Source code for evennia.contrib.full_systems.evscaperoom.commands

Commands for the Evscaperoom. This contains all in-room commands as well as
admin debug-commands to help development.

Gameplay commands

- `look` - custom look
- `focus` - focus on object (to perform actions on it)
- `<action> <obj>` - arbitrary interaction with focused object
- `stand` - stand on the floor, resetting any position
- `emote` - free-form emote
- `say/whisper/shout` - simple communication

Other commands

- `evscaperoom` - starts the evscaperoom top-level menu
- `help` - custom in-room help command
- `options` - set game/accessibility options
- `who` - show who's in the room with you
- `quit` - leave a room, return to menu

Admin/development commands

- `jumpstate` - jump to specific room state
- `flag` - assign a flag to an object
- `createobj` - create a room-object set up for Evscaperoom


import re

from django.conf import settings

from evennia import (
from evennia.utils import variable_from_module

from .utils import create_evscaperoom_object

_AT_SEARCH_RESULT = variable_from_module(*settings.SEARCH_AT_RESULT.rsplit(".", 1))

_RE_ARGSPLIT = re.compile(r"\s(with|on|to|in|at)\s", re.I + re.U)
_RE_EMOTE_SPEECH = re.compile(r"(\".*?\")|(\'.*?\')")
_RE_EMOTE_NAME = re.compile(r"(/\w+)")
_RE_EMOTE_PROPER_END = re.compile(r"\.$|\.[\'\"]$|\![\'\"]$|\?[\'\"]$")

# configurable help

if hasattr(settings, "EVSCAPEROOM_HELP_SUMMARY_TEXT"):
   |yWhat to do ...|n
    - Your goal is to |wescape|n the room. To do that you need to |wlook|n at
      your surroundings for clues on how to escape. When you find something
      interesting, |wexamine|n it for any actions you could take with it.
   |yHow to explore ...|n
    - |whelp [obj or command]|n           - get usage help (never puzzle-related)
    - |woptions|n                         - set game/accessibility options
    - |wlook/l [obj]|n                    - give things a cursory look.
    - |wexamine/ex/e [obj]|n              - look closer at an object. Use again to
                                        look away.
    - |wstand|n                           - stand up if you were sitting, lying etc.
   |yHow to express yourself ...|n
    - |wwho [all]|n                       - show who's in the room or on server.
    - |wemote/pose/: <something>|n        - free-form emote. Use /me to refer
                                        to yourself and /name to refer to other
                                        things/players. Use quotes "..." to speak.
    - |wsay/; <something>|n               - quick-speak your mind
    - |wwhisper <something>|n             - whisper your mind
    - |wshout <something>|n               - shout your mind
   |yHow to quit like a little baby ...|n
    - |wquit / give up|n                  - admit defeat and give up

There is no help to be had about |y{this}|n. To look away, use |wexamine|n on
its own or with another object you are interested in.

|rDo you really want to quit?|n


Enter |w'quit'|n again to truly give up.

(Since you are not the last person to leave this room, you |gcan|n get back in here
by joining room '|c{roomname}|n' from the menu. Note however that if you leave
now, any personal achievements you may have gathered so far will be |rlost|n!)

(You are the |rlast|n player to leave this room ('|c{roomname}|n'). This means that when you
leave, this room will go away and you |rwon't|n be able to come back to it!)

[docs]class CmdEvscapeRoom(Command): """ Base command parent for all Evscaperoom commands. This operates on the premise of 'focus' - the 'focus' is set on the caller, then subsequent commands will operate on that focus. If no focus is set, the operation will be general or on the room. Syntax: command [<obj1>|<arg1>] [<prep> <obj2>|<arg2>] """ # always separate the command from any args with a space arg_regex = r"(/\w+?(\s|$))|\s|$" help_category = "Evscaperoom" # these flags allow child classes to determine how strict parsing for obj1/obj2 should be # (if they are given at all): # True - obj1/obj2 must be found as Objects, otherwise it's an error aborting command # False - obj1/obj2 will remain None, instead self.arg1, arg2 will be stored as strings # None - if obj1/obj2 are found as Objects, set them, otherwise set arg1/arg2 as strings obj1_search = None obj2_search = None def _search(self, query, required): """ This implements the various search modes Args: query (str): The search query required (bool or None): This defines if query *must* be found to match a single local Object or not. If None, a non-match means returning the query unchanged. When False, immediately return the query. If required is False, don't search at all. Return: match (Object or str): The match or the search string depending on the `required` mode. Raises: InterruptCommand: Aborts the command quietly. Notes: The _AT_SEARCH_RESULT function will handle all error messaging for us. """ if required is False: return None, query matches =, quiet=True) if not matches or len(matches) > 1: if required: if not query: self.caller.msg("You must give an argument.") else: _AT_SEARCH_RESULT(matches, self.caller, query=query) raise InterruptCommand else: return None, query else: return matches[0], None
[docs] def parse(self): """ Parse incoming arguments for use in all child classes. """ caller = self.caller self.args = self.args.strip() # splits to either ['obj'] or e.g. ['obj', 'on', 'obj'] parts = [part.strip() for part in _RE_ARGSPLIT.split(" " + self.args, 1)] nparts = len(parts) self.obj1 = None self.arg1 = None self.prep = None self.obj2 = None self.arg2 = None if nparts == 1: self.obj1, self.arg1 = self._search(parts[0], self.obj1_search) elif nparts == 3: obj1, self.prep, obj2 = parts self.obj1, self.arg1 = self._search(obj1, self.obj1_search) self.obj2, self.arg2 = self._search(obj2, self.obj2_search) = caller.location self.roomstate =
@property def focus(self): return self.caller.attributes.get("focus", @focus.setter def focus(self, obj): self.caller.attributes.add("focus", obj, @focus.deleter def focus(self): self.caller.attributes.remove("focus",
[docs]class CmdGiveUp(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Give up Usage: give up Abandons your attempts at escaping and of ever winning the pie-eating contest. """ key = "give up" aliases = ("abort", "chicken out", "quit", "q")
[docs] def func(self): from .menu import run_evscaperoom_menu nchars = len( if nchars == 1: warning = _QUIT_WARNING_LAST_CHAR.format( warning = _QUIT_WARNING.format(warning=warning) else: warning = _QUIT_WARNING_CAN_COME_BACK.format( warning = _QUIT_WARNING.format(warning=warning) ret = yield (warning) if ret.upper() == "QUIT": self.msg("|R ... Oh. Okay then. Off you go.|n\n") yield (1)"QUIT: {self.caller.key} used the quit command") # manually call move hooks, f"|r{self.caller.key} gave up and was whisked away!|n"), self.caller.home) self.caller.move_to( self.caller.home, quiet=True, move_hooks=False, move_type="teleport" ) # back to menu run_evscaperoom_menu(self.caller) else: self.msg("|gYou're staying? That's the spirit!|n")
[docs]class CmdLook(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Look at the room, an object or the currently focused object Usage: look [obj] """ key = "look" aliases = ["l", "ls"] obj1_search = None obj2_search = None
[docs] def func(self): caller = self.caller target = self.obj1 or self.obj2 or self.focus or # the at_look hook will in turn call return_appearance and # pass the 'unfocused' kwarg to it txt = caller.at_look(target, unfocused=(target and target != self.focus)), txt, client_type="look")
[docs]class CmdWho(CmdEvscapeRoom, default_cmds.CmdWho): """ List other players in the game. Usage: who who all Show who is in the room with you, or (with who all), who is online on the server as a whole. """ key = "who" obj1_search = False obj2_search = False
[docs] def func(self): caller = self.caller if self.args == "all": table = self.style_table("|wName", "|wRoom") sessions = SESSION_HANDLER.get_sessions() for session in sessions: puppet = session.get_puppet() if puppet: location = puppet.location locname = location.key if location else "(Outside somewhere)" table.add_row(puppet, locname) else: account = session.get_account() table.add_row(account.get_display_name(caller), "(OOC)") txt = ( f"|cPlayers active on this server|n:\n{table}\n" "(use 'who' to see only those in your room)" ) else: chars = [ f"{obj.get_display_name(caller)} - {obj.db.desc.strip()}" for obj in if obj != caller ] chars = "\n".join([f"{caller.key} - {caller.db.desc.strip()} (you)"] + chars) txt = f"|cPlayers in this room (room-name '{}')|n:\n {chars}" caller.msg(txt)
[docs]class CmdSpeak(Command): """ Perform an communication action. Usage: say <text> whisper shout """ key = "say" aliases = [";", "shout", "whisper"] arg_regex = r"\w|\s|$"
[docs] def func(self): args = self.args.strip() caller = self.caller action = self.cmdname action = "say" if action == ";" else action room = self.caller.location if not self.args: caller.msg(f"What do you want to {action}?") return if action == "shout": args = f"|c{args.upper()}|n" elif action == "whisper": args = f"|C({args})|n" else: args = f"|c{args}|n" message = f"~You ~{action}: {args}" if hasattr(room, "msg_room"): room.msg_room(caller, message) room.log(f"{action} by {caller.key}: {args}")
[docs]class CmdEmote(Command): """ Perform a free-form emote. Use /me to include yourself in the emote and /name to include other objects or characters. Use "..." to enact speech. Usage: emote <emote> :<emote Example: emote /me smiles at /peter emote /me points to /box and /lever. """ key = "emote" aliases = [":", "pose"] arg_regex = r"\w|\s|$"
[docs] def you_replace(match): return match
[docs] def room_replace(match): return match
[docs] def func(self): emote = self.args.strip() if not emote: self.caller.msg('Usage: emote /me points to /door, saying "look over there!"') return speech_clr = "|c" obj_clr = "|y" self_clr = "|g" player_clr = "|b" add_period = not emote = _RE_EMOTE_SPEECH.sub(speech_clr + r"\1\2|n", emote) room = self.caller.location characters = room.get_all_characters() logged = False for target in characters: txt = [] self_refer = False for part in _RE_EMOTE_NAME.split(emote): nameobj = None if part.startswith("/"): name = part[1:] if name == "me": nameobj = self.caller self_refer = True else: match =, quiet=True) if len(match) == 1: nameobj = match[0] if nameobj: if target == nameobj: part = f"{self_clr}{nameobj.get_display_name(target)}|n" elif nameobj in characters: part = f"{player_clr}{nameobj.get_display_name(target)}|n" else: part = f"{obj_clr}{nameobj.get_display_name(target)}|n" txt.append(part) if not self_refer: if target == self.caller: txt = [f"{self_clr}{self.caller.get_display_name(target)}|n "] + txt else: txt = [f"{player_clr}{self.caller.get_display_name(target)}|n "] + txt txt = "".join(txt).strip() + ("." if add_period else "") if not logged and hasattr(self.caller.location, "log"): self.caller.location.log(f"emote: {txt}") logged = True target.msg(txt)
[docs]class CmdFocus(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Focus your attention on a target. Usage: focus <obj> Once focusing on an object, use look to get more information about how it looks and what actions is available. """ key = "focus" aliases = ["examine", "e", "ex", "unfocus"] obj1_search = None
[docs] def func(self): if self.obj1: old_focus = self.focus if hasattr(old_focus, "at_unfocus"): old_focus.at_unfocus(self.caller) if not hasattr(self.obj1, "at_focus"): self.caller.msg("Nothing of interest there.") return if self.focus != self.obj1: self.caller, f"~You ~examine *{self.obj1.key}.", skip_caller=True ) self.focus = self.obj1 self.obj1.at_focus(self.caller) elif not self.focus: self.caller.msg("What do you want to focus on?") else: old_focus = self.focus del self.focus self.caller.msg(f"You no longer focus on |y{old_focus.key}|n.")
[docs]class CmdOptions(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Start option menu Usage: options """ key = "options" aliases = ["option"]
[docs] def func(self): from .menu import run_option_menu run_option_menu(self.caller, self.session)
[docs]class CmdGet(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Use focus / examine instead. """ key = "get" aliases = ["inventory", "i", "inv", "give"]
[docs] def func(self): self.caller.msg("Use |wfocus|n or |wexamine|n for handling objects.")
[docs]class CmdRerouter(default_cmds.MuxCommand): """ Interact with an object in focus. Usage: <action> [arg] """ # reroute commands from the default cmdset to the catch-all # focus function where needed. This allows us to override # individual default commands without replacing the entire # cmdset (we want to keep most of them). key = "open" aliases = ["@dig", "@open"]
[docs] def func(self): # reroute to another command from evennia.commands import cmdhandler cmdhandler.cmdhandler( self.session, self.raw_string, cmdobj=CmdFocusInteraction(), cmdobj_key=self.cmdname )
[docs]class CmdFocusInteraction(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Interact with an object in focus. Usage: <action> [arg] This is a special catch-all command which will operate on the current focus. It will look for a method `focused_object.at_focus_<action>(caller, **kwargs)` and call it. This allows objects to just add a new hook to make that action apply to it. The obj1, prep, obj2, arg1, arg2 are passed as keys into the method. """ # all commands not matching something else goes here. key = syscmdkeys.CMD_NOMATCH obj1_search = None obj2_search = None
[docs] def parse(self): """ We assume this type of command is always on the form `command [arg]` """ self.args = self.args.strip() parts = self.args.split(None, 1) if not self.args: self.action, self.args = "", "" elif len(parts) == 1: self.action = parts[0] self.args = "" else: self.action, self.args = parts = self.caller.location
[docs] def func(self): focused = self.focus action = self.action if focused and hasattr(focused, f"at_focus_{action}"): # there is a suitable hook to call! getattr(focused, f"at_focus_{action}")(self.caller, args=self.args) else: self.caller.msg("Hm?")
[docs]class CmdStand(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Stand up from whatever position you had. """ key = "stand"
[docs] def func(self): # Positionable objects will set this flag on you. pos = self.caller.attributes.get("position", if pos: # we have a position, clean up. obj, position = pos self.caller.attributes.remove("position", del obj.db.positions[self.caller], "~You ~are back standing on the floor again.") else: self.caller.msg("You are already standing.")
[docs]class CmdHelp(CmdEvscapeRoom, default_cmds.CmdHelp): """ Get help. Usage: help <topic> or <command> """ key = "help" aliases = ["?"]
[docs] def func(self): if self.obj1: if hasattr(self.obj1, "get_help"): helptxt = self.obj1.get_help(self.caller) if not helptxt: helptxt = f"There is no help to be had about {self.obj1.get_display_name(self.caller)}." else: helptxt = ( f"|y{self.obj1.get_display_name(self.caller)}|n is " "likely |rnot|n part of any of the Jester's trickery." ) elif self.arg1: # fall back to the normal help command super().func() return else: helptxt = _HELP_SUMMARY_TEXT self.caller.msg(helptxt.rstrip())
# Debug/help command
[docs]class CmdCreateObj(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Create command, only for Admins during debugging. Usage: createobj name[:typeclass] Here, :typeclass is a class in evscaperoom.commands """ key = "createobj" aliases = ["cobj"] locks = "cmd:perm(Admin)" obj1_search = False obj2_search = False
[docs] def func(self): caller = self.caller args = self.args if not args: caller.msg("Usage: createobj name[:typeclass]") return typeclass = "EvscaperoomObject" if ":" in args: name, typeclass = (part.strip() for part in args.rsplit(":", 1)) if typeclass.startswith("state_"): # a state class typeclass = "evscaperoom.states." + typeclass else: name = args.strip() obj = create_evscaperoom_object(typeclass=typeclass, key=name, caller.msg(f"Created new object {name} ({obj.typeclass_path}).")
[docs]class CmdSetFlag(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Assign a flag to an object. Admin use only Usage: flag <obj> with <flagname> """ key = "flag" aliases = ["setflag"] locks = "cmd:perm(Admin)" obj1_search = True obj2_search = False
[docs] def func(self): if not self.arg2: self.caller.msg("Usage: flag <obj> with <flagname>") return if hasattr(self.obj1, "set_flag"): if self.obj1.check_flag(self.arg2): self.obj1.unset_flag(self.arg2) self.caller.msg(f"|rUnset|n flag '{self.arg2}' on {self.obj1}.") else: self.obj1.set_flag(self.arg2) self.caller.msg(f"|gSet|n flag '{self.arg2}' on {self.obj1}.") else: self.caller.msg(f"Cannot set flag on {self.obj1}.")
[docs]class CmdJumpState(CmdEvscapeRoom): """ Jump to a given state. Args: jumpstate <statename> """ key = "jumpstate" locks = "cmd:perm(Admin)" obj1_search = False obj2_search = False
[docs] def func(self): self.caller.msg(f"Trying to move to state {self.args}")
# Helper command to start the Evscaperoom menu
[docs]class CmdEvscapeRoomStart(Command): """ Go to the Evscaperoom start menu """ key = "evscaperoom" help_category = "EvscapeRoom"
[docs] def func(self): # need to import here to break circular import from .menu import run_evscaperoom_menu run_evscaperoom_menu(self.caller)
# command sets
[docs]class CmdSetEvScapeRoom(CmdSet): priority = 1
[docs] def at_cmdset_creation(self): self.add(CmdHelp()) self.add(CmdLook()) self.add(CmdGiveUp()) self.add(CmdFocus()) self.add(CmdSpeak()) self.add(CmdEmote()) self.add(CmdFocusInteraction()) self.add(CmdStand()) self.add(CmdWho()) self.add(CmdOptions()) # rerouters self.add(CmdGet()) self.add(CmdRerouter()) # admin commands self.add(CmdCreateObj()) self.add(CmdSetFlag()) self.add(CmdJumpState())