Source code for evennia.contrib.utils.name_generator.namegen

Random Name Generator

Contribution by InspectorCaracal (2022)

A module for generating random names, both real-world and fantasy. Real-world
names can be generated either as first (personal) names, family (last) names, or
full names (first, optional middles, and last). The name data is from [Behind the Name](
and used under the [CC BY-SA 4.0 license](

Fantasy names are generated from basic phonetic rules, using CVC syllable syntax.

Both real-world and fantasy name generation can be extended to include additional
information via your game's ``

Available Methods:

  first_name   - Selects a random a first (personal) name from the name lists.
  last_name    - Selects a random last (family) name from the name lists.
  full_name    - Generates a randomized full name, optionally including middle names, by selecting first/last names from the name lists.
  fantasy_name - Generates a completely new made-up name based on phonetic rules.

Method examples:

>>> namegen.first_name(num=5)
['Genesis', 'Tali', 'Budur', 'Dominykas', 'Kamau']

>>> namegen.full_name(parts=3, surname_first=True)
'Ó Muircheartach Torunn Dyson'
>>> namegen.full_name(gender='f')
'Wikolia Ó Deasmhumhnaigh'

>>> namegen.fantasy_name(num=3, style="fluid")
['Aewalisash', 'Ayi', 'Iaa']

Available Settings (define these in your ``)

  NAMEGEN_FIRST_NAMES   - Option to add a new list of first (personal) names.
  NAMEGEN_LAST_NAMES    - Option to add a new list of last (family) names.
  NAMEGEN_REPLACE_LISTS - Set to True if you want to use ONLY your name lists and not the ones that come with the contrib.
  NAMEGEN_FANTASY_RULES - Option to add new fantasy-name style rules.
      Must be a dictionary that includes "syllable", "consonants", "vowels", and "length" - see the example.
      "start" and "end" keys are optional.

Settings examples:

        ("Evennia", 'mf'),
        ("Green Tea", 'f'),

NAMEGEN_LAST_NAMES = [ "Beeblebrox", "Son of Odin" ]

    "example_style": {
            "syllable": "(C)VC",
            "consonants": [ 'z','z','ph','sh','r','n' ],
            "start": ['m'],
            "end": ['x','n'],
            "vowels": [ "e","e","e","a","i","i","u","o", ],
            "length": (2,4),


import random
import re
from os import path

from django.conf import settings

from evennia.utils.utils import is_iter

# Load name data from Behind the Name lists
dirpath = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))
with open(path.join(dirpath, "btn_givennames.txt"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        line.strip().rsplit(" ") for line in file if line and not line.startswith("#")

with open(path.join(dirpath, "btn_surnames.txt"), "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
    _SURNAME_LIST = [line.strip() for line in file if line and not line.startswith("#")]

_REQUIRED_KEYS = {"syllable", "consonants", "vowels", "length"}
# Define phoneme structure for built-in fantasy name generators.
    "harsh": {
        "syllable": "CV(C)",
        "consonants": [
        "start": [
        "end": [
        "vowels": [
        "length": (1, 3),
    "fluid": {
        "syllable": "V(C)",
        "consonants": [
        "start": [],
        "end": [],
        "vowels": [
        "length": (3, 5),
    "alien": {
        "syllable": "C(C(V))(')(C)",
        "consonants": ["q", "q", "x", "z", "v", "w", "k", "h", "b"],
        "start": [
        "end": [],
        "vowels": ["y", "w", "o", "y"],
        "length": (1, 5),

_RE_DOUBLES = re.compile(r"(\w)\1{2,}")

# Load in optional settings

custom_first_names = (
    settings.NAMEGEN_FIRST_NAMES if hasattr(settings, "NAMEGEN_FIRST_NAMES") else []
custom_last_names = settings.NAMEGEN_LAST_NAMES if hasattr(settings, "NAMEGEN_LAST_NAMES") else []

if hasattr(settings, "NAMEGEN_FANTASY_RULES"):

if hasattr(settings, "NAMEGEN_REPLACE_LISTS") and settings.NAMEGEN_REPLACE_LISTS:
    _FIRSTNAME_LIST = custom_first_names or _FIRSTNAME_LIST
    _SURNAME_LIST = custom_last_names or _SURNAME_LIST

    _FIRSTNAME_LIST += custom_first_names
    _SURNAME_LIST += custom_last_names

[docs]def fantasy_name(num=1, style="harsh", return_list=False): """ Generate made-up names in one of a number of "styles". Keyword args: num (int) - How many names to return. style (string) - The "style" of name. This references an existing algorithm. return_list (bool) - Whether to always return a list. `False` by default, which returns a string if there is only one value and a list if more. """ def _validate(style_name): if style_name not in _FANTASY_NAME_STRUCTURES: raise ValueError( f"Invalid style name: '{style_name}'. Available style names: {' '.join(_FANTASY_NAME_STRUCTURES.keys())}" ) style_dict = _FANTASY_NAME_STRUCTURES[style_name] if type(style_dict) is not dict: raise ValueError(f"Style {style_name} must be a dictionary.") keys = set(style_dict.keys()) missing_keys = _REQUIRED_KEYS - keys if len(missing_keys): raise KeyError( f"Style dictionary {style_name} is missing required keys: {' '.join(missing_keys)}" ) if not (type(style_dict["consonants"]) is list and type(style_dict["vowels"]) is list): raise TypeError(f"'consonants' and 'vowels' for style {style_name} must be lists.") if not (is_iter(style_dict["length"]) and len(style_dict["length"]) == 2): raise ValueError( f"'length' key for {style_name} must have a minimum and maximum number of syllables." ) return style_dict # validate num first num = int(num) if num < 1: raise ValueError("Number of names to generate must be positive.") style_dict = _validate(style) syllable = [] weight = 8 # parse out the syllable structure with weights for key in style_dict["syllable"]: # parentheses mean optional - allow nested parens if key == "(": weight = weight / 2 elif key == ")": weight = weight * 2 else: if key == "C": sound_type = "consonants" elif key == "V": sound_type = "vowels" else: sound_type = key # append the sound type and weight syllable.append((sound_type, int(weight))) name_list = [] # time to generate a name! for n in range(num): # build a list of syllables length = random.randint(*style_dict["length"]) name = "" for i in range(length): # build the syllable itself syll = "" for sound, weight in syllable: # random chance to skip this key; lower weights mean less likely if random.randint(0, 8) > weight: continue if sound not in style_dict: # extra character, like apostrophes syll += sound continue # get a random sound from the sound list choices = list(style_dict[sound]) if sound == "consonants": # if it's a starting consonant, add starting-sounds to the options if not len(syll): choices += style_dict.get("start", []) # if it's an ending consonant, add ending-sounds to the options elif i + 1 == length: choices += style_dict.get("end", []) syll += random.choice(choices) name += syll # condense repeating letters down to a maximum of 2 name = _RE_DOUBLES.sub(lambda m: * 2, name) # capitalize the first letter name = name[0].upper() + name[1:] if len(name) > 1 else name.upper() name_list.append(name) if len(name_list) == 1 and not return_list: return name_list[0] return name_list
[docs]def first_name( num=1, gender=None, return_list=False, ): """ Generate first names, also known as personal names. Keyword args: num (int) - How many names to return. gender (str) - Restrict names by gender association. `None` by default, which selects from all possible names. Set to "m" for masculine, "f" for feminine, "mf" for androgynous return_list (bool) - Whether to always return a list. `False` by default, which returns a string if there is only one value and a list if more. """ # validate num first num = int(num) if num < 1: raise ValueError("Number of names to generate must be positive.") if gender: # filter the options by gender name_options = [ name_data[0] for name_data in _FIRSTNAME_LIST if all([gender_key in gender for gender_key in name_data[1]]) ] if not len(name_options): raise ValueError(f"Invalid gender '{gender}'.") else: name_options = [name_data[0] for name_data in _FIRSTNAME_LIST] # take a random selection of `num` names, without repeats results = random.sample(name_options, num) if len(results) == 1 and not return_list: # return single value as a string return results[0] return results
[docs]def last_name(num=1, return_list=False): """ Generate family names, also known as surnames or last names. Keyword args: num (int) - How many names to return. return_list (bool) - Whether to always return a list. `False` by default, which returns a string if there is only one value and a list if more. """ # validate num first num = int(num) if num < 1: raise ValueError("Number of names to generate must be positive.") # take a random selection of `num` names, without repeats results = random.sample(_SURNAME_LIST, num) if len(results) == 1 and not return_list: # return single value as a string return results[0] return results
[docs]def full_name(num=1, parts=2, gender=None, return_list=False, surname_first=False): """ Generate complete names with a personal name, family name, and optionally middle names. Keyword args: num (int) - How many names to return. parts (int) - How many parts the name should have. By default two: first and last. gender (str) - Restrict names by gender association. `None` by default, which selects from all possible names. Set to "m" for masculine, "f" for feminine, "mf" for androgynous return_list (bool) - Whether to always return a list. `False` by default, which returns a string if there is only one value and a list if more. surname_first (bool) - Default `False`. Set to `True` if you want the family name to be placed at the beginning of the name instead of the end. """ # validate num first num = int(num) if num < 1: raise ValueError("Number of names to generate must be positive.") # validate parts next parts = int(parts) if parts < 2: raise ValueError("Number of name parts to generate must be at least 2.") name_lists = [] middle = parts - 2 if middle: # calculate "middle" names. # we want them to be an intelligent mix of personal names and family names # first, split the total number of middle-name parts into "personal" and "family" at a random point total_mids = middle * num personals = random.randint(1, total_mids) familys = total_mids - personals # then get the names for each personal_mids = first_name(num=personals, gender=gender, return_list=True) family_mids = last_name(num=familys, return_list=True) if familys else [] # splice them together according to surname_first.... middle_names = family_mids + personal_mids if surname_first else personal_mids + family_mids # ...and then split into `num`-length lists to be used for the final names name_lists = [middle_names[num * i : num * (i + 1)] for i in range(0, middle)] # get personal and family names personal_names = first_name(num=num, gender=gender, return_list=True) last_names = last_name(num=num, return_list=True) # attach personal/family names to the list of name lists, according to surname_first if surname_first: name_lists = [last_names] + name_lists + [personal_names] else: name_lists = [personal_names] + name_lists + [last_names] # lastly, zip them all up and join them together names = list(zip(*name_lists)) names = [" ".join(name) for name in names] if len(names) == 1 and not return_list: # return single value as a string return names[0] return names