Source code for evennia.utils.optionclasses

import datetime

from evennia import logger
from evennia.utils import validatorfuncs
from evennia.utils.ansi import strip_ansi
from evennia.utils.utils import crop
from evennia.utils.validatorfuncs import _TZ_DICT

[docs]class BaseOption: """ Abstract Class to deal with encapsulating individual Options. An Option has a name/key, a description to display in relevant commands and menus, and a default value. It saves to the owner's Attributes using its Handler's save category. Designed to be extremely overloadable as some options can be cantankerous. Properties: valid: Shortcut to the loaded VALID_HANDLER. validator_key (str): The key of the Validator this uses. """ def __str__(self): return "<Option {key}: {value}>".format(key=self.key, value=crop(str(self.value), width=10)) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def __init__(self, handler, key, description, default): """ Args: handler (OptionHandler): The OptionHandler that 'owns' this Option. key (str): The name this will be used for storage in a dictionary. Must be unique per OptionHandler. description (str): What this Option's text will show in commands and menus. default: A default value for this Option. """ self.handler = handler self.key = key self.default_value = default self.description = description # Value Storage contains None until the Option is loaded. self.value_storage = None # And it's not loaded until it's called upon to spit out its contents. self.loaded = False
@property def changed(self): return self.value_storage != self.default_value @property def default(self): return self.default_value @property def value(self): if not self.loaded: self.load() if self.loaded: return self.value_storage else: return self.default @value.setter def value(self, value): self.set(value)
[docs] def set(self, value, **kwargs): """ Takes user input and stores appropriately. This method allows for passing extra instructions into the validator. Args: value (str): The new value of this Option. kwargs (any): Any kwargs will be passed into `self.validate(value, **kwargs)` and `**kwargs)`. """ final_value = self.validate(value, **kwargs) self.value_storage = final_value self.loaded = True**kwargs)
[docs] def load(self): """ Takes the provided save data, validates it, and gets this Option ready to use. Returns: Boolean: Whether loading was successful. """ loadfunc = self.handler.loadfunc load_kwargs = self.handler.load_kwargs try: self.value_storage = self.deserialize( loadfunc(self.key, default=self.default_value, **load_kwargs) ) except Exception: logger.log_trace() return False self.loaded = True return True
[docs] def save(self, **kwargs): """ Stores the current value using `.handler.save_handler(self.key, value, **kwargs)` where `kwargs` are a combination of those passed into this function and the ones specified by the `OptionHandler`. Keyword Args: any (any): Not used by default. These are passed in from self.set and allows the option to let the caller customize saving by overriding or extend the default save kwargs """ value = self.serialize() save_kwargs = {**self.handler.save_kwargs, **kwargs} savefunc = self.handler.savefunc savefunc(self.key, value=value, **save_kwargs)
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): """ Perform sanity-checking on the save data as it is loaded from storage. This isn't the same as what validator-functions provide (those work on user input). For example, save data might be a timedelta or a list or some other object. Args: save_data: The data to check. Returns: any (any): Whatever the Option needs to track, like a string or a datetime. The display hook is responsible for what is actually displayed to user. """ return save_data
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serializes the save data for Attribute storage. Returns: any (any): Whatever is best for storage. """ return self.value_storage
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): """ Validate user input, which is presumed to be a string. Args: value (str): User input. account (AccountDB): The Account that is performing the validation. This is necessary because of other settings which may affect the check, such as an Account's timezone affecting how their datetime entries are processed. Returns: any (any): The results of the validation. Raises: ValidationError: If input value failed validation. """ return validatorfuncs.text(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def display(self, **kwargs) -> str: """ Renders the Option's value as something pretty to look at. Keyword Args: any (any): These are options passed by the caller to potentially customize display dynamically. Returns: str: How the stored value should be projected to users (e.g. a raw timedelta is pretty ugly). """ return self.value if isinstance(self.value, str) else str(self.value)
# Option classes
[docs]class Text(BaseOption):
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): got_data = str(save_data) if not got_data: raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Text data, got '{save_data}'") return got_data
[docs]class Email(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): got_data = str(save_data) if not got_data: raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected String data, got '{save_data}'") return got_data
[docs]class Boolean(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.boolean(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def display(self, **kwargs): if self.value: return "1 - On/True" return "0 - Off/False"
[docs] def serialize(self): return self.value
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if not isinstance(save_data, bool): raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Boolean, got '{save_data}'") return save_data
[docs]class Color(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.color(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def display(self, **kwargs): return f"{self.value} - |{self.value}this|n"
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if not save_data or len(strip_ansi(f"|{save_data}|n")) > 0: raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Color Code, got '{save_data}'") return save_data
[docs]class Timezone(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.timezone(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
@property def default(self): return _TZ_DICT[self.default_value]
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if save_data not in _TZ_DICT: raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Timezone Data, got '{save_data}'") return _TZ_DICT[save_data]
[docs] def serialize(self): return str(self.value_storage)
[docs]class UnsignedInteger(BaseOption): validator_key = "unsigned_integer"
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.unsigned_integer(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if isinstance(save_data, int) and save_data >= 0: return save_data raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Whole Number 0+, got '{save_data}'")
[docs]class SignedInteger(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.signed_integer(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if isinstance(save_data, int): return save_data raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Whole Number, got '{save_data}'")
[docs]class PositiveInteger(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.positive_integer(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if isinstance(save_data, int) and save_data > 0: return save_data raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Whole Number 1+, got '{save_data}'")
[docs]class Duration(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.duration(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if isinstance(save_data, int): return datetime.timedelta(0, save_data, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected Timedelta in seconds, got '{save_data}'")
[docs] def serialize(self): return self.value_storage.seconds
[docs]class Datetime(BaseOption):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.datetime(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs] def deserialize(self, save_data): if isinstance(save_data, int): return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(save_data) raise ValueError(f"{self.key} expected UTC Datetime in EPOCH format, got '{save_data}'")
[docs] def serialize(self): return int(self.value_storage.strftime("%s"))
[docs]class Future(Datetime):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.future(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)
[docs]class Lock(Text):
[docs] def validate(self, value, **kwargs): return validatorfuncs.lock(value, option_key=self.key, **kwargs)