Source code for evennia.accounts.manager

The managers for the custom Account object and permissions.

import datetime

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import UserManager
from django.utils import timezone

from evennia.server import signals
from evennia.typeclasses.managers import TypeclassManager, TypedObjectManager
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module, dbid_to_obj, make_iter

__all__ = ("AccountManager", "AccountDBManager")

# Account Manager

[docs]class AccountDBManager(TypedObjectManager, UserManager): """ This AccountManager implements methods for searching and manipulating Accounts directly from the database. Evennia-specific search methods (will return Characters if possible or a Typeclass/list of Typeclassed objects, whereas Django-general methods will return Querysets or database objects): dbref (converter) dbref_search get_dbref_range object_totals typeclass_search num_total_accounts get_connected_accounts get_recently_created_accounts get_recently_connected_accounts get_account_from_email get_account_from_uid get_account_from_name account_search (equivalent to evennia.search_account) """
[docs] def num_total_accounts(self): """ Get total number of accounts. Returns: count (int): The total number of registered accounts. """ return self.count()
[docs] def get_connected_accounts(self): """ Get all currently connected accounts. Returns: count (list): Account objects with currently connected sessions. """ return self.filter(db_is_connected=True)
[docs] def get_recently_created_accounts(self, days=7): """ Get accounts recently created. Args: days (int, optional): How many days in the past "recently" means. Returns: accounts (list): The Accounts created the last `days` interval. """ end_date = tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days) start_date = end_date - tdelta return self.filter(date_joined__range=(start_date, end_date))
[docs] def get_recently_connected_accounts(self, days=7): """ Get accounts recently connected to the game. Args: days (int, optional): Number of days backwards to check Returns: accounts (list): The Accounts connected to the game in the last `days` interval. """ end_date = tdelta = datetime.timedelta(days) start_date = end_date - tdelta return self.filter(last_login__range=(start_date, end_date)).order_by("-last_login")
[docs] def get_account_from_email(self, uemail): """ Search account by Returns an account object based on email address. Args: uemail (str): An email address to search for. Returns: account (Account): A found account, if found. """ return self.filter(email__iexact=uemail)
[docs] def get_account_from_uid(self, uid): """ Get an account by id. Args: uid (int): Account database id. Returns: account (Account): The result. """ try: return self.get(id=uid) except self.model.DoesNotExist: return None
[docs] def get_account_from_name(self, uname): """ Get account object based on name. Args: uname (str): The Account name to search for. Returns: account (Account): The found account. """ try: return self.get(username__iexact=uname) except self.model.DoesNotExist: return None
[docs] def search_account(self, ostring, exact=True, typeclass=None): """ Searches for a particular account by name or database id. Args: ostring (str or int): A key string or database id. exact (bool, optional): Only valid for string matches. If `True`, requires exact (non-case-sensitive) match, otherwise also match also keys containing the `ostring` (non-case-sensitive fuzzy match). typeclass (str or Typeclass, optional): Limit the search only to accounts of this typeclass. Returns: Queryset: A queryset (an iterable) with 0, 1 or more matches. """ dbref = self.dbref(ostring) if dbref or dbref == 0: # dbref search is always exact dbref_match = self.search_dbref(dbref) if dbref_match: return dbref_match query = {"username__iexact" if exact else "username__icontains": ostring} if typeclass: # we accept both strings and actual typeclasses if callable(typeclass): typeclass = f"{typeclass.__module__}.{typeclass.__name__}" else: typeclass = str(typeclass) query["db_typeclass_path"] = typeclass if exact: matches = self.filter(**query) else: matches = self.filter(**query) if not matches: # try alias match matches = self.filter( db_tags__db_tagtype__iexact="alias", **{"db_tags__db_key__iexact" if exact else "db_tags__db_key__icontains": ostring}, ) return matches
[docs] def create_account( self, key, email, password, typeclass=None, is_superuser=False, locks=None, permissions=None, tags=None, attributes=None, report_to=None, ): """ This creates a new account. Args: key (str): The account's name. This should be unique. email (str or None): Email on valid addr@addr.domain form. If the empty string, will be set to None. password (str): Password in cleartext. Keyword Args: typeclass (str): The typeclass to use for the account. is_superuser (bool): Whether or not this account is to be a superuser locks (str): Lockstring. permission (list): List of permission strings. tags (list): List of Tags on form `(key, category[, data])` attributes (list): List of Attributes on form `(key, value [, category, [,lockstring [, default_pass]]])` report_to (Object): An object with a msg() method to report errors to. If not given, errors will be logged. Returns: Account: The newly created Account. Raises: ValueError: If `key` already exists in database. Notes: Usually only the server admin should need to be superuser, all other access levels can be handled with more fine-grained permissions or groups. A superuser bypasses all lock checking operations and is thus not suitable for play-testing the game. """ typeclass = typeclass if typeclass else settings.BASE_ACCOUNT_TYPECLASS locks = make_iter(locks) if locks is not None else None permissions = make_iter(permissions) if permissions is not None else None tags = make_iter(tags) if tags is not None else None attributes = make_iter(attributes) if attributes is not None else None if isinstance(typeclass, str): # a path is given. Load the actual typeclass. typeclass = class_from_module(typeclass, settings.TYPECLASS_PATHS) # setup input for the create command. We use AccountDB as baseclass # here to give us maximum freedom (the typeclasses will load # correctly when each object is recovered). if not email: email = None if self.model.objects.filter(username__iexact=key): raise ValueError("An Account with the name '%s' already exists." % key) # this handles a given dbref-relocate to an account. report_to = dbid_to_obj(report_to, self.model) # create the correct account entity, using the setup from # base django auth. now = email = typeclass.objects.normalize_email(email) new_account = typeclass( username=key, email=email, is_staff=is_superuser, is_superuser=is_superuser, last_login=now, date_joined=now, ) if password is not None: # the password may be None for 'fake' accounts, like bots valid, error = new_account.validate_password(password, new_account) if not valid: raise error new_account.set_password(password) new_account._createdict = dict( locks=locks, permissions=permissions, report_to=report_to, tags=tags, attributes=attributes, ) # saving will trigger the signal that calls the # at_first_save hook on the typeclass, where the _createdict # can be used. # note that we don't send a signal here, that is sent from the Account.create helper method # instead. return new_account
# back-compatibility alias account_search = search_account
[docs]class AccountManager(AccountDBManager, TypeclassManager): pass