Module containing the task handler for Evennia deferred tasks, persistent or not.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pickle import PickleError
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet.defer import CancelledError as DefCancelledError
from twisted.internet.task import deferLater
from evennia.server.models import ServerConfig
from evennia.utils.dbserialize import dbserialize, dbunserialize
from evennia.utils.logger import log_err
[docs]def handle_error(*args, **kwargs):
"""Handle errors within deferred objects."""
for arg in args:
# suppress cancel errors
if arg.type == DefCancelledError:
raise arg
[docs]class TaskHandlerTask:
"""An object to represent a single TaskHandler task.
Instance Attributes:
task_id (int): the global id for this task
deferred (deferred): a reference to this task's deferred
Property Attributes:
paused (bool): check if the deferred instance of a task has been paused.
called(self): A task attribute to check if the deferred instance of a task has been called.
pause(): Pause the callback of a task.
unpause(): Process all callbacks made since pause() was called.
do_task(): Execute the task (call its callback).
call(): Call the callback of this task.
remove(): Remove a task without executing it.
cancel(): Stop a task from automatically executing.
active(): Check if a task is active (has not been called yet).
exists(): Check if a task exists.
get_id(): Returns the global id for this task. For use with
[docs] def __init__(self, task_id):
self.task_id = task_id
self.deferred = TASK_HANDLER.get_deferred(task_id)
[docs] def get_deferred(self):
"""Return the instance of the deferred the task id is using.
bool or deferred: An instance of a deferred or False if there is no task with the id.
None is returned if there is no deferred affiliated with this id.
return TASK_HANDLER.get_deferred(self.task_id)
[docs] def pause(self):
Pause the callback of a task.
To resume use `TaskHandlerTask.unpause`.
d = self.deferred
if d:
[docs] def unpause(self):
Unpause a task, run the task if it has passed delay time.
d = self.deferred
if d:
def paused(self):
A task attribute to check if the deferred instance of a task has been paused.
This exists to mock usage of a twisted deferred object.
bool or None: True if the task was properly paused. None if the task does not have
a deferred instance.
d = self.deferred
if d:
return d.paused
return None
[docs] def do_task(self):
Execute the task (call its callback).
If calling before timedelay, cancel the deferred instance affliated to this task.
Remove the task from the dictionary of current tasks on a successful
bool or any: Set to `False` if the task does not exist in task
handler. Otherwise it will be the return of the task's callback.
return TASK_HANDLER.do_task(self.task_id)
[docs] def call(self):
Call the callback of a task.
Leave the task unaffected otherwise.
This does not use the task's deferred instance.
The only requirement is that the task exist in task handler.
bool or any: Set to `False` if the task does not exist in task
handler. Otherwise it will be the return of the task's callback.
return TASK_HANDLER.call_task(self.task_id)
[docs] def remove(self):
"""Remove a task without executing it.
Deletes the instance of the task's deferred.
task_id (int): an existing task ID.
bool: True if the removal completed successfully.
return TASK_HANDLER.remove(self.task_id)
[docs] def cancel(self):
"""Stop a task from automatically executing.
This will not remove the task.
bool: True if the cancel completed successfully.
False if the cancel did not complete successfully.
return TASK_HANDLER.cancel(self.task_id)
[docs] def active(self):
"""Check if a task is active (has not been called yet).
bool: True if a task is active (has not been called yet). False if
it is not (has been called) or if the task does not exist.
return TASK_HANDLER.active(self.task_id)
def called(self):
A task attribute to check if the deferred instance of a task has been called.
This exists to mock usage of a twisted deferred object.
It will not set to True if Task.call has been called. This only happens if
task's deferred instance calls the callback.
bool: True if the deferred instance of this task has called the callback.
False if the deferred instnace of this task has not called the callback.
d = self.deferred
if d:
return d.called
return None
[docs] def exists(self):
Check if a task exists.
Most task handler methods check for existence for you.
bool: True the task exists False if it does not.
return TASK_HANDLER.exists(self.task_id)
[docs] def get_id(self):
Returns the global id for this task. For use with
task_id (int): global task id for this task.
return self.task_id
[docs]class TaskHandler:
"""A light singleton wrapper allowing to access permanent tasks.
When `utils.delay` is called, the task handler is used to create
the task.
Task handler will automatically remove uncalled but canceled from task
handler. By default this will not occur until a canceled task
has been uncalled for 60 second after the time it should have been called.
To adjust this time use TASK_HANDLER.stale_timeout. If stale_timeout is 0
stale tasks will not be automatically removed.
This is not done on a timer. I is done as new tasks are added or the load method is called.
[docs] def __init__(self):
self.tasks = {}
self.to_save = {}
self.clock = reactor
# number of seconds before an uncalled canceled task is removed from TaskHandler
self.stale_timeout = 60
self._now = False # used in unit testing to manually set now time
[docs] def load(self):
"""Load from the ServerConfig.
This should be automatically called when Evennia starts.
It populates `self.tasks` according to the ServerConfig.
to_save = False
value = ServerConfig.objects.conf("delayed_tasks", default=dict)
if isinstance(value, str):
tasks = dbunserialize(value)
tasks = value
# At this point, `tasks` contains a dictionary of still-serialized tasks
for task_id, value in tasks.items():
date, callback, args, kwargs = dbunserialize(value)
if isinstance(callback, tuple):
# `callback` can be an object and name for instance methods
obj, method = callback
if obj is None:
to_save = True
callback = getattr(obj, method)
self.tasks[task_id] = (date, callback, args, kwargs, True, None)
if self.stale_timeout > 0: # cleanup stale tasks.
if to_save:
[docs] def clean_stale_tasks(self):
"""remove uncalled but canceled from task handler.
By default this will not occur until a canceled task
has been uncalled for 60 second after the time it should have been called.
To adjust this time use TASK_HANDLER.stale_timeout.
clean_ids = []
for task_id, (date, callback, args, kwargs, persistent, _) in self.tasks.items():
if not self.active(task_id):
stale_date = date + timedelta(seconds=self.stale_timeout)
# if a now time is provided use it (intended for unit testing)
now = self._now if self._now else datetime.now()
# the task was canceled more than stale_timeout seconds ago
if now > stale_date:
for task_id in clean_ids:
return True
[docs] def save(self):
Save the tasks in ServerConfig.
for task_id, (date, callback, args, kwargs, persistent, _) in self.tasks.items():
if task_id in self.to_save:
if not persistent:
safe_callback = callback
if getattr(callback, "__self__", None):
# `callback` is an instance method
obj = callback.__self__
name = callback.__name__
safe_callback = (obj, name)
# Check if callback can be pickled. args and kwargs have been checked
except (TypeError, AttributeError, PickleError) as err:
raise ValueError(
"the specified callback {callback} cannot be pickled. "
"It must be a top-level function in a module or an "
"instance method ({err}).".format(callback=callback, err=err)
self.to_save[task_id] = dbserialize((date, safe_callback, args, kwargs))
ServerConfig.objects.conf("delayed_tasks", self.to_save)
[docs] def add(self, timedelay, callback, *args, **kwargs):
Add a new task.
If the persistent kwarg is truthy:
The callback, args and values for kwarg will be serialized. Type
and attribute errors during the serialization will be logged,
but will not throw exceptions.
For persistent tasks do not use memory references in the callback
function or arguments. After a restart those memory references are no
longer accurate.
timedelay (int or float): time in seconds before calling the callback.
callback (function or instance method): the callback itself
any (any): any additional positional arguments to send to the callback
*args: positional arguments to pass to callback.
**kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to callback.
- persistent (bool, optional): persist the task (stores it).
Persistent key and value is removed from kwargs it will
not be passed to callback.
TaskHandlerTask: An object to represent a task.
Reference `evennia.scripts.taskhandler.TaskHandlerTask` for complete details.
# set the completion time
# Only used on persistent tasks after a restart
now = datetime.now()
delta = timedelta(seconds=timedelay)
comp_time = now + delta
# get an open task id
used_ids = list(self.tasks.keys())
task_id = 1
while task_id in used_ids:
task_id += 1
# record the task to the tasks dictionary
persistent = kwargs.get("persistent", False)
if "persistent" in kwargs:
del kwargs["persistent"]
if persistent:
safe_args = []
safe_kwargs = {}
# Check that args and kwargs contain picklable information
for arg in args:
except (TypeError, AttributeError, PickleError):
"The positional argument {} cannot be "
"pickled and will not be present in the arguments "
"fed to the callback {}".format(arg, callback)
for key, value in kwargs.items():
except (TypeError, AttributeError, PickleError):
"The {} keyword argument {} cannot be "
"pickled and will not be present in the arguments "
"fed to the callback {}".format(key, value, callback)
safe_kwargs[key] = value
self.tasks[task_id] = (comp_time, callback, safe_args, safe_kwargs, persistent, None)
else: # this is a non-persitent task
self.tasks[task_id] = (comp_time, callback, args, kwargs, persistent, None)
# defer the task
callback = self.do_task
args = [task_id]
kwargs = {}
d = deferLater(self.clock, timedelay, callback, *args, **kwargs)
# some tasks may complete before the deferred can be added
if task_id in self.tasks:
task = self.tasks.get(task_id)
task = list(task)
task[4] = persistent
task[5] = d
self.tasks[task_id] = task
else: # the task already completed
return False
if self.stale_timeout > 0:
return TaskHandlerTask(task_id)
[docs] def exists(self, task_id):
Check if a task exists.
Most task handler methods check for existence for you.
task_id (int): an existing task ID.
bool: True the task exists False if it does not.
if task_id in self.tasks:
return True
return False
[docs] def active(self, task_id):
Check if a task is active (has not been called yet).
task_id (int): an existing task ID.
bool: True if a task is active (has not been called yet). False if
it is not (has been called) or if the task does not exist.
if task_id in self.tasks:
# if the task has not been run, cancel it
deferred = self.get_deferred(task_id)
return not (deferred and deferred.called)
return False
[docs] def cancel(self, task_id):
Stop a task from automatically executing.
This will not remove the task.
task_id (int): an existing task ID.
bool: True if the cancel completed successfully.
False if the cancel did not complete successfully.
if task_id in self.tasks:
# if the task has not been run, cancel it
d = self.get_deferred(task_id)
if d: # it is remotely possible for a task to not have a deferred
if d.called:
return False
else: # the callback has not been called yet.
return True
else: # this task has no deferred instance
return False
return False
[docs] def remove(self, task_id):
Remove a task without executing it.
Deletes the instance of the task's deferred.
task_id (int): an existing task ID.
bool: True if the removal completed successfully.
d = None
# delete the task from the tasks dictionary
if task_id in self.tasks:
# if the task has not been run, cancel it
del self.tasks[task_id] # delete the task from the tasks dictionary
# remove the task from the persistent dictionary and ServerConfig
if task_id in self.to_save:
del self.to_save[task_id]
self.save() # remove from ServerConfig.objects
# delete the instance of the deferred
if d:
del d
return True
[docs] def clear(self, save=True, cancel=True):
Clear all tasks. By default tasks are canceled and removed from the database as well.
save=True (bool): Should changes to persistent tasks be saved to database.
cancel=True (bool): Cancel scheduled tasks before removing it from task handler.
True (bool): if the removal completed successfully.
if self.tasks:
for task_id in self.tasks.keys():
if cancel:
self.tasks = {}
if self.to_save:
self.to_save = {}
if save:
return True
[docs] def call_task(self, task_id):
Call the callback of a task.
Leave the task unaffected otherwise.
This does not use the task's deferred instance.
The only requirement is that the task exist in task handler.
task_id (int): an existing task ID.
bool or any: Set to `False` if the task does not exist in task
handler. Otherwise it will be the return of the task's callback.
if task_id in self.tasks:
date, callback, args, kwargs, persistent, d = self.tasks.get(task_id)
else: # the task does not exist
return False
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def do_task(self, task_id):
Execute the task (call its callback).
If calling before timedelay cancel the deferred instance affliated to this task.
Remove the task from the dictionary of current tasks on a successful
task_id (int): a valid task ID.
bool or any: Set to `False` if the task does not exist in task
handler. Otherwise it will be the return of the task's callback.
callback_return = False
if task_id in self.tasks:
date, callback, args, kwargs, persistent, d = self.tasks.get(task_id)
else: # the task does not exist
return False
if d: # it is remotely possible for a task to not have a deferred
if not d.called: # the task's deferred has not been called yet
d.cancel() # cancel the automated callback
else: # this task has no deferred, and should not be called
return False
callback_return = callback(*args, **kwargs)
return callback_return
[docs] def get_deferred(self, task_id):
Return the instance of the deferred the task id is using.
task_id (int): a valid task ID.
bool or deferred: An instance of a deferred or False if there is no task with the id.
None is returned if there is no deferred affiliated with this id.
if task_id in self.tasks:
return self.tasks[task_id][5]
return None
[docs] def create_delays(self):
Create the delayed tasks for the persistent tasks.
This method should be automatically called when Evennia starts.
now = datetime.now()
for task_id, (date, callback, args, kwargs, _, _) in self.tasks.items():
self.tasks[task_id] = date, callback, args, kwargs, True, None
seconds = max(0, (date - now).total_seconds())
d = deferLater(self.clock, seconds, self.do_task, task_id)
# some tasks may complete before the deferred can be added
if self.tasks.get(task_id, False):
self.tasks[task_id] = date, callback, args, kwargs, True, d
# Create the soft singleton
TASK_HANDLER = TaskHandler()