Source code for evennia.utils.verb_conjugation.tests

Unit tests for verb conjugation.


from django.test import TestCase
from parameterized import parameterized

from . import conjugate, pronouns

[docs]class TestVerbConjugate(TestCase): """ Test the conjugation. """ @parameterized.expand( [ ("have", "have"), ("swim", "swim"), ("give", "give"), ("given", "give"), ("am", "be"), ("doing", "do"), ("are", "be"), ] ) def test_verb_infinitive(self, verb, expected): """ Test the infinite-getter. """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_infinitive(verb)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("inf", "have", "have"), ("inf", "swim", "swim"), ("inf", "give", "give"), ("inf", "given", "give"), ("inf", "am", "be"), ("inf", "doing", "do"), ("inf", "are", "be"), ("2sgpres", "am", "are"), ("3sgpres", "am", "is"), ] ) def test_verb_conjugate(self, tense, verb, expected): """ Test conjugation for different tenses. """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_conjugate(verb, tense=tense)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("1st", "have", "have"), ("1st", "swim", "swim"), ("1st", "give", "give"), ("1st", "given", "give"), ("1st", "am", "am"), ("1st", "doing", "do"), ("1st", "are", "am"), ("2nd", "were", "are"), ("3rd", "am", "is"), ] ) def test_verb_present(self, person, verb, expected): """ Test the present. """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_present(verb, person=person)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("have", "having"), ("swim", "swimming"), ("give", "giving"), ("given", "giving"), ("am", "being"), ("doing", "doing"), ("are", "being"), ] ) def test_verb_present_participle(self, verb, expected): """ Test the present_participle """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_present_participle(verb)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("1st", "have", "had"), ("1st", "swim", "swam"), ("1st", "give", "gave"), ("1st", "given", "gave"), ("1st", "am", "was"), ("1st", "doing", "did"), ("1st", "are", "was"), ("2nd", "were", "were"), ] ) def test_verb_past(self, person, verb, expected): """ Test the past getter. """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_past(verb, person=person)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("have", "had"), ("swim", "swum"), ("give", "given"), ("given", "given"), ("am", "been"), ("doing", "done"), ("are", "been"), ] ) def test_verb_past_participle(self, verb, expected): """ Test the past participle. """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_past_participle(verb))
[docs] def test_verb_get_all_tenses(self): """ Test getting all tenses. """ self.assertEqual(list(conjugate.verb_tenses_keys.keys()), conjugate.verb_all_tenses())
@parameterized.expand( [ ("have", "infinitive"), ("swim", "infinitive"), ("give", "infinitive"), ("given", "past participle"), ("am", "1st singular present"), ("doing", "present participle"), ("are", "2nd singular present"), ] ) def test_verb_tense(self, verb, expected): """ Test the tense retriever. """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_tense(verb)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("inf", "have", True), ("inf", "swim", True), ("inf", "give", True), ("inf", "given", False), ("inf", "am", False), ("inf", "doing", False), ("inf", "are", False), ] ) def test_verb_is_tense(self, tense, verb, expected): """ Test the tense-checker """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_is_tense(verb, tense)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("1st", "have", False), ("1st", "swim", False), ("1st", "give", False), ("1st", "given", False), ("1st", "am", True), ("1st", "doing", False), ("1st", "are", False), ("1st", "had", False), ] ) def test_verb_is_present(self, person, verb, expected): """ Test the tense-checker """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_is_present(verb, person=person)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("have", False), ("swim", False), ("give", False), ("given", False), ("am", False), ("doing", True), ("are", False), ] ) def test_verb_is_present_participle(self, verb, expected): """ Test the tense-checker """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_is_present_participle(verb)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("1st", "have", False), ("1st", "swim", False), ("1st", "give", False), ("1st", "given", False), ("1st", "am", False), ("1st", "doing", False), ("1st", "are", False), ("2nd", "were", True), ] ) def test_verb_is_past(self, person, verb, expected): """ Test the tense-checker """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_is_past(verb, person=person)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("have", False), ("swimming", False), ("give", False), ("given", True), ("am", False), ("doing", False), ("are", False), ("had", False), ] ) def test_verb_is_past_participle(self, verb, expected): """ Test the tense-checker """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_is_past_participle(verb)) @parameterized.expand( [ ("have", ("have", "has")), ("swimming", ("swimming", "swimming")), ("give", ("give", "gives")), ("given", ("given", "given")), ("am", ("are", "is")), ("doing", ("doing", "doing")), ("are", ("are", "is")), ("had", ("had", "had")), ("grin", ("grin", "grins")), ("smile", ("smile", "smiles")), ("vex", ("vex", "vexes")), ("thrust", ("thrust", "thrusts")), ] ) def test_verb_actor_stance_components(self, verb, expected): """ Test the tense-checker """ self.assertEqual(expected, conjugate.verb_actor_stance_components(verb))
[docs]class TestPronounMapping(TestCase): """ Test pronoun viewpoint mapping """ @parameterized.expand( [ ("you", "you", "it"), # default 3rd is "neutral" ("I", "I", "it"), ("Me", "Me", "It"), ("ours", "ours", "theirs"), ("yourself", "yourself", "itself"), ("yourselves", "yourselves", "themselves"), ("he", "you", "he"), # assume 2nd person ("her", "you", "her"), ("their", "your", "their"), ("itself", "yourself", "itself"), ("herself", "yourself", "herself"), ("themselves", "yourselves", "themselves"), ] ) def test_default_mapping(self, pronoun, expected_1st_or_2nd_person, expected_3rd_person): """ Test the pronoun mapper. """ received_1st_or_2nd_person, received_3rd_person = pronouns.pronoun_to_viewpoints(pronoun) self.assertEqual(expected_1st_or_2nd_person, received_1st_or_2nd_person) self.assertEqual(expected_3rd_person, received_3rd_person) @parameterized.expand( [ ("you", "m", "you", "he"), ("you", "f op", "you", "her"), ("you", "p op", "you", "them"), ("I", "m", "I", "he"), ("Me", "n", "Me", "It"), ("your", "p", "your", "their"), ("yourself", "m", "yourself", "himself"), ("yourself", "f", "yourself", "herself"), ("yourselves", "", "yourselves", "themselves"), ("he", "1", "I", "he"), ("he", "1 p", "we", "he"), # royal we ("we", "m", "we", "he"), # royal we, other way ("her", "p", "you", "her"), ("her", "pa", "your", "her"), ("their", "ma", "your", "their"), ] ) def test_mapping_with_options( self, pronoun, options, expected_1st_or_2nd_person, expected_3rd_person ): """ Test the pronoun mapper. """ received_1st_or_2nd_person, received_3rd_person = pronouns.pronoun_to_viewpoints( pronoun, options ) self.assertEqual(expected_1st_or_2nd_person, received_1st_or_2nd_person) self.assertEqual(expected_3rd_person, received_3rd_person) @parameterized.expand( [ ("you", "p", "you", "they"), ("I", "p", "I", "they"), ("Me", "p", "Me", "Them"), ("your", "p", "your", "their"), ("they", "1 p", "we", "they"), ("they", "", "you", "they"), ("yourself", "p", "yourself", "themselves"), ("myself", "p", "myself", "themselves"), ] ) def test_colloquial_plurals( self, pronoun, options, expected_1st_or_2nd_person, expected_3rd_person ): """ The use of this module by the funcparser expects a default person-pronoun of the neutral "they", which is categorized here by the plural. """ received_1st_or_2nd_person, received_3rd_person = pronouns.pronoun_to_viewpoints( pronoun, options ) self.assertEqual(expected_1st_or_2nd_person, received_1st_or_2nd_person) self.assertEqual(expected_3rd_person, received_3rd_person)