Source code for evennia.contrib.game_systems.multidescer.multidescer

Evennia Multidescer

Contrib - Griatch 2016

A "multidescer" is a concept from the MUSH world. It allows for
creating, managing and switching between multiple character
descriptions. This multidescer will not require any changes to the
Character class, rather it will use the `multidescs` Attribute (a
list) and create it if it does not exist.

This contrib also works well together with the rpsystem contrib (which
also adds the short descriptions and the `sdesc` command).


Edit `mygame/commands/` and add
`from evennia.contrib.game_systems.multidescer import CmdMultiDesc` to the top.

Next, look up the `at_cmdset_create` method of the `CharacterCmdSet`
class and add a line `self.add(CmdMultiDesc())` to the end
of it.

Reload the server and you should have the +desc command available (it
will replace the default `desc` command).


import re

from evennia import default_cmds
from evennia.utils.eveditor import EvEditor
from evennia.utils.utils import crop

# regex for the set functionality
_RE_KEYS = re.compile(r"([\w\s]+)(?:\+*?)", re.U + re.I)

# Helper functions for the Command

[docs]class DescValidateError(ValueError): "Used for tracebacks from desc systems" pass
def _update_store(caller, key=None, desc=None, delete=False, swapkey=None): """ Helper function for updating the database store. Args: caller (Object): The caller of the command. key (str): Description identifier desc (str): Description text. delete (bool): Delete given key. swapkey (str): Swap list positions of `key` and this key. """ if not caller.db.multidesc: # initialize the multidesc attribute caller.db.multidesc = [("caller", caller.db.desc or "")] if not key: return lokey = key.lower() match = [ind for ind, tup in enumerate(caller.db.multidesc) if tup[0] == lokey] if match: idesc = match[0] if delete: # delete entry del caller.db.multidesc[idesc] elif swapkey: # swap positions loswapkey = swapkey.lower() swapmatch = [ind for ind, tup in enumerate(caller.db.multidesc) if tup[0] == loswapkey] if swapmatch: iswap = swapmatch[0] if idesc == iswap: raise DescValidateError("Swapping a key with itself does nothing.") temp = caller.db.multidesc[idesc] caller.db.multidesc[idesc] = caller.db.multidesc[iswap] caller.db.multidesc[iswap] = temp else: raise DescValidateError("Description key '|w%s|n' not found." % swapkey) elif desc: # update in-place caller.db.multidesc[idesc] = (lokey, desc) else: raise DescValidateError("No description was set.") else: # no matching key if delete or swapkey: raise DescValidateError("Description key '|w%s|n' not found." % key) elif desc: # insert new at the top of the stack caller.db.multidesc.insert(0, (lokey, desc)) else: raise DescValidateError("No description was set.") # eveditor save/load/quit functions def _save_editor(caller, buffer): "Called when the editor saves its contents" key = caller.db._multidesc_editkey _update_store(caller, key, buffer) caller.msg("Saved description to key '%s'." % key) return True def _load_editor(caller): "Called when the editor loads contents" key = caller.db._multidesc_editkey match = [ind for ind, tup in enumerate(caller.db.multidesc) if tup[0] == key] if match: return caller.db.multidesc[match[0]][1] return "" def _quit_editor(caller): "Called when the editor quits" del caller.db._multidesc_editkey caller.msg("Exited editor.") # The actual command class
[docs]class CmdMultiDesc(default_cmds.MuxCommand): """ Manage multiple descriptions Usage: +desc [key] - show current desc desc with <key> +desc <key> = <text> - add/replace desc with <key> +desc/list - list descriptions (abbreviated) +desc/list/full - list descriptions (full texts) +desc/edit <key> - add/edit desc <key> in line editor +desc/del <key> - delete desc <key> +desc/swap <key1>-<key2> - swap positions of <key1> and <key2> in list +desc/set <key> [+key+...] - set desc as default or combine multiple descs Notes: When combining multiple descs with +desc/set <key> + <key2> + ..., any keys not matching an actual description will be inserted as plain text. Use e.g. ansi line break ||/ to add a new paragraph and + + or ansi space ||_ to add extra whitespace. """ key = "+desc" aliases = ["desc"] locks = "cmd:all()" help_category = "General"
[docs] def func(self): """ Implements the multidescer. We will use `db.desc` for the description in use and `db.multidesc` to store all descriptions. """ caller = self.caller args = self.args.strip() switches = self.switches try: if "list" in switches or "all" in switches: # list all stored descriptions, either in full or cropped. # Note that we list starting from 1, not from 0. _update_store(caller) do_crop = "full" not in switches if do_crop: outtext = [ "|w%s:|n %s" % (key, crop(desc)) for key, desc in caller.db.multidesc ] else: outtext = [ "\n|w%s:|n|n\n%s\n%s" % (key, "-" * (len(key) + 1), desc) for key, desc in caller.db.multidesc ] caller.msg("|wStored descs:|n\n" + "\n".join(outtext)) return elif "edit" in switches: # Use the eveditor to edit/create the named description if not args: caller.msg("Usage: %s/edit key" % self.key) return # this is used by the editor to know what to edit; it's deleted automatically caller.db._multidesc_editkey = args # start the editor EvEditor( caller, loadfunc=_load_editor, savefunc=_save_editor, quitfunc=_quit_editor, key="multidesc editor", persistent=True, ) elif "delete" in switches or "del" in switches: # delete a multidesc entry. if not args: caller.msg("Usage: %s/delete key" % self.key) return _update_store(caller, args, delete=True) caller.msg("Deleted description with key '%s'." % args) elif "swap" in switches or "switch" in switches or "reorder" in switches: # Reorder list by swapping two entries. We expect numbers starting from 1 keys = [arg for arg in args.split("-", 1)] if not len(keys) == 2: caller.msg("Usage: %s/swap key1-key2" % self.key) return key1, key2 = keys # perform the swap _update_store(caller, key1, swapkey=key2) caller.msg("Swapped descs '%s' and '%s'." % (key1, key2)) elif "set" in switches: # switches one (or more) of the multidescs to be the "active" description _update_store(caller) if not args: caller.msg("Usage: %s/set key [+ key2 + key3 + ...]" % self.key) return new_desc = [] multidesc = caller.db.multidesc for key in args.split("+"): notfound = True lokey = key.strip().lower() for mkey, desc in multidesc: if lokey == mkey: new_desc.append(desc) notfound = False continue if notfound: # if we get here, there is no desc match, we add it as a normal string new_desc.append(key) new_desc = "".join(new_desc) caller.db.desc = new_desc caller.msg("%s\n\n|wThe above was set as the current description.|n" % new_desc) elif self.rhs or "add" in switches: # add text directly to a new entry or an existing one. if not (self.lhs and self.rhs): caller.msg("Usage: %s/add key = description" % self.key) return key, desc = self.lhs, self.rhs _update_store(caller, key, desc) caller.msg("Stored description '%s': \"%s\"" % (key, crop(desc))) else: # display the current description or a numbered description _update_store(caller) if args: key = args.lower() multidesc = caller.db.multidesc for mkey, desc in multidesc: if key == mkey: caller.msg("|wDecsription %s:|n\n%s" % (key, desc)) return caller.msg("Description key '%s' not found." % key) else: caller.msg("|wCurrent desc:|n\n%s" % caller.db.desc) except DescValidateError as err: # This is triggered by _key_to_index caller.msg(err)