Source code for evennia.server.portal.portalsessionhandler

Sessionhandler for portal sessions.


import time
from collections import deque, namedtuple

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from twisted.internet import reactor

import evennia
from evennia.server.portal.amp import PCONN, PCONNSYNC, PDISCONN, PDISCONNALL
from evennia.server.sessionhandler import SessionHandler
from evennia.utils.logger import log_trace
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module

# module import

# global throttles
# per-session throttles




DUMMYSESSION = namedtuple("DummySession", ["sessid"])(0)

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Portal-SessionHandler class
# -------------------------------------------------------------

    "{servername} DoS protection is active.You are queued to connect in {num} seconds ..."

[docs]class PortalSessionHandler(SessionHandler): """ This object holds the sessions connected to the portal at any time. It is synced with the server's equivalent SessionHandler over the AMP connection. Sessions register with the handler using the connect() method. This will assign a new unique sessionid to the session and send that sessid to the server using the AMP connection. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Init the handler """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.latest_sessid = 0 self.uptime = time.time() self.connection_time = 0 self.connection_last = self.uptime self.connection_task = None
[docs] def at_server_connection(self): """ Called when the Portal establishes connection with the Server. At this point, the AMP connection is already established. """ self.connection_time = time.time()
[docs] def generate_sessid(self): """ Simply generates a sessid that's guaranteed to be unique for this Portal run. Returns: sessid """ self.latest_sessid += 1 if self.latest_sessid in self: return self.generate_sessid() return self.latest_sessid
[docs] def connect(self, session): """ Called by protocol at first connect. This adds a not-yet authenticated session using an ever-increasing counter for sessid. Args: session (PortalSession): The Session connecting. Notes: We implement a throttling mechanism here to limit the speed at which new connections are accepted - this is both a stop against DoS attacks as well as helps using the Dummyrunner tester with a large number of connector dummies. """ global _CONNECTION_QUEUE if session: # assign if we are first-connectors if not session.sessid: # if the session already has a sessid (e.g. being inherited in the # case of a webclient auto-reconnect), keep it session.sessid = self.generate_sessid() session.server_connected = False _CONNECTION_QUEUE.appendleft(session) if len(_CONNECTION_QUEUE) > 1: session.data_out( text=( ( DOS_PROTECTION_MSG.format( servername=settings.SERVERNAME, num=len(_CONNECTION_QUEUE) * _MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_CONNECTS, ), ), {}, ) ) now = time.time() if ( now - self.connection_last < _MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_CONNECTS ) or not evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol: if not session or not self.connection_task: self.connection_task = reactor.callLater( _MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_CONNECTS, self.connect, None ) self.connection_last = now return elif not session: if _CONNECTION_QUEUE: # keep launching tasks until queue is empty self.connection_task = reactor.callLater( _MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_CONNECTS, self.connect, None ) else: self.connection_task = None self.connection_last = now if _CONNECTION_QUEUE: # sync with server-side session = _CONNECTION_QUEUE.pop() sessdata = session.get_sync_data() self[session.sessid] = session session.server_connected = True evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol.send_AdminPortal2Server( session, operation=PCONN, sessiondata=sessdata )
[docs] def sync(self, session): """ Called by the protocol of an already connected session. This can be used to sync the session info in a delayed manner, such as when negotiation and handshakes are delayed. Args: session (PortalSession): Session to sync. """ if session.sessid and session.server_connected: # only use if session already has sessid and has already connected # once to the server - if so we must re-sync woth the server, otherwise # we skip this step. sessdata = session.get_sync_data() if evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol: # we only send sessdata that should not have changed # at the server level at this point sessdata = dict( (key, val) for key, val in sessdata.items() if key in ( "protocol_key", "address", "sessid", "csessid", "conn_time", "protocol_flags", "server_data", ) ) evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol.send_AdminPortal2Server( session, operation=PCONNSYNC, sessiondata=sessdata )
[docs] def disconnect(self, session): """ Called from portal when the connection is closed from the portal side. Args: session (PortalSession): Session to disconnect. delete (bool, optional): Delete the session from the handler. Only time to not do this is when this is called from a loop, such as from self.disconnect_all(). """ global _CONNECTION_QUEUE if session in _CONNECTION_QUEUE: # connection was already dropped before we had time # to forward this to the Server, so now we just remove it. _CONNECTION_QUEUE.remove(session) return if session.sessid in self and not hasattr(self, "_disconnect_all"): # if this was called directly from the protocol, the # connection is already dead and we just need to cleanup del self[session.sessid] # Tell the Server to disconnect its version of the Session as well. evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol.send_AdminPortal2Server( session, operation=PDISCONN )
[docs] def disconnect_all(self): """ Disconnect all sessions, informing the Server. """ if settings.TEST_ENVIRONMENT: return def _callback(result, sessionhandler): # we set a watchdog to stop self.disconnect from deleting # sessions while we are looping over them. sessionhandler._disconnect_all = True for session in sessionhandler.values(): session.disconnect() del sessionhandler._disconnect_all # inform Server; wait until finished sending before we continue # removing all the sessions. evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol.send_AdminPortal2Server( DUMMYSESSION, operation=PDISCONNALL ).addCallback(_callback, self)
[docs] def server_connect(self, protocol_path="", config=dict()): """ Called by server to force the initialization of a new protocol instance. Server wants this instance to get a unique sessid and to be connected back as normal. This is used to initiate irc/rss etc connections. Args: protocol_path (str): Full python path to the class factory for the protocol used, eg 'evennia.server.portal.irc.IRCClientFactory' config (dict): Dictionary of configuration options, fed as `**kwarg` to protocol class `__init__` method. Raises: RuntimeError: If The correct factory class is not found. Notes: The called protocol class must have a method start() that calls the portalsession.connect() as a normal protocol. """ global _MOD_IMPORT if not _MOD_IMPORT: from evennia.utils.utils import variable_from_module as _MOD_IMPORT path, clsname = protocol_path.rsplit(".", 1) cls = _MOD_IMPORT(path, clsname) if not cls: raise RuntimeError("ServerConnect: protocol factory '%s' not found." % protocol_path) protocol = cls(self, **config) protocol.start()
[docs] def server_disconnect(self, session, reason=""): """ Called by server to force a disconnect by sessid. Args: session (portalsession): Session to disconnect. reason (str, optional): Motivation for disconnect. """ if session: session.disconnect(reason) if session.sessid in self: # in case sess.disconnect doesn't delete it del self[session.sessid] del session
[docs] def server_disconnect_all(self, reason=""): """ Called by server when forcing a clean disconnect for everyone. Args: reason (str, optional): Motivation for disconnect. """ for session in list(self.values()): session.disconnect(reason) del session self.clear()
[docs] def server_logged_in(self, session, data): """ The server tells us that the session has been authenticated. Update it. Called by the Server. Args: session (Session): Session logging in. data (dict): The session sync data. """ session.load_sync_data(data) session.at_login()
[docs] def server_session_sync(self, serversessions, clean=True): """ Server wants to save data to the portal, maybe because it's about to shut down. We don't overwrite any sessions here, just update them in-place. Args: serversessions (dict): This is a dictionary `{sessid:{property:value},...}` describing the properties to sync on all sessions. clean (bool): If True, remove any Portal sessions that are not included in serversessions. """ to_save = [sessid for sessid in serversessions if sessid in self] # save protocols for sessid in to_save: self[sessid].load_sync_data(serversessions[sessid]) if clean: # disconnect out-of-sync missing protocols to_delete = [sessid for sessid in self if sessid not in to_save] for sessid in to_delete: self.server_disconnect(sessid)
[docs] def count_loggedin(self, include_unloggedin=False): """ Count loggedin connections, alternatively count all connections. Args: include_unloggedin (bool): Also count sessions that have not yet authenticated. Returns: count (int): Number of sessions. """ return len(self.get_sessions(include_unloggedin=include_unloggedin))
[docs] def sessions_from_csessid(self, csessid): """ Given a session id, retrieve the session (this is primarily intended to be called by web clients) Args: csessid (int): Session id. Returns: session (list): The matching session, if found. """ return [ sess for sess in self.get_sessions(include_unloggedin=True) if hasattr(sess, "csessid") and sess.csessid and sess.csessid == csessid ]
[docs] def announce_all(self, message): """ Send message to all connected sessions. Args: message (str): Message to relay. Notes: This will create an on-the fly text-type send command. """ for session in self.values(): self.data_out(session, text=[[message], {}])
[docs] def data_in(self, session, **kwargs): """ Called by portal sessions for relaying data coming in from the protocol to the server. Args: session (PortalSession): Session receiving data. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Other data from protocol. Notes: Data is serialized before passed on. """ try: text = kwargs["text"] if (_MAX_CHAR_LIMIT > 0) and len(text) > _MAX_CHAR_LIMIT: if session: self.data_out(session, text=[[_ERROR_MAX_CHAR], {}]) return except Exception: # if there is a problem to send, we continue pass if session: now = time.time() try: command_counter_reset = session.command_counter_reset except AttributeError: command_counter_reset = session.command_counter_reset = now session.command_counter = 0 # global command-rate limit if max(0, now - command_counter_reset) > 1.0: # more than a second since resetting the counter. Refresh. session.command_counter_reset = now session.command_counter = 0 session.command_counter += 1 if session.command_counter * _MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_COMMANDS > 1.0: self.data_out(session, text=[[_ERROR_COMMAND_OVERFLOW], {}]) return if not evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol: # this can happen if someone connects before AMP connection # was established (usually on first start) reactor.callLater(1.0, self.data_in, session, **kwargs) return # scrub data kwargs = self.clean_senddata(session, kwargs) # relay data to Server session.cmd_last = now evennia.EVENNIA_PORTAL_SERVICE.amp_protocol.send_MsgPortal2Server(session, **kwargs) # eventual local echo (text input only) if "text" in kwargs and session.protocol_flags.get("LOCALECHO", False): self.data_out(session, text=kwargs["text"])
[docs] def data_out(self, session, **kwargs): """ Called by server for having the portal relay messages and data to the correct session protocol. Args: session (Session): Session sending data. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Each key is a command instruction to the protocol on the form key = [[args],{kwargs}]. This will call a method send_<key> on the protocol. If no such method exits, it sends the data to a method send_default. """ # from evennia.server.profiling.timetrace import timetrace # DEBUG # text = timetrace(text, "portalsessionhandler.data_out") # DEBUG # distribute outgoing data to the correct session methods. if session: for cmdname, (cmdargs, cmdkwargs) in kwargs.items(): funcname = "send_%s" % cmdname.strip().lower() if hasattr(session, funcname): # better to use hassattr here over try..except # - avoids hiding AttributeErrors in the call. try: getattr(session, funcname)(*cmdargs, **cmdkwargs) except Exception: log_trace() else: try: # note that send_default always takes cmdname # as arg too. session.send_default(cmdname, *cmdargs, **cmdkwargs) except Exception: log_trace()
# This will be filled in when the portal boots. PORTAL_SESSIONS = None