
Intro menu / game tutor

Evennia contrib - Griatch 2020

This contrib is an intro-menu for general MUD and evennia usage using the EvMenu menu-templating system.

EvMenu templating is a way to create a menu using a string-format instead of creating all nodes manually. Of course, for full functionality one must still create the goto-callbacks.

evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.do_nothing(caller, raw_string, **kwargs)[source]

Re-runs the current node

evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.send_testing_tagged(caller, raw_string, **kwargs)[source]

Test to send a message to a pane tagged with ‘testing’ in the webclient.

class evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.DemoCommandSetHelp(cmdsetobj=None, key=None)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet

Demo the help command

key = 'Help Demo Set'
priority = 2

Hook method - this should be overloaded in the inheriting class, and should take care of populating the cmdset by use of self.add().

path = 'evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.DemoCommandSetHelp'
evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.goto_command_demo_help(caller, raw_string, **kwargs)[source]

Sets things up before going to the help-demo node

class evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.DemoCommandSetComms(cmdsetobj=None, key=None)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet

Demo communications

key = 'Color Demo Set'
priority = 2
no_exits = True
no_objs = True

Hook method - this should be overloaded in the inheriting class, and should take care of populating the cmdset by use of self.add().

path = 'evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.DemoCommandSetComms'
evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.goto_command_demo_comms(caller, raw_string, **kwargs)[source]

Setup and go to the color demo node.

class evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.DemoCommandSetRoom(cmdsetobj=None, key=None)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.cmdset.CmdSet

Demo some general in-game commands command.

key = 'Room Demo Set'
priority = 2
no_exits = False
no_objs = False

Hook method - this should be overloaded in the inheriting class, and should take care of populating the cmdset by use of self.add().

path = 'evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.DemoCommandSetRoom'
evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.goto_command_demo_room(caller, raw_string, **kwargs)[source]

Setup and go to the demo-room node. Generates a little 2-room environment for testing out some commands.

evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.goto_cleanup_cmdsets(caller, raw_strings, **kwargs)[source]

Cleanup all cmdsets.

class evennia.contrib.tutorials.tutorial_world.intro_menu.TutorialEvMenu(caller, menudata, startnode='start', cmdset_mergetype='Replace', cmdset_priority=1, auto_quit=True, auto_look=True, auto_help=True, cmd_on_exit='look', persistent=False, startnode_input='', session=None, debug=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.utils.evmenu.EvMenu

Custom EvMenu for displaying the intro-menu


Custom cleanup actions when closing menu


Formats the option block.


optionlist (list) – List of (key, description) tuples for every option related to this node.


options (str) – The formatted option display.


Call to initialize the menu.