Source code for evennia.utils.optionhandler

from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from evennia.utils.containers import OPTION_CLASSES
from evennia.utils.utils import string_partial_matching

_GA = object.__getattribute__
_SA = object.__setattr__

[docs]class InMemorySaveHandler: """ Fallback SaveHandler, implementing a minimum of the required save mechanism and storing data in memory. """
[docs] def __init__(self): = {}
[docs] def add(self, key, value=None, **kwargs):[key] = value
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None, **kwargs): return, default)
[docs]class OptionHandler: """ This is a generic Option handler. Retrieve options either as properties on this handler or by using the .get method. This is used for Account.options but it could be used by Scripts or Objects just as easily. All it needs to be provided is an options_dict. """
[docs] def __init__( self, obj, options_dict=None, savefunc=None, loadfunc=None, save_kwargs=None, load_kwargs=None, ): """ Initialize an OptionHandler. Args: obj (object): The object this handler sits on. This is usually a TypedObject. options_dict (dict): A dictionary of option keys, where the values are options. The format of those tuples is: ('key', "Description to show", 'option_type', <default value>) savefunc (callable): A callable for all options to call when saving itself. It will be called as `savefunc(key, value, **save_kwargs)`. A common one to pass would be AttributeHandler.add. loadfunc (callable): A callable for all options to call when loading data into itself. It will be called as `loadfunc(key, default=default, **load_kwargs)`. A common one to pass would be AttributeHandler.get. save_kwargs (any): Optional extra kwargs to pass into `savefunc` above. load_kwargs (any): Optional extra kwargs to pass into `loadfunc` above. Notes: Both loadfunc and savefunc must be specified. If only one is given, the other will be ignored and in-memory storage will be used. """ self.obj = obj self.options_dict = {} if options_dict is None else options_dict if not savefunc and loadfunc: self._in_memory_handler = InMemorySaveHandler() savefunc = InMemorySaveHandler.add loadfunc = InMemorySaveHandler.get self.savefunc = savefunc self.loadfunc = loadfunc self.save_kwargs = {} if save_kwargs is None else save_kwargs self.load_kwargs = {} if load_kwargs is None else load_kwargs # This dictionary stores the in-memory Options objects by their key for # quick lookup. self.options = {}
def __getattr__(self, key): """ Allow for obj.options.key """ return self.get(key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): """ Allow for obj.options.key = value But we must be careful to avoid infinite loops! """ try: if key in _GA(self, "options_dict"): _GA(self, "set")(key, value) except AttributeError: pass _SA(self, key, value) def _load_option(self, key): """ Loads option on-demand if it has not been loaded yet. Args: key (str): The option being loaded. Returns: """ desc, clsname, default_val = self.options_dict[key] loaded_option = OPTION_CLASSES.get(clsname)(self, key, desc, default_val) # store the value for future easy access self.options[key] = loaded_option return loaded_option
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None, return_obj=False, raise_error=False): """ Retrieves an Option stored in the handler. Will load it if it doesn't exist. Args: key (str): The option key to retrieve. default (any): What to return if the option is defined. return_obj (bool, optional): If True, returns the actual option object instead of its value. raise_error (bool, optional): Raise Exception if key is not found in options. Returns: option_value (any or Option): An option value the Option itself. Raises: KeyError: If option is not defined. """ if key not in self.options_dict: if raise_error: raise KeyError(_("Option not found!")) return default # get the options or load/recache it op_found = self.options.get(key) or self._load_option(key) return op_found if return_obj else op_found.value
[docs] def set(self, key, value, **kwargs) -> "BaseOption": """ Change an individual option. Args: key (str): The key of an option that can be changed. Allows partial matching. value (str): The value that should be checked, coerced, and stored.: kwargs (any, optional): These are passed into the Option's validation function, save function and display function and allows to customize either. Returns: BaseOption: The matched object. Its new value can be accessed with op.value or op.display(). """ if not key: raise ValueError(_("Option field blank!")) match = string_partial_matching(list(self.options_dict.keys()), key, ret_index=False) if not match: raise ValueError(_("Option not found!")) if len(match) > 1: raise ValueError( _("Multiple matches:") + f"{', '.join(match)}. " + _("Please be more specific.") ) match = match[0] op = self.get(match, return_obj=True) op.set(value, **kwargs) return op
[docs] def all(self, return_objs=False): """ Get all options defined on this handler. Args: return_objs (bool, optional): Return the actual Option objects rather than their values. Returns: all_options (dict): All options on this handler, either `{key: value}` or `{key: <Option>}` if `return_objs` is `True`. """ return [self.get(key, return_obj=return_objs) for key in self.options_dict]