Source code for evennia.commands.cmdhandler

Command handler

This module contains the infrastructure for accepting commands on the
command line. The processing of a command works as follows:

1. The calling object (caller) is analyzed based on its callertype.
2. Cmdsets are gathered from different sources:
   - object cmdsets: all objects at caller's location are scanned for non-empty
     cmdsets. This includes cmdsets on exits.
   - caller: the caller is searched for its own currently active cmdset.
   - account: lastly the cmdsets defined on caller.account are added.
3. The collected cmdsets are merged together to a combined, current cmdset.
4. If the input string is empty -> check for CMD_NOINPUT command in
   current cmdset or fallback to error message. Exit.
5. The Command Parser is triggered, using the current cmdset to analyze the
   input string for possible command matches.
6. If multiple matches are found -> check for CMD_MULTIMATCH in current
   cmdset, or fallback to error message. Exit.
7. If no match was found -> check for CMD_NOMATCH in current cmdset or
   fallback to error message. Exit.
8. At this point we have found a normal command. We assign useful variables to it that
   will be available to the command coder at run-time.
9. We have a unique cmdobject, primed for use. Call all hooks:
   `at_pre_cmd()`, `cmdobj.parse()`, `cmdobj.func()` and finally `at_post_cmd()`.
10. Return deferred that will fire with the return from `cmdobj.func()` (unused by default).


import types
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import copy
from itertools import chain
from traceback import format_exc
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.internet.task import deferLater

from evennia.commands.cmdset import CmdSet
from evennia.commands.command import InterruptCommand
from evennia.utils import logger, utils
from evennia.utils.utils import string_suggestions


__all__ = ("cmdhandler", "InterruptCommand")
_GA = object.__getattribute__
_CMDSET_MERGE_CACHE = WeakValueDictionary()

# tracks recursive calls by each caller
# to avoid infinite loops (commands calling themselves)
_COMMAND_NESTING = defaultdict(lambda: 0)

# This decides which command parser is to be used.
# You have to restart the server for changes to take effect.
_COMMAND_PARSER = utils.variable_from_module(*settings.COMMAND_PARSER.rsplit(".", 1))

# System command names - import these variables rather than trying to
# remember the actual string constants. If not defined, Evennia
# hard-coded defaults are used instead.

# command to call if user just presses <return> with no input
CMD_NOINPUT = "__noinput_command"
# command to call if no command match was found
CMD_NOMATCH = "__nomatch_command"
# command to call if multiple command matches were found
CMD_MULTIMATCH = "__multimatch_command"
# command to call as the very first one when the user connects.
# (is expected to display the login screen)
CMD_LOGINSTART = "__unloggedin_look_command"

# Function for handling multiple command matches.
_SEARCH_AT_RESULT = utils.variable_from_module(*settings.SEARCH_AT_RESULT.rsplit(".", 1))

# Output strings. The first is the IN_GAME_ERRORS return, the second
# is the normal "production message to echo to the account.

An untrapped error occurred.
An untrapped error occurred. Please file a bug report detailing the steps to reproduce.

A cmdset merger-error occurred. This is often due to a syntax
error in one of the cmdsets to merge.
A cmdset merger-error occurred. Please file a bug report detailing the
steps to reproduce.

No command sets found! This is a critical bug that can have
multiple causes.
No command sets found! This is a sign of a critical bug.  If
disconnecting/reconnecting doesn't" solve the problem, try to contact
the server admin through" some other means for assistance.

A command handler bug occurred. If this is not due to a local change,
please file a bug report with the Evennia project, including the
traceback and steps to reproduce.
A command handler bug occurred. Please notify staff - they should
likely file a bug report with the Evennia project.

    "Command recursion limit ({recursion_limit}) reached for '{raw_cmdname}' ({cmdclass})."

# delayed imports

# helper functions
def err_helper(raw_string, cmdid=None):
    if cmdid is not None:
        return raw_string, {"cmdid": cmdid}
    return raw_string

def _msg_err(receiver, stringtuple, cmdid=None):
    Helper function for returning an error to the caller.

        receiver (Object): object to get the error message.
        stringtuple (tuple): tuple with two strings - one for the
            _IN_GAME_ERRORS mode (with the traceback) and one with the
            production string (with a timestamp) to be shown to the user.

    string = _("{traceback}\n{errmsg}\n(Traceback was logged {timestamp}).")
    timestamp = logger.timeformat()
    tracestring = format_exc()
        out = string.format(
            traceback=tracestring, errmsg=stringtuple[0].strip(), timestamp=timestamp
        out = string.format(
    receiver.msg(err_helper(out, cmdid=cmdid))

def _process_input(caller, prompt, result, cmd, generator):
    Specifically handle the get_input value to send to _progressive_cmd_run as
    part of yielding from a Command's `func`.

        caller (Character, Account or Session): the caller.
        prompt (str): The sent prompt.
        result (str): The unprocessed answer.
        cmd (Command): The command itself.
        generator (GeneratorType): The generator.

        result (bool): Always `False` (stop processing).

    # We call it using a Twisted deferLater to make sure the input is properly closed.
    deferLater(reactor, 0, _progressive_cmd_run, cmd, generator, response=result)
    return False

def _progressive_cmd_run(cmd, generator, response=None):
    Progressively call the command that was given in argument. Used
    when `yield` is present in the Command's `func()` method.

        cmd (Command): the command itself.
        generator (GeneratorType): the generator describing the processing.
        reponse (str, optional): the response to send to the generator.

        ValueError: If the func call yields something not identifiable as a
            time-delay or a string prompt.

        This function is responsible for executing the command, if
        the func() method contains 'yield' instructions.  The yielded
        value will be accessible at each step and will affect the
        process.  If the value is a number, just delay the execution
        of the command.  If it's a string, wait for the user input.

    global _GET_INPUT
    if not _GET_INPUT:
        from evennia.utils.evmenu import get_input as _GET_INPUT

        if response is None:
            value = next(generator)
            value = generator.send(response)
    except StopIteration:
        # duplicated from cmdhandler._run_command, to have these
        # run in the right order while staying inside the deferred
        if cmd.save_for_next:
            # store a reference to this command, possibly
            # accessible by the next command.
            cmd.caller.ndb.last_cmd = copy(cmd)
            cmd.caller.ndb.last_cmd = None
        if isinstance(value, (int, float)):
            utils.delay(value, _progressive_cmd_run, cmd, generator)
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            _GET_INPUT(cmd.caller, value, _process_input, cmd=cmd, generator=generator)
            raise ValueError("unknown type for a yielded value in command: {}".format(type(value)))

# custom Exceptions

class NoCmdSets(Exception):
    "No cmdsets found. Critical error."

class ExecSystemCommand(Exception):
    "Run a system command"

    def __init__(self, syscmd, sysarg):
        self.args = (syscmd, sysarg)  # needed by exception error handling
        self.syscmd = syscmd
        self.sysarg = sysarg

class ErrorReported(Exception):
    "Re-raised when a subsructure already reported the error"

    def __init__(self, raw_string):
        self.args = (raw_string,)
        self.raw_string = raw_string

# Helper function
def generate_cmdset_providers(called_by, session=None):
    cmdset_providers = dict()
    if session and session is not called_by:

    cmdset_providers_list = list(cmdset_providers.values())
    cmdset_providers_list.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x, "cmdset_provider_order", 0))
    # sort the dictionary by priority. This can be done because Python now cares about dictionary insert order.
    cmdset_providers = {c.cmdset_provider_type: c for c in cmdset_providers_list}

    if not cmdset_providers:
        raise RuntimeError("cmdhandler: no command objects found.")

    # the caller will be the one to receive messages and excert its permissions.
    # we assign the caller with preference 'bottom up'
    caller = cmdset_providers_list[-1]

    cmdset_providers_errors_list = sorted(
        cmdset_providers_list, key=lambda x: getattr(x, "cmdset_provider_error_order", 0)

    # The error_to is the default recipient for errors. Tries to make sure an account
    # does not get spammed for errors while preserving character mirroring.
    error_to = cmdset_providers_errors_list[-1]

    return cmdset_providers, cmdset_providers_list, cmdset_providers_errors_list, caller, error_to

def get_and_merge_cmdsets(
    caller, cmdset_providers, callertype, raw_string, report_to=None, cmdid=None
    Gather all relevant cmdsets and merge them.

        caller (Session, Account or Object): The entity executing the command. Which
            type of object this is depends on the current game state; for example
            when the user is not logged in, this will be a Session, when being OOC
            it will be an Account and when puppeting an object this will (often) be
            a Character Object. In the end it depends on where the cmdset is stored.
        cmdset_providers (list): A list of sorted objects which provide cmdsets.
        callertype (str): This identifies caller as either "account", "object" or "session"
            to avoid having to do this check internally.
        raw_string (str): The input string. This is only used for error reporting.
        report_to (Object, optional): If given, this object will receive error messages

        cmdset (Deferred): This deferred fires with the merged cmdset
        result once merger finishes.

        The cdmsets are merged in order or generality, so that the
        Object's cmdset is merged last (and will thus take precedence
        over same-named and same-prio commands on Account and Session).


        def _get_local_obj_cmdsets(obj):
            Helper-method; Get Object-level cmdsets

            # Gather cmdsets from location, objects in location or carried
                local_obj_cmdsets = [None]
                    location = obj.location
                except Exception:
                    location = None
                if location:
                    # Gather all cmdsets stored on objects in the room and
                    # also in the caller's inventory and the location itself
                    local_objlist = yield (
                        location.contents_get(exclude=obj) + obj.contents_get() + [location]
                    local_objlist = [o for o in local_objlist if not o._is_deleted]
                    for lobj in local_objlist:
                            # call hook in case we need to do dynamic changing to cmdset
                            _GA(lobj, "at_cmdset_get")(caller=caller)
                        except Exception:
                    # the call-type lock is checked here, it makes sure an account
                    # is not seeing e.g. the commands on a fellow account (which is why
                    # the no_superuser_bypass must be True)
                    local_obj_cmdsets = yield list(
                            for lobj in local_objlist
                            if (
                                and lobj.access(
                                    caller, access_type="call", no_superuser_bypass=True
                    for cset in local_obj_cmdsets:
                        # This is necessary for object sets, or we won't be able to
                        # separate the command sets from each other in a busy room. We
                        # only keep the setting if duplicates were set to False/True
                        # explicitly.
                        cset.old_duplicates = cset.duplicates
                        cset.duplicates = True if cset.duplicates is None else cset.duplicates
            except Exception:
                _msg_err(caller, _ERROR_CMDSETS)
                raise ErrorReported(raw_string)

        def _get_cmdsets(obj, current):
            Helper method; Get cmdset while making sure to trigger all
            hooks safely. Returns the stack and the valid options.

                yield obj.at_cmdset_get(caller=caller, current=current)
            except Exception:
                _msg_err(caller, _ERROR_CMDSETS)
                raise ErrorReported(raw_string)
                returnValue(obj.get_cmdsets(caller=caller, current=current))
            except AttributeError:
                returnValue((CmdSet(), []))

        local_obj_cmdsets = []

        current_cmdset = CmdSet()
        object_cmdsets = list()
        for cmdobj in cmdset_providers:
            current, cur_cmdsets = yield _get_cmdsets(cmdobj, current_cmdset)
            if current:
                current_cmdset = current_cmdset + current
            if cur_cmdsets:
                object_cmdsets += cur_cmdsets
            match cmdobj.cmdset_provider_type:
                case "object":
                    if not current.no_objs:
                        local_obj_cmdsets = yield _get_local_obj_cmdsets(cmdobj)
                        if current.no_exits:
                            # filter out all exits
                            local_obj_cmdsets = [
                                cmdset for cmdset in local_obj_cmdsets if cmdset.key != "ExitCmdSet"
                        object_cmdsets += local_obj_cmdsets

        # weed out all non-found sets
        cmdsets = yield [
            cmdset for cmdset in object_cmdsets if cmdset and cmdset.key != "_EMPTY_CMDSET"
        # report cmdset errors to user (these should already have been logged)
        yield [
            report_to.msg(err_helper(cmdset.errmessage, cmdid=cmdid))
            for cmdset in cmdsets
            if cmdset.key == "_CMDSET_ERROR"

        if cmdsets:
            # faster to do tuple on list than to build tuple directly
            mergehash = tuple([id(cmdset) for cmdset in cmdsets])
            if mergehash in _CMDSET_MERGE_CACHE:
                # cached merge exist; use that
                cmdset = _CMDSET_MERGE_CACHE[mergehash]
                # we group and merge all same-prio cmdsets separately (this avoids
                # order-dependent clashes in certain cases, such as
                # when duplicates=True)
                tempmergers = {}
                for cmdset in cmdsets:
                    prio = cmdset.priority
                    if prio in tempmergers:
                        # merge same-prio cmdset together separately
                        tempmergers[prio] = yield tempmergers[prio] + cmdset
                        tempmergers[prio] = cmdset

                # sort cmdsets after reverse priority (highest prio are merged in last)
                sorted_cmdsets = yield sorted(list(tempmergers.values()), key=lambda x: x.priority)

                # Merge all command sets into one, beginning with the lowest-prio one
                cmdset = sorted_cmdsets[0]
                for merging_cmdset in sorted_cmdsets[1:]:
                    cmdset = yield cmdset + merging_cmdset
                # store the original, ungrouped set for diagnosis
                cmdset.merged_from = cmdsets
                # cache
                _CMDSET_MERGE_CACHE[mergehash] = cmdset
            cmdset = None
        for cset in (cset for cset in local_obj_cmdsets if cset):
            cset.duplicates = cset.old_duplicates
        # important - this syncs the CmdSetHandler's .current field with the
        # true current cmdset!
        # TODO - removed because this causes cmdset overlaps across sessions/accounts
        # - see
        # if cmdset:
        #     caller.cmdset.current = cmdset

    except ErrorReported:
    except Exception:
        _msg_err(caller, _ERROR_CMDSETS)
        # raise ErrorReported

# Main command-handler function

[docs]@inlineCallbacks def cmdhandler( called_by, raw_string, _testing=False, callertype="session", session=None, cmdobj=None, cmdobj_key=None, **kwargs, ): """ This is the main mechanism that handles any string sent to the engine. Args: called_by (Session, Account or Object): Object from which this command was called. which this was called from. What this is depends on the game state. raw_string (str): The command string as given on the command line. _testing (bool, optional): Used for debug purposes and decides if we should actually execute the command or not. If True, the command instance will be returned. callertype (str, optional): One of "session", "account" or "object". These are treated in decending order, so when the Session is the caller, it will merge its own cmdset into cmdsets from both Account and eventual puppeted Object (and cmdsets in its room etc). An Account will only include its own cmdset and the Objects and so on. Merge order is the same order, so that Object cmdsets are merged in last, giving them precendence for same-name and same-prio commands. session (Session, optional): Relevant if callertype is "account" - the session will help retrieve the correct cmdsets from puppeted objects. cmdobj (Command, optional): If given a command instance, this will be executed using `called_by` as the caller, `raw_string` representing its arguments and (optionally) `cmdobj_key` as its input command name. No cmdset lookup will be performed but all other options apply as normal. This allows for running a specific Command within the command system mechanism. cmdobj_key (string, optional): Used together with `cmdobj` keyword to specify which cmdname should be assigned when calling the specified Command instance. This is made available as `self.cmdstring` when the Command runs. If not given, the command will be assumed to be called as `cmdobj.key`. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): other keyword arguments will be assigned as named variables on the retrieved command object *before* it is executed. This is unused in default Evennia but may be used by code to set custom flags or special operating conditions for a command as it executes. Returns: deferred (Deferred): This deferred is fired with the return value of the command's `func` method. This is not used in default Evennia. """ cmdid = kwargs.get("cmdid", None) @inlineCallbacks def _run_command(cmd, cmdname, args, raw_cmdname, cmdset, session, account, cmdset_providers): """ Helper function: This initializes and runs the Command instance once the parser has identified it as either a normal command or one of the system commands. Args: cmd (Command): Command object cmdname (str): Name of command args (str): extra text entered after the identified command raw_cmdname (str): Name of Command, unaffected by eventual prefix-stripping (if no prefix-stripping, this is the same as cmdname). cmdset (CmdSet): Command sert the command belongs to (if any).. session (Session): Session of caller (if any). account (Account): Account of caller (if any). cmdset_providers (dict): Dictionary of all cmdset-providing objects. Returns: deferred (Deferred): this will fire with the return of the command's `func` method. Raises: RuntimeError: If command recursion limit was reached. """ global _COMMAND_NESTING try: # Assign useful variables to the instance cmd.caller = caller cmd.cmdname = cmdname cmd.raw_cmdname = raw_cmdname cmd.cmdstring = cmdname # deprecated cmd.args = args cmd.cmdset = cmdset cmd.cmdset_providers = cmdset_providers.copy() cmd.session = session cmd.account = account cmd.raw_string = unformatted_raw_string # cmd.obj # set via on-object cmdset handler for each command, # since this may be different for every command when # merging multiple cmdsets if _testing: # only return the command instance returnValue(cmd) # assign custom kwargs to found cmd object for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(cmd, key, val) _COMMAND_NESTING[called_by] += 1 if _COMMAND_NESTING[called_by] > _COMMAND_RECURSION_LIMIT: err = _ERROR_RECURSION_LIMIT.format( recursion_limit=_COMMAND_RECURSION_LIMIT, raw_cmdname=raw_cmdname, cmdclass=cmd.__class__, ) raise RuntimeError(err) # pre-command hook abort = yield cmd.at_pre_cmd() if abort: # abort sequence returnValue(abort) # Parse and execute yield cmd.parse() # main command code # (return value is normally None) ret = cmd.func() if isinstance(ret, types.GeneratorType): # cmd.func() is a generator, execute progressively _progressive_cmd_run(cmd, ret) ret = yield ret # note that the _progressive_cmd_run will itself run # the at_post_cmd etc as it finishes; this is a bit of # code duplication but there seems to be no way to # catch the StopIteration here (it's not in the same # frame since this is in a deferred chain) else: ret = yield ret # post-command hook yield cmd.at_post_cmd() if cmd.save_for_next: # store a reference to this command, possibly # accessible by the next command. caller.ndb.last_cmd = yield copy(cmd) else: caller.ndb.last_cmd = None # return result to the deferred returnValue(ret) except InterruptCommand: # Do nothing, clean exit pass except Exception: _msg_err(caller, _ERROR_UNTRAPPED) raise ErrorReported(raw_string) finally: _COMMAND_NESTING[called_by] -= 1 ( cmdset_providers, cmdset_providers_list, cmdset_providers_list_error, caller, error_to, ) = generate_cmdset_providers(called_by, session=session) account = cmdset_providers.get("account", None) try: # catch bugs in cmdhandler itself try: # catch special-type commands if cmdobj: # the command object is already given cmd = cmdobj() if callable(cmdobj) else cmdobj cmdname = cmdobj_key if cmdobj_key else cmd.key args = raw_string unformatted_raw_string = "%s%s" % (cmdname, args) cmdset = None raw_cmdname = cmdname # session = session # account = account else: # no explicit cmdobject given, figure it out cmdset = yield get_and_merge_cmdsets( caller, cmdset_providers_list, callertype, raw_string, cmdid=cmdid ) if not cmdset: # this is bad and shouldn't happen. raise NoCmdSets # store the completely unmodified raw string - including # whitespace and eventual prefixes-to-be-stripped. unformatted_raw_string = raw_string raw_string = raw_string.strip() if not raw_string: # Empty input. Test for system command instead. syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOINPUT) sysarg = "" raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg) # Parse the input string and match to available cmdset. # This also checks for permissions, so all commands in match # are commands the caller is allowed to call. matches = yield _COMMAND_PARSER(raw_string, cmdset, caller) # Deal with matches if len(matches) > 1: # We have a multiple-match syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_MULTIMATCH) sysarg = _("There were multiple matches.") if syscmd: # use custom CMD_MULTIMATCH syscmd.matches = matches else: # fall back to default error handling sysarg = yield _SEARCH_AT_RESULT( [match[2] for match in matches], caller, query=matches[0][0] ) raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg) cmdname, args, cmd, raw_cmdname = "", "", None, "" if len(matches) == 1: # We have a unique command match. But it may still be invalid. match = matches[0] cmdname, args, cmd, raw_cmdname = (match[0], match[1], match[2], match[5]) if not matches: # No commands match our entered command syscmd = yield cmdset.get(CMD_NOMATCH) if syscmd: # use custom CMD_NOMATCH command sysarg = raw_string else: # fallback to default error text sysarg = _("Command '{command}' is not available.").format( command=raw_string ) suggestions = string_suggestions( raw_string, cmdset.get_all_cmd_keys_and_aliases(caller), cutoff=0.7, maxnum=3, ) if suggestions: sysarg += _(" Maybe you meant {command}?").format( command=utils.list_to_string( suggestions, endsep=_("or"), addquote=True ) ) else: sysarg += _(' Type "help" for help.') raise ExecSystemCommand(syscmd, sysarg) if not cmd.retain_instance: # making a copy allows multiple users to share the command also when yield is used cmd = copy(cmd) # A normal command. ret = yield _run_command( cmd, cmdname, args, raw_cmdname, cmdset, session, account, cmdset_providers ) returnValue(ret) except ErrorReported as exc: # this error was already reported, so we # catch it here and don't pass it on. logger.log_err("User input was: '%s'." % exc.raw_string) except ExecSystemCommand as exc: # Not a normal command: run a system command, if available, # or fall back to a return string. syscmd = exc.syscmd sysarg = exc.sysarg if syscmd: ret = yield _run_command( syscmd, syscmd.key, sysarg, unformatted_raw_string, cmdset, session, account, cmdset_providers, ) returnValue(ret) elif sysarg: # return system arg error_to.msg(err_helper(exc.sysarg, cmdid=cmdid)) except NoCmdSets: # Critical error. logger.log_err("No cmdsets found: %s" % caller) error_to.msg(err_helper(_ERROR_NOCMDSETS, cmdid=cmdid)) except Exception: # We should not end up here. If we do, it's a programming bug. _msg_err(error_to, _ERROR_UNTRAPPED) except Exception: # This catches exceptions in cmdhandler exceptions themselves _msg_err(error_to, _ERROR_CMDHANDLER)