line me.msg("Hello world!")

  • (line 1) … which is on line 2 of the file ./world/test.py.

In our case the traceback is short. There may be many more lines above it, tracking just how different modules called each other until the program got to the faulty line. That can sometimes be useful information, but reading from the bottom is always a good start.

The NameError we see here is due to a module being its own isolated thing. It knows nothing about the environment into which it is imported. It knew what print is because that is a special reserved Python keyword. But me is not such a reserved word (as mentioned, it’s just something Evennia came up with for convenience in the py command). As far as the module is concerned me is an unfamiliar name, appearing out of nowhere. Hence the NameError.

3.6. Passing arguments to functions

We know that me exists at the point when we run the py command, because we can do py me.msg("Hello World!") with no problem. So let’s pass that me along to the function so it knows what it should be. Go back to your test.py and change it to this:

def hello_world(who):
    who.msg("Hello World!")

We now added an argument to the function. We could have named it anything. Whatever who is, we will call a method .msg() on it.

As usual, reload the server to make sure the new code is available.

> py import world.test ; world.test.hello_world(me)
Hello World!

Now it worked. We passed me to our function. It will appear inside the function renamed as who and now the function works and prints as expected. Note how the hello_world function doesn’t care what you pass into it as long as it has a .msg() method on it. So you could reuse this function over and over for other suitable targets.

Extra Credit: As an exercise, try to pass something else into hello_world. Try for example to pass the number 5 or the string "foo". You’ll get errors telling you that they don’t have the attribute msg. They don’t care about me itself not being a string or a number. If you are familiar with other programming languages (especially C/Java) you may be tempted to start validating who to make sure it’s of the right type before you send it. This is usually not recommended in Python. Python philosophy is to handle the error if it happens rather than to add a lot of code to prevent it from happening. See duck typing and the concept of Leap before you Look.

3.7. Finding others to send to

Let’s wrap up this first Python py crash-course by finding someone else to send to.

In Evennia’s contrib/ folder (evennia/contrib/tutorial_examples/mirror.py) is a handy little object called the TutorialMirror. The mirror will echo whatever is being sent to it to the room it is in.

On the game command-line, let’s create a mirror:

> create/drop mirror:contrib.tutorials.mirror.TutorialMirror

A mirror should appear in your location.

> look mirror
mirror shows your reflection:
This is User #1

What you are seeing is actually your own avatar in the game, the same thing that is available as me in the py command.

What we are aiming for now is the equivalent of mirror.msg("Mirror Mirror on the wall"). But the first thing that comes to mind will not work:

> py mirror.msg("Mirror, Mirror on the wall ...")
NameError: name 'mirror' is not defined.

This is not surprising: Python knows nothing about “mirrors” or locations or anything. The me we’ve been using is, as mentioned, just a convenient thing the Evennia devs makes available to the py command. They couldn’t possibly predict that you wanted to talk to mirrors.

Instead we will need to search for that mirror object before we can send to it. Make sure you are in the same location as the mirror and try:

> py me.search("mirror")

me.search("name") will, by default, search and return an object with the given name found in the same location as the me object is. If it can’t find anything you’ll see an error.

> py me.search("dummy")
Could not find 'dummy'.

Wanting to find things in the same location is very common, but as we continue we’ll find that Evennia provides ample tools for tagging, searching and finding things from all over your game.

Now that we know how to find the ‘mirror’ object, we just need to use that instead of me!

> py mirror = self.search("mirror") ; mirror.msg("Mirror, Mirror on the wall ...")
mirror echoes back to you:
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall ..."

The mirror is useful for testing because its .msg method just echoes whatever is sent to it back to the room. More common would be to talk to a player character, in which case the text you sent would have appeared in their game client.

3.8. Multi-line py

So far we have use py in single-line mode, using ; to separate multiple inputs. This is very convenient when you want to do some quick testing. But you can also start a full multi-line Python interactive interpreter inside Evennia.

> py
Evennia Interactive Python mode
Python 3.11.0 (default, Nov 22 2022, 11:21:55)
[GCC 8.2.0] on Linux
[py mode - quit() to exit]

(the details of the output will vary with your Python version and OS). You are now in python interpreter mode. It means that everything you insert from now on will become a line of Python (you can no longer look around or do other commands).

> print("Hello World")

>>> print("Hello World")
Hello World
[py mode - quit() to exit]

Note that we didn’t need to put py in front now. The system will also echo your input (that’s the bit after the >>>). For brevity in this tutorial we’ll turn the echo off. First exit py and then start again with the /noecho flag.

> quit()
Closing the Python console.
> py/noecho
Evennia Interactive Python mode (no echoing of prompts)
Python 3.11.0 (default, Nov 22 2022, 11:21:56)
[GCC 8.2.0] on Linux
[py mode - quit() to exit]

We can now enter multi-line Python code:

> a = "Test"
> print(f"This is a {a}.")
This is a Test.

Let’s try to define a function:

> def hello_world(who, txt):
>     who.msg(txt)
[py mode - quit() to exit]

Some important things above:

  • Defining a function with def means we are starting a new code block. Python works so that you mark the content of the block with indention. So the next line must be manually indented (4 spaces is a good standard) in order for Python to know it’s part of the function body.

  • We expand the hello_world function with another argument txt. This allows us to send any text, not just “Hello World” over and over.

  • To tell py that no more lines will be added to the function body, we end with an empty input. When the normal prompt returns, we know we are done.

Now we have defined a new function. Let’s try it out:

> hello_world(me, "Hello world to me!")
Hello world to me!

The me is still available to us, so we pass that as the who argument, along with a little longer string. Let’s combine this with searching for the mirror.

> mirror = me.search("mirror")
> hello_world(mirror, "Mirror, Mirror on the wall ...")
mirror echoes back to you:
"Mirror, Mirror on the wall ..."

Exit the py mode with

> quit()
Closing the Python console.

3.9. Other ways to test Python code

The py command is very powerful for experimenting with Python in-game. It’s great for quick testing. But you are still limited to working over telnet or the webclient, interfaces that doesn’t know anything about Python per-se.

Outside the game, go to the terminal where you ran Evennia (or any terminal where the evennia command is available).

  • cd to your game dir.

  • evennia shell

A Python shell opens. This works like py did inside the game, with the exception that you don’t have me available out of the box. If you want me, you need to first find yourself:

> import evennia
> me = evennia.search_object("YourChar")[0]

Here we make use of one of evennia’s search functions, available by importing evennia directly. We will cover more advanced searching later, but suffice to say, you put your own character name instead of “YourChar” above.

The [0] at the end is because .search_object returns a list of objects and we want to get at the first of them (counting starts from 0).

Use Ctrl-D (Cmd-D on Mac) or quit() to exit the Python console.

3.10. ipython

The default Python shell is quite limited and ugly. It’s highly recommended to install ipython instead. This is a much nicer, third-party Python interpreter with colors and many usability improvements.

pip install ipython

If ipython is installed, evennia shell will use it automatically.

evennia shell
IPython 7.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help
In [1]: You now have Tab-completion:

> import evennia
> evennia.<TAB>

That is, enter evennia. and then press the TAB key - you will be given a list of all the resources available on the evennia object. This is great for exploring what Evennia has to offer. For example, use your arrow keys to scroll to search_object() to fill it in.

> evennia.search_object?

Adding a ? and pressing return will give you the full documentation for .search_object. Use ?? if you want to see the entire source code.

As for the normal python interpreter, use Ctrl-D/Cmd-D or quit() to exit ipython.


Persistent code

Common for both py and python/ipython is that the code you write is not persistent - it will be gone after you shut down the interpreter (but ipython will remember your input history). For making long-lasting Python code, we need to save it in a Python module, like we did for world/test.py.

3.11. Conclusions

This covers quite a lot of basic Python usage. We printed and formatted strings, defined our own first function, fixed an error and even searched and talked to a mirror! Being able to access python inside and outside of the game is an important skill for testing and debugging, but in practice you will be writing most your code in Python modules.

To that end we also created a first new Python module in the mygame/ game dir, then imported and used it. Now let’s look at the rest of the stuff you’ve got going on inside that mygame/ folder …