Source code for evennia.contrib.base_systems.components.component

Components - ChrisLR 2022

This file contains the base class to inherit for creating new components.

from evennia.commands.cmdset import CmdSet

from . import exceptions
from .listing import COMPONENT_LISTING

[docs]class BaseComponent(type): """ This is the metaclass for components, responsible for registering components to the listing. """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, attrs): """ Every class that uses this metaclass will be registered as a component in the Component Listing using its name. All of them require a unique name. """ attrs_name = attrs.get("name") if attrs_name and not COMPONENT_LISTING.get(attrs_name): new_fields = {} attrs["_fields"] = new_fields for parent in parents: _parent_fields = getattr(parent, "_fields") if _parent_fields: new_fields.update(_parent_fields) new_type = super().__new__(cls, name, parents, attrs) if new_type.__base__ == object: return new_type name = getattr(new_type, "name", None) if not name: raise ValueError(f"Component {new_type} requires a name.") if existing_type := COMPONENT_LISTING.get(name): if not str(new_type) == str(existing_type): raise ValueError(f"Component name {name} is a duplicate, must be unique.") else: COMPONENT_LISTING[name] = new_type return new_type
[docs]class Component(metaclass=BaseComponent): """ This is the base class for components. Any component must inherit from this class to be considered for usage. Each Component must supply the name, it is used as a slot name but also part of the attribute key. """ __slots__ = ("host",) name = "" slot = None _fields: dict | None = None
[docs] def __init__(self, host=None): assert, "All Components must have a name" = host
[docs] @classmethod def default_create(cls, host): """ This is called when the host is created and should return the base initialized state of a component. Args: host (object): The host typeclass instance Returns: Component: The created instance of the component """ new = cls(host) return new
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, host, **kwargs): """ This is the method to call when supplying kwargs to initialize a component. Args: host (object): The host typeclass instance **kwargs: Key-Value of default values to replace. To persist the value, the key must correspond to a DBField. Returns: Component: The created instance of the component """ new = cls.default_create(host) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(new, key, value) return new
[docs] def cleanup(self): """ This deletes all component attributes from the host's db """ for name in self._fields.keys(): delattr(self, name)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, host): """ Loads a component instance This is called whenever a component is loaded (ex: Server Restart) Args: host (object): The host typeclass instance Returns: Component: The loaded instance of the component """ return cls(host)
[docs] def at_added(self, host): """ This is the method called when a component is registered on a host. Args: host (object): The host typeclass instance """ if and != host: raise exceptions.InvalidComponentError("Components must not register twice!") = host
[docs] def at_removed(self, host): """ This is the method called when a component is removed from a host. Args: host (object): The host typeclass instance """ if host != raise ValueError("Component attempted to remove from the wrong host.") = None
@property def attributes(self): """ Shortcut property returning the host's AttributeHandler. Returns: AttributeHandler: The Host's AttributeHandler """ return @property def pk(self): """ Shortcut property returning the host's primary key. Returns: int: The Host's primary key. Notes: This is requried to allow AttributeProperties to correctly update `_SaverMutable` data (like lists) in-place (since the DBField sits on the Component which doesn't itself have a primary key, this save operation would otherwise fail). """ return @property def nattributes(self): """ Shortcut property returning the host's In-Memory AttributeHandler (Non Persisted). Returns: AttributeHandler: The Host's In-Memory AttributeHandler """ return
[docs] @classmethod def add_field(cls, name, field): cls._fields[name] = field
[docs] @classmethod def get_fields(cls): return tuple(cls._fields.values())
[docs] @classmethod def get_component_slot(cls): return cls.slot or