Source code for evennia.commands.default.admin


Admin commands


import re
import time

from django.conf import settings

import evennia
from evennia.server.models import ServerConfig
from evennia.utils import class_from_module, evtable, logger, search



# limit members for API inclusion
__all__ = (

[docs]class CmdBoot(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ kick an account from the server. Usage boot[/switches] <account obj> [: reason] Switches: quiet - Silently boot without informing account sid - boot by session id instead of name or dbref Boot an account object from the server. If a reason is supplied it will be echoed to the user unless /quiet is set. """ key = "boot" switch_options = ("quiet", "sid") locks = "cmd:perm(boot) or perm(Admin)" help_category = "Admin"
[docs] def func(self): """Implementing the function""" caller = self.caller args = self.args if not args: caller.msg("Usage: boot[/switches] <account> [:reason]") return if ":" in args: args, reason = [a.strip() for a in args.split(":", 1)] else: args, reason = args, "" boot_list = [] if "sid" in self.switches: # Boot a particular session id. sessions = evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.get_sessions(True) for sess in sessions: # Find the session with the matching session id. if sess.sessid == int(args): boot_list.append(sess) break else: # Boot by account object pobj = search.account_search(args) if not pobj: caller.msg(f"Account {args} was not found.") return pobj = pobj[0] if not pobj.access(caller, "boot"): caller.msg(f"You don't have the permission to boot {pobj.key}.") return # we have a bootable object with a connected user matches = evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.sessions_from_account(pobj) for match in matches: boot_list.append(match) if not boot_list: caller.msg("No matching sessions found. The Account does not seem to be online.") return # Carry out the booting of the sessions in the boot list. feedback = None if "quiet" not in self.switches: feedback = f"You have been disconnected by {}.\n" if reason: feedback += f"\nReason given: {reason}" for session in boot_list: session.msg(feedback) session.account.disconnect_session_from_account(session) if pobj and boot_list: logger.log_sec( f"Booted: {pobj} (Reason: {reason}, Caller: {caller}, IP: {self.session.address})." )
# regex matching IP addresses with wildcards, eg. 233.122.4.* IPREGEX = re.compile(r"[0-9*]{1,3}\.[0-9*]{1,3}\.[0-9*]{1,3}\.[0-9*]{1,3}") def list_bans(cmd, banlist): """ Helper function to display a list of active bans. Input argument is the banlist read into the two commands ban and unban below. Args: cmd (Command): Instance of the Ban command. banlist (list): List of bans to list. """ if not banlist: return "No active bans were found." table = cmd.styled_table("|wid", "|wname/ip", "|wdate", "|wreason") for inum, ban in enumerate(banlist): table.add_row(str(inum + 1), ban[0] and ban[0] or ban[1], ban[3], ban[4]) return f"|wActive bans:|n\n{table}"
[docs]class CmdBan(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ ban an account from the server Usage: ban [<name or ip> [: reason]] Without any arguments, shows numbered list of active bans. This command bans a user from accessing the game. Supply an optional reason to be able to later remember why the ban was put in place. It is often preferable to ban an account from the server than to delete an account with accounts/delete. If banned by name, that account account can no longer be logged into. IP (Internet Protocol) address banning allows blocking all access from a specific address or subnet. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. Examples: ban thomas - ban account 'thomas' ban/ip - ban specific ip address ban/ip 134.233.2.* - ban all in a subnet ban/ip 134.233.*.* - even wider ban A single IP filter can be easy to circumvent by changing computers or requesting a new IP address. Setting a wide IP block filter with wildcards might be tempting, but remember that it may also accidentally block innocent users connecting from the same country or region. """ key = "ban" aliases = ["bans"] locks = "cmd:perm(ban) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "Admin"
[docs] def func(self): """ Bans are stored in a serverconf db object as a list of dictionaries: [ (name, ip, ipregex, date, reason), (name, ip, ipregex, date, reason),... ] where name and ip are set by the user and are shown in lists. ipregex is a converted form of ip where the * is replaced by an appropriate regex pattern for fast matching. date is the time stamp the ban was instigated and 'reason' is any optional info given to the command. Unset values in each tuple is set to the empty string. """ banlist = ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_bans") if not banlist: banlist = [] if not self.args or ( self.switches and not any(switch in ("ip", "name") for switch in self.switches) ): self.msg(list_bans(self, banlist)) return now = time.ctime() reason = "" if ":" in self.args: ban, reason = self.args.rsplit(":", 1) else: ban = self.args ban = ban.lower() ipban = IPREGEX.findall(ban) if not ipban: # store as name typ = "Name" bantup = (ban, "", "", now, reason) else: # an ip address. typ = "IP" ban = ipban[0] # replace * with regex form and compile it ipregex = ban.replace(".", "\.") ipregex = ipregex.replace("*", "[0-9]{1,3}") ipregex = re.compile(r"%s" % ipregex) bantup = ("", ban, ipregex, now, reason) ret = yield (f"Are you sure you want to {typ}-ban '|w{ban}|n' [Y]/N?") if str(ret).lower() in ("no", "n"): self.msg("Aborted.") return # save updated banlist banlist.append(bantup) ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_bans", banlist) self.msg(f"{typ}-ban '|w{ban}|n' was added. Use |wunban|n to reinstate.") logger.log_sec( f"Banned {typ}: {ban.strip()} (Caller: {self.caller}, IP: {self.session.address})." )
[docs]class CmdUnban(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ remove a ban from an account Usage: unban <banid> This will clear an account name/ip ban previously set with the ban command. Use this command without an argument to view a numbered list of bans. Use the numbers in this list to select which one to unban. """ key = "unban" locks = "cmd:perm(unban) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "Admin"
[docs] def func(self): """Implement unbanning""" banlist = ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_bans") if not self.args: self.msg(list_bans(self, banlist)) return try: num = int(self.args) except Exception: self.msg("You must supply a valid ban id to clear.") return if not banlist: self.msg("There are no bans to clear.") elif not (0 < num < len(banlist) + 1): self.msg(f"Ban id |w{self.args}|n was not found.") else: # all is ok, ask, then clear ban ban = banlist[num - 1] value = (" ".join([s for s in ban[:2]])).strip() ret = yield (f"Are you sure you want to unban {num}: '|w{value}|n' [Y]/N?") if str(ret).lower() in ("n", "no"): self.msg("Aborted.") return del banlist[num - 1] ServerConfig.objects.conf("server_bans", banlist) self.msg(f"Cleared ban {num}: '{value}'") logger.log_sec( f"Unbanned: {value.strip()} (Caller: {self.caller}, IP: {self.session.address})." )
[docs]class CmdEmit(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ admin command for emitting message to multiple objects Usage: emit[/switches] [<obj>, <obj>, ... =] <message> remit [<obj>, <obj>, ... =] <message> pemit [<obj>, <obj>, ... =] <message> Switches: room - limit emits to rooms only (default) accounts - limit emits to accounts only contents - send to the contents of matched objects too Emits a message to the selected objects or to your immediate surroundings. If the object is a room, send to its contents. remit and pemit are just limited forms of emit, for sending to rooms and to accounts respectively. """ key = "emit" aliases = ["pemit", "remit"] switch_options = ("room", "accounts", "contents") locks = "cmd:perm(emit) or perm(Builder)" help_category = "Admin"
[docs] def func(self): """Implement the command""" caller = self.caller args = self.args if not args: string = "Usage: " string += "\nemit[/switches] [<obj>, <obj>, ... =] <message>" string += "\nremit [<obj>, <obj>, ... =] <message>" string += "\npemit [<obj>, <obj>, ... =] <message>" caller.msg(string) return rooms_only = "rooms" in self.switches accounts_only = "accounts" in self.switches send_to_contents = "contents" in self.switches # we check which command was used to force the switches if self.cmdstring == "remit": rooms_only = True send_to_contents = True elif self.cmdstring == "pemit": accounts_only = True if not self.rhs: message = self.args objnames = [caller.location.key] else: message = self.rhs objnames = self.lhslist # send to all objects for objname in objnames: obj =, global_search=True) if not obj: return if rooms_only and obj.location is not None: caller.msg(f"{objname} is not a room. Ignored.") continue if accounts_only and not obj.has_account: caller.msg(f"{objname} has no active account. Ignored.") continue if obj.access(caller, "tell"): obj.msg(message) if send_to_contents and hasattr(obj, "msg_contents"): obj.msg_contents(message) caller.msg(f"Emitted to {objname} and contents:\n{message}") else: caller.msg(f"Emitted to {objname}:\n{message}") else: caller.msg(f"You are not allowed to emit to {objname}.")
[docs]class CmdNewPassword(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ change the password of an account Usage: userpassword <user obj> = <new password> Set an account's password. """ key = "userpassword" locks = "cmd:perm(newpassword) or perm(Admin)" help_category = "Admin"
[docs] def func(self): """Implement the function.""" caller = self.caller if not self.rhs: self.msg("Usage: userpassword <user obj> = <new password>") return # the account search also matches 'me' etc. account = caller.search_account(self.lhs) if not account: return newpass = self.rhs # Validate password validated, error = account.validate_password(newpass) if not validated: errors = [e for suberror in error.messages for e in error.messages] string = "\n".join(errors) caller.msg(string) return account.set_password(newpass) self.msg(f"{} - new password set to '{newpass}'.") if account.character != caller: account.msg(f"{} has changed your password to '{newpass}'.") logger.log_sec( f"Password Changed: {account} (Caller: {caller}, IP: {self.session.address})." )
[docs]class CmdPerm(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ set the permissions of an account/object Usage: perm[/switch] <object> [= <permission>[,<permission>,...]] perm[/switch] *<account> [= <permission>[,<permission>,...]] Switches: del - delete the given permission from <object> or <account>. account - set permission on an account (same as adding * to name) This command sets/clears individual permission strings on an object or account. If no permission is given, list all permissions on <object>. """ key = "perm" aliases = "setperm" switch_options = ("del", "account") locks = "cmd:perm(perm) or perm(Developer)" help_category = "Admin"
[docs] def func(self): """Implement function""" caller = self.caller switches = self.switches lhs, rhs = self.lhs, self.rhs if not self.args: string = "Usage: perm[/switch] object [ = permission, permission, ...]" caller.msg(string) return accountmode = "account" in self.switches or lhs.startswith("*") lhs = lhs.lstrip("*") if accountmode: obj = caller.search_account(lhs) else: obj =, global_search=True) if not obj: return if not rhs: if not obj.access(caller, "examine"): caller.msg("You are not allowed to examine this object.") return string = f"Permissions on |w{obj.key}|n: " if not obj.permissions.all(): string += "<None>" else: string += ", ".join(obj.permissions.all()) if ( hasattr(obj, "account") and hasattr(obj.account, "is_superuser") and obj.account.is_superuser ): string += "\n(... but this object is currently controlled by a SUPERUSER! " string += "All access checks are passed automatically.)" caller.msg(string) return # we supplied an argument on the form obj = perm locktype = "edit" if accountmode else "control" if not obj.access(caller, locktype): accountstr = "account" if accountmode else "object" caller.msg(f"You are not allowed to edit this {accountstr}'s permissions.") return caller_result = [] target_result = [] if "del" in switches: # delete the given permission(s) from object. for perm in self.rhslist: obj.permissions.remove(perm) if obj.permissions.get(perm): caller_result.append( f"\nPermissions {perm} could not be removed from {}." ) else: caller_result.append( f"\nPermission {perm} removed from {} (if they existed)." ) target_result.append( f"\n{} revokes the permission(s) {perm} from you." ) logger.log_sec( f"Permissions Deleted: {perm}, {obj} (Caller: {caller}, IP: {self.session.address})." ) else: # add a new permission permissions = obj.permissions.all() for perm in self.rhslist: # don't allow to set a permission higher in the hierarchy than # the one the caller has (to prevent self-escalation) if perm.lower() in PERMISSION_HIERARCHY and not obj.locks.check_lockstring( caller, f"dummy:perm({perm})" ): caller.msg( "You cannot assign a permission higher than the one you have yourself." ) return if perm in permissions: caller_result.append(f"\nPermission '{perm}' is already defined on {}.") else: obj.permissions.add(perm) plystring = "the Account" if accountmode else "the Object/Character" caller_result.append( f"\nPermission '{perm}' given to {} ({plystring})." ) target_result.append( f"\n{} gives you ({}, {plystring}) the permission '{perm}'." ) logger.log_sec( f"Permissions Added: {perm}, {obj} (Caller: {caller}, IP: {self.session.address})." ) caller.msg("".join(caller_result).strip()) if target_result: obj.msg("".join(target_result).strip())
[docs]class CmdWall(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ make an announcement to all Usage: wall <message> Announces a message to all connected sessions including all currently unlogged in. """ key = "wall" locks = "cmd:perm(wall) or perm(Admin)" help_category = "Admin"
[docs] def func(self): """Implements command""" if not self.args: self.msg("Usage: wall <message>") return message = f'{} shouts "{self.args}"' self.msg("Announcing to all connected sessions ...") evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.announce_all(message)
[docs]class CmdForce(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ forces an object to execute a command Usage: force <object>=<command string> Example: force bob=get stick """ key = "force" locks = "cmd:perm(spawn) or perm(Builder)" help_category = "Building" perm_used = "edit"
[docs] def func(self): """Implements the force command""" if not self.lhs or not self.rhs: self.msg("You must provide a target and a command string to execute.") return targ = if not targ: return if not targ.access(self.caller, self.perm_used): self.msg(f"You don't have permission to force {targ} to execute commands.") return targ.execute_cmd(self.rhs) self.msg(f"You have forced {targ} to: {self.rhs}")