Source code for evennia.commands.default.unloggedin

Commands that are available from the connect screen.


import datetime
import re
from codecs import lookup as codecs_lookup

from django.conf import settings

import evennia
from evennia.commands.cmdhandler import CMD_LOGINSTART
from evennia.comms.models import ChannelDB
from evennia.utils import class_from_module, create, gametime, logger, utils

COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS = utils.class_from_module(settings.COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS)

# limit symbol import for API
__all__ = (


def create_guest_account(session):
    Creates a guest account/character for this session, if one is available.

        session (Session): the session which will use the guest account/character.

        GUEST_ENABLED (boolean), account (Account):
            the boolean is whether guest accounts are enabled at all.
            the Account which was created from an available guest name.
    enabled = settings.GUEST_ENABLED
    address = session.address

    # Get account class
    Guest = class_from_module(settings.BASE_GUEST_TYPECLASS)

    # Get an available guest account
    # authenticate() handles its own throttling
    account, errors = Guest.authenticate(ip=address)
    if account:
        return enabled, account
        session.msg("|R%s|n" % "\n".join(errors))
        return enabled, None

def create_normal_account(session, name, password):
    Creates an account with the given name and password.

        session (Session): the session which is requesting to create an account.
        name (str): the name that the account wants to use for login.
        password (str): the password desired by this account, for login.

        account (Account): the account which was created from the name and password.
    # Get account class
    Account = class_from_module(settings.BASE_ACCOUNT_TYPECLASS)

    address = session.address

    # Match account name and check password
    # authenticate() handles all its own throttling
    account, errors = Account.authenticate(
        username=name, password=password, ip=address, session=session
    if not account:
        # No accountname or password match
        session.msg("|R%s|n" % "\n".join(errors))
        return None

    return account

[docs]class CmdUnconnectedConnect(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ connect to the game Usage (at login screen): connect accountname password connect "account name" "pass word" Use the create command to first create an account before logging in. If you have spaces in your name, enclose it in double quotes. """ key = "connect" aliases = ["conn", "con", "co"] locks = "cmd:all()" # not really needed arg_regex = r"\s.*?|$"
[docs] def func(self): """ Uses the Django admin api. Note that unlogged-in commands have a unique position in that their func() receives a session object instead of a source_object like all other types of logged-in commands (this is because there is no object yet before the account has logged in) """ session = self.caller address = session.address args = self.args # extract double quote parts parts = [part.strip() for part in re.split(r"\"", args) if part.strip()] if len(parts) == 1: # this was (hopefully) due to no double quotes being found, or a guest login parts = parts[0].split(None, 1) # Guest login if len(parts) == 1 and parts[0].lower() == "guest": # Get Guest typeclass Guest = class_from_module(settings.BASE_GUEST_TYPECLASS) account, errors = Guest.authenticate(ip=address) if account: session.sessionhandler.login(session, account) return else: session.msg("|R%s|n" % "\n".join(errors)) return if len(parts) != 2: session.msg("\n\r Usage (without <>): connect <name> <password>") return # Get account class Account = class_from_module(settings.BASE_ACCOUNT_TYPECLASS) name, password = parts account, errors = Account.authenticate( username=name, password=password, ip=address, session=session ) if account: session.sessionhandler.login(session, account) else: session.msg("|R%s|n" % "\n".join(errors))
[docs]class CmdUnconnectedCreate(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ create a new account account Usage (at login screen): create <accountname> <password> create "account name" "pass word" This creates a new account account. If you have spaces in your name, enclose it in double quotes. """ key = "create" aliases = ["cre", "cr"] locks = "cmd:all()" arg_regex = r"\s.*?|$"
[docs] def at_pre_cmd(self): """Verify that account creation is enabled.""" if not settings.NEW_ACCOUNT_REGISTRATION_ENABLED: # truthy return cancels the command self.msg("Registration is currently disabled.") return True return super().at_pre_cmd()
[docs] def func(self): """Do checks and create account""" session = self.caller args = self.args.strip() address = session.address # Get account class Account = class_from_module(settings.BASE_ACCOUNT_TYPECLASS) # extract double quoted parts parts = [part.strip() for part in re.split(r"\"", args) if part.strip()] if len(parts) == 1: # this was (hopefully) due to no quotes being found parts = parts[0].split(None, 1) if len(parts) != 2: string = ( "\n Usage (without <>): create <name> <password>" "\nIf <name> or <password> contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes." ) session.msg(string) return username, password = parts # pre-normalize username so the user know what they get non_normalized_username = username username = Account.normalize_username(username) if non_normalized_username != username: session.msg( "Note: your username was normalized to strip spaces and remove characters " "that could be visually confusing." ) # have the user verify their new account was what they intended answer = yield ( f"You want to create an account '{username}' with password '{password}'." "\nIs this what you intended? [Y]/N?" ) if answer.lower() in ("n", "no"): session.msg("Aborted. If your user name contains spaces, surround it by quotes.") return # everything's ok. Create the new player account. account, errors = Account.create( username=username, password=password, ip=address, session=session ) if account: # tell the caller everything went well. string = "A new account '%s' was created. Welcome!" if " " in username: string += ( "\n\nYou can now log in with the command 'connect \"%s\" <your password>'." ) else: string += "\n\nYou can now log with the command 'connect %s <your password>'." session.msg(string % (username, username)) else: session.msg("|R%s|n" % "\n".join(errors))
[docs]class CmdUnconnectedQuit(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ quit when in unlogged-in state Usage: quit We maintain a different version of the quit command here for unconnected accounts for the sake of simplicity. The logged in version is a bit more complicated. """ key = "quit" aliases = ["q", "qu"] locks = "cmd:all()"
[docs] def func(self): """Simply close the connection.""" session = self.caller session.sessionhandler.disconnect(session, "Good bye! Disconnecting.")
[docs]class CmdUnconnectedLook(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ look when in unlogged-in state Usage: look This is an unconnected version of the look command for simplicity. This is called by the server and kicks everything in gear. All it does is display the connect screen. """ key = CMD_LOGINSTART aliases = ["look", "l"] locks = "cmd:all()"
[docs] def func(self): """Show the connect screen.""" callables = utils.callables_from_module(CONNECTION_SCREEN_MODULE) if "connection_screen" in callables: connection_screen = callables["connection_screen"]() else: connection_screen = utils.random_string_from_module(CONNECTION_SCREEN_MODULE) if not connection_screen: connection_screen = "No connection screen found. Please contact an admin." self.msg(connection_screen)
[docs]class CmdUnconnectedHelp(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ get help when in unconnected-in state Usage: help This is an unconnected version of the help command, for simplicity. It shows a pane of info. """ key = "help" aliases = ["h", "?"] locks = "cmd:all()"
[docs] def func(self): """Shows help""" string = """ You are not yet logged into the game. Commands available at this point: |wcreate|n - create a new account |wconnect|n - connect with an existing account |wlook|n - re-show the connection screen |whelp|n - show this help |wencoding|n - change the text encoding to match your client |wscreenreader|n - make the server more suitable for use with screen readers |wquit|n - abort the connection First create an account e.g. with |wcreate Anna c67jHL8p|n (If you have spaces in your name, use double quotes: |wcreate "Anna the Barbarian" c67jHL8p|n Next you can connect to the game: |wconnect Anna c67jHL8p|n You can use the |wlook|n command if you want to see the connect screen again. """ if settings.STAFF_CONTACT_EMAIL: string += "For support, please contact: %s" % settings.STAFF_CONTACT_EMAIL self.msg(string)
[docs]class CmdUnconnectedEncoding(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ set which text encoding to use in unconnected-in state Usage: encoding/switches [<encoding>] Switches: clear - clear your custom encoding This sets the text encoding for communicating with Evennia. This is mostly an issue only if you want to use non-ASCII characters (i.e. letters/symbols not found in English). If you see that your characters look strange (or you get encoding errors), you should use this command to set the server encoding to be the same used in your client program. Common encodings are utf-8 (default), latin-1, ISO-8859-1 etc. If you don't submit an encoding, the current encoding will be displayed instead. """ key = "encoding" aliases = "encode" locks = "cmd:all()"
[docs] def func(self): """ Sets the encoding. """ if self.session is None: return sync = False if "clear" in self.switches: # remove customization old_encoding = self.session.protocol_flags.get("ENCODING", None) if old_encoding: string = "Your custom text encoding ('%s') was cleared." % old_encoding else: string = "No custom encoding was set." self.session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"] = "utf-8" sync = True elif not self.args: # just list the encodings supported pencoding = self.session.protocol_flags.get("ENCODING", None) string = "" if pencoding: string += ( "Default encoding: |g%s|n (change with |wencoding <encoding>|n)" % pencoding ) encodings = settings.ENCODINGS if encodings: string += ( "\nServer's alternative encodings (tested in this order):\n |g%s|n" % ", ".join(encodings) ) if not string: string = "No encodings found." else: # change encoding old_encoding = self.session.protocol_flags.get("ENCODING", None) encoding = self.args try: codecs_lookup(encoding) except LookupError: string = ( "|rThe encoding '|w%s|r' is invalid. Keeping the previous encoding '|w%s|r'.|n" % (encoding, old_encoding) ) else: self.session.protocol_flags["ENCODING"] = encoding string = "Your custom text encoding was changed from '|w%s|n' to '|w%s|n'." % ( old_encoding, encoding, ) sync = True if sync: self.session.sessionhandler.session_portal_sync(self.session) self.msg(string.strip())
[docs]class CmdUnconnectedScreenreader(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Activate screenreader mode. Usage: screenreader Used to flip screenreader mode on and off before logging in (when logged in, use option screenreader on). """ key = "screenreader"
[docs] def func(self): """Flips screenreader setting.""" new_setting = not self.session.protocol_flags.get("SCREENREADER", False) self.session.protocol_flags["SCREENREADER"] = new_setting string = "Screenreader mode turned |w%s|n." % ("on" if new_setting else "off") self.msg(string) self.session.sessionhandler.session_portal_sync(self.session)
[docs]class CmdUnconnectedInfo(COMMAND_DEFAULT_CLASS): """ Provides MUDINFO output, so that Evennia games can be added to Mudconnector and Mudstats. Sadly, the MUDINFO specification seems to have dropped off the face of the net, but it is still used by some crawlers. This implementation was created by looking at the MUDINFO implementation in MUX2, TinyMUSH, Rhost, and PennMUSH. """ key = "info" locks = "cmd:all()"
[docs] def func(self): self.msg( "## BEGIN INFO 1.1\nName: %s\nUptime: %s\nConnected: %d\nVersion: Evennia %s\n## END" " INFO" % ( settings.SERVERNAME, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(gametime.SERVER_START_TIME).ctime(), evennia.SESSION_HANDLER.account_count(), utils.get_evennia_version(), ) )