
The filehelp-system allows for defining help files outside of the game. These will be treated as non-command help entries and displayed in the same way as help entries created using the sethelp default command. After changing an entry on-disk you need to reload the server to have the change show in-game.

An filehelp file is a regular python module with dicts representing each help entry. If a list HELP_ENTRY_DICTS is found in the module, this should be a list of dicts. Otherwise all top-level dicts in the module will be assumed to be a help-entry dict.

Each help-entry dict is on the form

{'key': <str>,
 'text': <str>,
 'category': <str>,   # optional, otherwise settings.DEFAULT_HELP_CATEGORY
 'aliases': <list>,   # optional
 'locks': <str>}      # optional, use access-type 'view'. Default is view:all()

The text** should be formatted on the same form as other help entry-texts and can contain **# subtopics** as normal.

New help-entry modules are added to the system by providing the python-path to the module to settings.FILE_HELP_ENTRY_MODULES. Note that if same-key entries are added, entries in latter modules will override that of earlier ones. Use settings.DEFAULT_HELP_CATEGORY** to customize what category is used if not set explicitly.

An example of the contents of a module:

help_entry1 = {
    "key": "The Gods",   # case-insensitive, also partial-matching ('gods') works
    "aliases": ['pantheon', 'religion'],
    "category": "Lore",
    "locks": "view:all()",   # this is optional unless restricting access
    "text": '''
        The gods formed the world ...

        # Subtopics

        ## Pantheon


        ### God of love


        ### God of war




class evennia.help.filehelp.FileHelpEntry(key: str, aliases: list, help_category: str, entrytext: str, lock_storage: str)[source]

Bases: object

Represents a help entry read from file. This mimics the api of the database-bound HelpEntry so that they can be used interchangeably in the help command.

key: str
aliases: list
help_category: str
entrytext: str
lock_storage: str
property search_index_entry

Property for easily retaining a search index entry for this object.


Returns the URI path for a View that allows users to view details for this object.

ex. Oscar (Character) = ‘/characters/oscar/1/’

For this to work, the developer must have defined a named view somewhere in urls.py that follows the format ‘modelname-action’, so in this case a named view of ‘character-detail’ would be referenced by this method.


    CharDetailView.as_view(), name='character-detail')

If no View has been created and defined in urls.py, returns an HTML anchor.

This method is naive and simply returns a path. Securing access to the actual view and limiting who can view this object is the developer’s responsibility.


path (str) – URI path to object detail page, if defined.


Returns the URI path for the Django Admin page for this object.

ex. Account#1 = ‘/admin/accounts/accountdb/1/change/’


path (str) – URI path to Django Admin page for object.

access(accessing_obj, access_type='view', default=True)[source]

Determines if another object has permission to access this help entry.

  • accessing_obj (Object or Account) – Entity trying to access this one.

  • access_type (str) – type of access sought.

  • default (bool) – What to return if no lock of access_type was found.

__init__(key: str, aliases: list, help_category: str, entrytext: str, lock_storage: str) → None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class evennia.help.filehelp.FileHelpStorageHandler(help_file_modules=['world.help_entries'])[source]

Bases: object

This reads and stores help entries for quick access. By default it reads modules from settings.FILE_HELP_ENTRY_MODULES.

Note that this is not meant to any searching/lookup - that is all handled by the help command.


Initialize the storage.


Load/reload file-based help-entries from file.


Get all help entries.


return_dict (bool) – Return a dict **{key: FileHelpEntry,…}**. Otherwise, return a list of **FileHelpEntry.


dict or list – Depending on the setting of **return_dict**.