Source code for evennia.scripts.scripts

This module defines Scripts, out-of-character entities that can store
data both on themselves and on other objects while also having the
ability to run timers.


from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, maybeDeferred
from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall

from evennia.scripts.manager import ScriptManager
from evennia.scripts.models import ScriptDB
from evennia.typeclasses.models import TypeclassBase
from evennia.utils import create, logger

__all__ = ["DefaultScript", "DoNothing", "Store"]

class ExtendedLoopingCall(LoopingCall):
    Custom child of LoopingCall that can start at a delay different than
    `self.interval` and self.count=0. This allows it to support pausing
    by resuming at a later period.


    start_delay = None
    callcount = 0

    def start(self, interval, now=True, start_delay=None, count_start=0):
        Start running function every interval seconds.

        This overloads the LoopingCall default by offering the
        start_delay keyword and ability to repeat.

            interval (int): Repeat interval in seconds.
            now (bool, optional): Whether to start immediately or after
                `start_delay` seconds.
            start_delay (int, optional): This only applies is `now=False`. It gives
                number of seconds to wait before starting. If `None`, use
                `interval` as this value instead. Internally, this is used as a
                way to start with a variable start time after a pause.
            count_start (int): Number of repeats to start at. The  count
                goes up every time the system repeats. This is used to
                implement something repeating `N` number of times etc.

            AssertError: if trying to start a task which is already running.
            ValueError: If interval is set to an invalid value < 0.

            As opposed to Twisted's inbuilt count mechanism, this
            system will count also if force_repeat() was called rather
            than just the number of `interval` seconds since the start.
            This allows us to force-step through a limited number of
            steps if we want.

        assert not self.running, "Tried to start an already running ExtendedLoopingCall."
        if interval < 0:
            raise ValueError("interval must be >= 0")
        self.running = True
        deferred = self._deferred = Deferred()
        self.starttime = self.clock.seconds()
        self.interval = interval
        self._runAtStart = now
        self.callcount = max(0, count_start)
        self.start_delay = start_delay if start_delay is None else max(0, start_delay)

        if now:
            # run immediately
        elif start_delay is not None and start_delay >= 0:
            # start after some time: for this to work we need to
            # trick _scheduleFrom by temporarily setting a different
            # self.interval for it to check.
            real_interval, self.interval = self.interval, start_delay
            # re-set the actual interval (this will be picked up
            # next time it runs
            self.interval = real_interval
        return deferred

    def __call__(self):
        Tick one step. We update callcount (tracks number of calls) as
        well as null start_delay (needed in order to correctly
        estimate next_call_time at all times).

        self.callcount += 1
        if self.start_delay:
            self.start_delay = None
            self.starttime = self.clock.seconds()
        if self._deferred:

    def force_repeat(self):
        Force-fire the callback

            AssertionError: When trying to force a task that is not

        assert self.running, "Tried to fire an ExtendedLoopingCall that was not running." = None
        self.starttime = self.clock.seconds()

    def next_call_time(self):
        Get the next call time. This also takes the eventual effect
        of start_delay into account.

            int or None: The time in seconds until the next call. This
                takes `start_delay` into account. Returns `None` if
                the task is not running.

        if self.running and self.interval > 0:
            total_runtime = self.clock.seconds() - self.starttime
            interval = self.start_delay or self.interval
            return max(0, interval - (total_runtime % self.interval))

class ScriptBase(ScriptDB, metaclass=TypeclassBase):
    Base class for scripts. Don't inherit from this, inherit from the
    class `DefaultScript` below instead.

    This handles the timer-component of the Script.


    objects = ScriptManager()

    def __str__(self):
        return "<{cls} {key}>".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, key=self.key)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

    def at_idmapper_flush(self):
        If we're flushing this object, make sure the LoopingCall is gone too.
        ret = super().at_idmapper_flush()
        if ret and self.ndb._task:
        # TODO - restart anew ?
        return ret

    def _start_task(
        Start/Unpause task runner, optionally with new values. If given, this will
        update the Script's fields.

        Keyword Args:
            interval (int): How often to tick the task, in seconds. If this is <= 0,
                no task will start and properties will not be updated on the Script.
            start_delay (int): If the start should be delayed.
            repeats (int): How many repeats. 0 for infinite repeats.
            force_restart (bool): If set, always create a new task running even if an
                old one already was running. Otherwise this will only happen if
                new script properties were passed.
            auto_unpause (bool): This is an automatic unpaused (used e.g by Evennia after
                a reload) and should not un-pause manually paused Script timers.
            If setting the `start-delay` of a *paused* Script, the Script will
            restart exactly after that new start-delay, ignoring the time it
            was paused at. If only changing the `interval`, the Script will
            come out of pause comparing the time it spent in the *old* interval
            with the *new* interval in order to determine when next to fire.

            - Script previously had an interval of 10s and was paused 5s into that interval.
              Script is now restarted with a 20s interval. It will next fire after 15s.
            - Same Script is restarted with a 3s interval. It will fire immediately.

        if is None:
            # script object already deleted from db - don't start a new timer
            raise ScriptDB.DoesNotExist

        # handle setting/updating fields
        update_fields = []
        old_interval = self.db_interval
        if interval is not None:
            self.db_interval = interval
        if start_delay is not None:
            # note that for historical reasons, the start_delay is a boolean field, not an int; the
            # actual value is only used with the task.
            self.db_start_delay = bool(start_delay)
        if repeats is not None:
            self.db_repeats = repeats

        # validate interval
        if self.db_interval and self.db_interval > 0:
            if not self.is_active:
                self.db_is_active = True
            # no point in starting a task with no interval.

        restart = bool(update_fields) or force_restart

        if self.ndb._task and self.ndb._task.running:
            if restart:
                # a change needed/forced; stop/remove old task
                # task alreaady running and no changes needed

        if not self.ndb._task:
            # we should have a fresh task after this point
            self.ndb._task = ExtendedLoopingCall(self._step_task)


        if not self.ndb._task.running:
            # if not unpausing started it, start script anew with the new values
                self.db_interval, now=not self.db_start_delay, start_delay=start_delay


    def _pause_task(self, auto_pause=False, **kwargs):
        Pause task where it is, saving the current status.

            auto_pause (str):

        if not self.db._paused_time:
            # only allow pause if not already paused
            task = self.ndb._task
            if task:
                self.db._paused_time = task.next_call_time()
                self.db._paused_callcount = task.callcount
                self.db._manually_paused = not auto_pause
                if task.running:
            self.ndb._task = None

            self.at_pause(auto_pause=auto_pause, **kwargs)

    def _unpause_task(
        self, interval=None, start_delay=None, auto_unpause=False, old_interval=0, **kwargs
        Unpause task from paused status. This is used for auto-paused tasks, such
        as tasks paused on a server reload.

            interval (int): How often to tick the task, in seconds.
            start_delay (int): If the start should be delayed.
            auto_unpause (bool): If set, this will only unpause scripts that were unpaused
                automatically (useful during a system reload/shutdown).
            old_interval (int): The old Script interval (or current one if nothing changed). Used
                to recalculate the unpause startup interval.

        paused_time = self.db._paused_time
        if paused_time:
            if auto_unpause and self.db._manually_paused:
                # this was manually paused.

            # task was paused. This will use the new values as needed.
            callcount = self.db._paused_callcount or 0
            if start_delay is None and interval is not None:
                # adjust start-delay based on how far we were into previous interval
                start_delay = max(0, interval - (old_interval - paused_time))
                start_delay = paused_time

            if not self.ndb._task:
                self.ndb._task = ExtendedLoopingCall(self._step_task)

                self.db_interval, now=False, start_delay=start_delay, count_start=callcount
            self.db._paused_time = None
            self.db._paused_callcount = None
            self.db._manually_paused = None


    def _stop_task(self, **kwargs):
        Stop task runner and delete the task.

        task_stopped = False
        task = self.ndb._task
        if task and task.running:
            task_stopped = True

        self.ndb._task = None
        self.db_is_active = False

        # make sure this is not confused as a paused script
        self.db._paused_time = None
        self.db._paused_callcount = None
        self.db._manually_paused = None["db_is_active"])
        if task_stopped:

    def _step_errback(self, e):
        Callback for runner errors

        cname = self.__class__.__name__
        estring = _(
            "Script {key}(#{dbid}) of type '{name}': at_repeat() error '{err}'.".format(
                key=self.key, dbid=self.dbid, name=cname, err=e.getErrorMessage()
        except Exception:
            # we must not crash inside the errback, even if db_obj is None.

    def _step_callback(self):
        Step task runner. No try..except needed due to defer wrap.

        if not self.ndb._task:
            # if there is no task, we have no business using this method

        if not self.is_valid():

        # call hook
        except Exception:

        # check repeats
        if self.ndb._task:
            # we need to check for the task in case stop() was called
            # inside at_repeat() and it already went away.
            callcount = self.ndb._task.callcount
            maxcount = self.db_repeats
            if maxcount > 0 and maxcount <= callcount:

    def _step_task(self):
        Step task. This groups error handling.
            return maybeDeferred(self._step_callback).addErrback(self._step_errback)
        except Exception:
        return None

    # Access methods / hooks

    def at_first_save(self, **kwargs):
        This is called after very first time this object is saved.
        Generally, you don't need to overload this, but only the hooks
        called by this method.

            **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users
                overriding the call (unused by default).

        # initialize Attribute/TagProperties

        if hasattr(self, "_createdict"):
            # this will only be set if the utils.create_script
            # function was used to create the object. We want
            # the create call's kwargs to override the values
            # set by hooks.
            cdict = self._createdict
            updates = []
            if not cdict.get("key"):
                if not self.db_key:
                    self.db_key = "#%i" % self.dbid
            elif self.db_key != cdict["key"]:
                self.db_key = cdict["key"]
            if cdict.get("interval") and self.interval != cdict["interval"]:
                self.db_interval = max(0, cdict["interval"])
            if cdict.get("start_delay") and self.start_delay != cdict["start_delay"]:
                self.db_start_delay = cdict["start_delay"]
            if cdict.get("repeats") and self.repeats != cdict["repeats"]:
                self.db_repeats = max(0, cdict["repeats"])
            if cdict.get("persistent") and self.persistent != cdict["persistent"]:
                self.db_persistent = cdict["persistent"]
            if cdict.get("desc") and self.desc != cdict["desc"]:
                self.db_desc = cdict["desc"]
            if updates:

            if cdict.get("permissions"):
            if cdict.get("locks"):
            if cdict.get("tags"):
                # this should be a list of tags, tuples (key, category) or (key, category, data)
            if cdict.get("attributes"):
                # this should be tuples (key, val, ...)
            if cdict.get("nattributes"):
                # this should be a dict of nattrname:value
                for key, value in cdict["nattributes"]:
                    self.nattributes.add(key, value)

            if cdict.get("autostart"):
                # autostart the script

    def delete(self):
        Delete the Script. Normally stops any timer task. This fires at_script_delete before

            bool: If deletion was successful or not. Only time this can fail would be if
                the script was already previously deleted, or `at_script_delete` returns

        if not or not self.at_script_delete():
            return False

        return True

    def basetype_setup(self):
        Changes fundamental aspects of the type. Usually changes are made in at_script creation


    def at_init(self):
        Called when the Script is cached in the idmapper. This is usually more reliable
        than overriding `__init__` since the latter can be called at unexpected times.


    def at_script_creation(self):
        Should be overridden in child.


    def at_script_delete(self):
        Called when script is deleted, before the script timer stops.

            bool: If False, deletion is aborted.

        return True

    def is_valid(self):
        If returning False, `at_repeat` will not be called and timer will stop
        return True

    def at_repeat(self, **kwargs):
        Called repeatedly every `interval` seconds, once `.start()` has
        been called on the Script at least once.

            **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users
                overriding the call (unused by default).


    def at_start(self, **kwargs):

    def at_pause(self, **kwargs):

    def at_stop(self, **kwargs):

    def start(self, interval=None, start_delay=None, repeats=None, **kwargs):
        Start/Unpause timer component, optionally with new values. If given,
        this will update the Script's fields. This will start `at_repeat` being
        called every `interval` seconds.

        Keyword Args:
            interval (int): How often to fire `at_repeat` in seconds.
            start_delay (int): If the start of ticking should be delayed and by how much.
            repeats (int): How many repeats. 0 for infinite repeats.
            **kwargs: Optional (default unused) kwargs passed on into the `at_start` hook.

            If setting the `start-delay` of a *paused* Script, the Script will
            restart exactly after that new start-delay, ignoring the time it
            was paused at. If only changing the `interval`, the Script will
            come out of pause comparing the time it spent in the *old* interval
            with the *new* interval in order to determine when next to fire.

            - Script previously had an interval of 10s and was paused 5s into that interval.
              Script is now restarted with a 20s interval. It will next fire after 15s.
            - Same Script is restarted with a 3s interval. It will fire immediately.

        self._start_task(interval=interval, start_delay=start_delay, repeats=repeats, **kwargs)

    # legacy alias
    update = start

    def stop(self, **kwargs):
        Stop the Script's timer component. This will not delete the Sctipt,
        just stop the regular firing of `at_repeat`. Running `.start()` will
        start the timer anew, optionally with new settings..

            **kwargs: Optional (default unused) kwargs passed on into the `at_stop` hook.


    def pause(self, **kwargs):
        Manually the Script's timer component manually.

            **kwargs: Optional (default unused) kwargs passed on into the `at_pause` hook.

        self._pause_task(manual_pause=True, **kwargs)

    def unpause(self, **kwargs):
        Manually unpause a Paused Script.

            **kwargs: Optional (default unused) kwargs passed on into the `at_start` hook.


    def time_until_next_repeat(self):
        Get time until the script fires it `at_repeat` hook again.

            int or None: Time in seconds until the script runs again.
                If not a timed script, return `None`.

            This hook is not used in any way by the script's stepping
            system; it's only here for the user to be able to check in
            on their scripts and when they will next be run.

        task = self.ndb._task
        if task:
                return int(round(task.next_call_time()))
            except TypeError:
        return None

    def remaining_repeats(self):
        Get the number of returning repeats for limited Scripts.

            int or None: The number of repeats remaining until the Script
                stops. Returns `None` if it has unlimited repeats.

        task = self.ndb._task
        if task:
            return max(0, self.db_repeats - task.callcount)
        return None

    def reset_callcount(self, value=0):
        Reset the count of the number of calls done.

            value (int, optional): The repeat value to reset to. Default
                is to set it all the way back to 0.

            This is only useful if repeats != 0.

        task = self.ndb._task
        if task:
            task.callcount = max(0, int(value))

    def force_repeat(self):
        Fire a premature triggering of the script callback. This
        will reset the timer and count down repeats as if the script
        had fired normally.
        task = self.ndb._task
        if task:

[docs]class DefaultScript(ScriptBase): """ This is the base TypeClass for all Scripts. Scripts describe all entities/systems without a physical existence in the game world that require database storage (like an economic system or combat tracker). They can also have a timer/ticker component. A script type is customized by redefining some or all of its hook methods and variables. * available properties (check docs for full listing, this could be outdated). key (string) - name of object name (string)- same as key aliases (list of strings) - aliases to the object. Will be saved to database as AliasDB entries but returned as strings. dbref (int, read-only) - unique #id-number. Also "id" can be used. date_created (string) - time stamp of object creation permissions (list of strings) - list of permission strings desc (string) - optional description of script, shown in listings obj (Object) - optional object that this script is connected to and acts on (set automatically by obj.scripts.add()) interval (int) - how often script should run, in seconds. <0 turns off ticker start_delay (bool) - if the script should start repeating right away or wait self.interval seconds repeats (int) - how many times the script should repeat before stopping. 0 means infinite repeats persistent (bool) - if script should survive a server shutdown or not is_active (bool) - if script is currently running * Handlers locks - lock-handler: use locks.add() to add new lock strings db - attribute-handler: store/retrieve database attributes on this self.db.myattr=val, val=self.db.myattr ndb - non-persistent attribute handler: same as db but does not create a database entry when storing data * Helper methods create(key, **kwargs) start() - start script (this usually happens automatically at creation and obj.script.add() etc) stop() - stop script, and delete it pause() - put the script on hold, until unpause() is called. If script is persistent, the pause state will survive a shutdown. unpause() - restart a previously paused script. The script will continue from the paused timer (but at_start() will be called). time_until_next_repeat() - if a timed script (interval>0), returns time until next tick * Hook methods (should also include self as the first argument): at_script_creation() - called only once, when an object of this class is first created. is_valid() - is called to check if the script is valid to be running at the current time. If is_valid() returns False, the running script is stopped and removed from the game. You can use this to check state changes (i.e. an script tracking some combat stats at regular intervals is only valid to run while there is actual combat going on). at_start() - Called every time the script is started, which for persistent scripts is at least once every server start. Note that this is unaffected by self.delay_start, which only delays the first call to at_repeat(). at_repeat() - Called every self.interval seconds. It will be called immediately upon launch unless self.delay_start is True, which will delay the first call of this method by self.interval seconds. If self.interval==0, this method will never be called. at_pause() at_stop() - Called as the script object is stopped and is about to be removed from the game, e.g. because is_valid() returned False. at_script_delete() at_server_reload() - Called when server reloads. Can be used to save temporary variables you want should survive a reload. at_server_shutdown() - called at a full server shutdown. at_server_start() """
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, key, **kwargs): """ Provides a passthrough interface to the utils.create_script() function. Args: key (str): Name of the new object. Returns: object (Object): A newly created object of the given typeclass. errors (list): A list of errors in string form, if any. """ errors = [] obj = None kwargs["key"] = key # If no typeclass supplied, use this class kwargs["typeclass"] = kwargs.pop("typeclass", cls) try: obj = create.create_script(**kwargs) except Exception: logger.log_trace() errors.append("The script '%s' encountered errors and could not be created." % key) return obj, errors
[docs] def at_script_creation(self): """ Only called once, when script is first created. """ pass
[docs] def is_valid(self): """ Is called to check if the script's timer is valid to run at this time. Should return a boolean. If False, the timer will be stopped. """ return True
[docs] def at_start(self, **kwargs): """ Called whenever the script timer is started, which for persistent timed scripts is at least once every server start. It will also be called when starting again after a pause (including after a server reload). Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
[docs] def at_repeat(self, **kwargs): """ Called repeatedly if this Script is set to repeat regularly. Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
[docs] def at_pause(self, manual_pause=True, **kwargs): """ Called when this script's timer pauses. Args: manual_pause (bool): If set, pausing was done by a direct call. The non-manual pause indicates the script was paused as part of the server reload. """ pass
[docs] def at_stop(self, **kwargs): """ Called whenever when it's time for this script's timer to stop (either because is_valid returned False, it ran out of iterations or it was manuallys stopped. Args: **kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default). """ pass
[docs] def at_script_delete(self): """ Called when the Script is deleted, before stopping the timer. Returns: bool: If False, the deletion is aborted. """ return True
[docs] def at_server_reload(self): """ This hook is called whenever the server is shutting down for restart/reboot. If you want to, for example, save non-persistent properties across a restart, this is the place to do it. """ pass
[docs] def at_server_shutdown(self): """ This hook is called whenever the server is shutting down fully (i.e. not for a restart). """ pass
[docs] def at_server_start(self): """ This hook is called after the server has started. It can be used to add post-startup setup for Scripts without a timer component (for which at_start could be used). """ pass
# Some useful default Script types used by Evennia.
[docs]class DoNothing(DefaultScript): """ A script that does nothing. Used as default fallback. """
[docs] def at_script_creation(self): """ Setup the script """ self.key = "sys_do_nothing" self.desc = "This is an empty placeholder script."
[docs]class Store(DefaultScript): """ Simple storage script """
[docs] def at_script_creation(self): """ Setup the script """ self.key = "sys_storage" self.desc = "This is a generic storage container."