
Legacy Comms-commands

Griatch 2021

In Evennia 1.0, the old Channel commands (originally inspired by MUX) were replaced by the single channel command that performs all these function. That command is still required to talk on channels. This contrib (extracted from Evennia 0.9.5) reuses the channel-management of the base Channel command but breaks out its functionality into separate Commands with MUX-familiar names.

  • allcom - channel/all and channel

  • addcom - channel/alias, channel/sub and channel/unmute

  • delcom - channel/unalias, alias/unsub and channel/mute

  • cboot - channel/boot (channel/ban and /unban not supported)

  • cwho - channel/who

  • ccreate - channel/create

  • cdestroy - channel/destroy

  • clock - channel/lock

  • cdesc - channel/desc


  • Import the CmdSetLegacyComms cmdset from this module into mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py

  • Add it to the CharacterCmdSet’s at_cmdset_creation method.

  • Reload the server.


# in mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py

# ..
from evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds import CmdSetLegacyComms   # <----

class CharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):
    # ...
    def at_cmdset_creation(self):
        # ...
        self.add(CmdSetLegacyComms)   # <----
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdAddCom(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

Add a channel alias and/or subscribe to a channel


addcom [alias=] <channel>

Joins a given channel. If alias is given, this will allow you to refer to the channel by this alias rather than the full channel name. Subsequent calls of this command can be used to add multiple aliases to an already joined channel.

key = 'addcom'
aliases = ['chanalias', 'aliaschan']
help_category = 'comms'
locks = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned)'
account_caller = True

Implement the command

lock_storage = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'chanalias aliaschan', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'addcom', 'no_prefix': ' chanalias aliaschan', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n Add a channel alias and/or subscribe to a channel\n\n Usage:\n addcom [alias=] <channel>\n\n Joins a given channel. If alias is given, this will allow you to\n refer to the channel by this alias rather than the full channel\n name. Subsequent calls of this command can be used to add multiple\n aliases to an already joined channel.\n '}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdDelCom(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

remove a channel alias and/or unsubscribe from channel


delcom <alias or channel> delcom/all <channel>

If the full channel name is given, unsubscribe from the channel. If an alias is given, remove the alias but don’t unsubscribe. If the ‘all’ switch is used, remove all aliases for that channel.

key = 'delcom'
aliases = ['delaliaschan', 'delchanalias']
help_category = 'comms'
locks = 'cmd:not perm(channel_banned)'
account_caller = True

Implementing the command.

lock_storage = 'cmd:not perm(channel_banned)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'delaliaschan delchanalias', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'delcom', 'no_prefix': ' delaliaschan delchanalias', 'tags': '', 'text': "\n remove a channel alias and/or unsubscribe from channel\n\n Usage:\n delcom <alias or channel>\n delcom/all <channel>\n\n If the full channel name is given, unsubscribe from the\n channel. If an alias is given, remove the alias but don't\n unsubscribe. If the 'all' switch is used, remove all aliases\n for that channel.\n "}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdAllCom(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

perform admin operations on all channels


allcom [on | off | who | destroy]

Allows the user to universally turn off or on all channels they are on, as well as perform a ‘who’ for all channels they are on. Destroy deletes all channels that you control.

Without argument, works like comlist.

key = 'allcom'
aliases = []
locks = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
help_category = 'comms'
account_caller = True

Runs the function

lock_storage = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'allcom', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': "\n perform admin operations on all channels\n\n Usage:\n allcom [on | off | who | destroy]\n\n Allows the user to universally turn off or on all channels they are on, as\n well as perform a 'who' for all channels they are on. Destroy deletes all\n channels that you control.\n\n Without argument, works like comlist.\n "}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdCdestroy(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

destroy a channel you created


cdestroy <channel>

Destroys a channel that you control.

key = 'cdestroy'
aliases = []
help_category = 'comms'
locks = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
account_caller = True

Destroy objects cleanly.

lock_storage = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'cdestroy', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n destroy a channel you created\n\n Usage:\n cdestroy <channel>\n\n Destroys a channel that you control.\n '}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdCBoot(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

kick an account from a channel you control


cboot[/quiet] <channel> = <account> [:reason]


quiet - don’t notify the channel

Kicks an account or object from a channel you control.

key = 'cboot'
aliases = []
switch_options = ('quiet',)
locks = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
help_category = 'comms'
account_caller = True

implement the function

lock_storage = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'cboot', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': "\n kick an account from a channel you control\n\n Usage:\n cboot[/quiet] <channel> = <account> [:reason]\n\n Switch:\n quiet - don't notify the channel\n\n Kicks an account or object from a channel you control.\n\n "}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdCWho(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

show who is listening to a channel


cwho <channel>

List who is connected to a given channel you have access to.

key = 'cwho'
aliases = []
locks = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
help_category = 'comms'
account_caller = True

implement function

lock_storage = 'cmd:all();cmd: not pperm(channel_banned)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'cwho', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n show who is listening to a channel\n\n Usage:\n cwho <channel>\n\n List who is connected to a given channel you have access to.\n '}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdChannelCreate(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

create a new channel


ccreate <new channel>[;alias;alias…] = description

Creates a new channel owned by you.

key = 'ccreate'
aliases = ['channelcreate']
locks = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned) and pperm(Player)'
help_category = 'comms'
account_caller = True

Implement the command

lock_storage = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned) and pperm(Player)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'channelcreate', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'ccreate', 'no_prefix': ' channelcreate', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n create a new channel\n\n Usage:\n ccreate <new channel>[;alias;alias...] = description\n\n Creates a new channel owned by you.\n '}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdClock(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

change channel locks of a channel you control


clock <channel> [= <lockstring>]

Changes the lock access restrictions of a channel. If no lockstring was given, view the current lock definitions.

key = 'clock'
aliases = []
locks = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned) and perm(Admin)'
help_category = 'comms'
account_caller = True

run the function

lock_storage = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned) and perm(Admin)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'clock', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n change channel locks of a channel you control\n\n Usage:\n clock <channel> [= <lockstring>]\n\n Changes the lock access restrictions of a channel. If no\n lockstring was given, view the current lock definitions.\n '}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdCdesc(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.comms.CmdChannel

describe a channel you control


cdesc <channel> = <description>

Changes the description of the channel as shown in channel lists.

key = 'cdesc'
aliases = []
locks = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned)'
help_category = 'comms'
account_caller = True

Implement command

lock_storage = 'cmd:not pperm(channel_banned)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'comms', 'key': 'cdesc', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n describe a channel you control\n\n Usage:\n cdesc <channel> = <description>\n\n Changes the description of the channel as shown in\n channel lists.\n\n '}
class evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdSetLegacyComms(cmdsetobj=None, key=None)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet

path = 'evennia.contrib.base_systems.mux_comms_cmds.mux_comms_cmds.CmdSetLegacyComms'