How To Get And Give Help

How to get Help

If you cannot find what you are looking for in the online documentation, here’s what to do:

  • If you think the documentation is not clear enough and are short on time, fill in our quick little online form and let us know - no login required. Maybe the docs need to be improved or a new tutorial added! Note that while this form is useful as a suggestion box we cannot answer questions or reply to you. Use the discussion group or chat (linked below) if you want feedback.

  • If you have trouble with a missing feature or a problem you think is a bug, go to the issue tracker and search to see if has been reported/suggested already. If you can’t find an existing entry create a new one.

  • If you need help, want to start a discussion or get some input on something you are working on, make a post to the discussions group This is technically a ‘mailing list’, but you don’t need to use e-mail; you can post and read all messages just as easily from your browser via the online interface.

  • If you want more direct discussions with developers and other users, consider dropping into our IRC chat channel #evennia on the Freenode network. Please note however that you have to be patient if you don’t get any response immediately; we are all in very different time zones and many have busy personal lives. So you might have to hang around for a while - you’ll get noticed eventually!

How to give Help

Evennia is a completely non-funded project. It relies on the time donated by its users and developers in order to progress.

The first and easiest way you as a user can help us out is by taking part in community discussions and by giving feedback on what is good or bad. Report bugs you find and features you lack to our issue tracker. Just the simple act of letting developers know you are out there using their program is worth a lot. Generally mentioning and reviewing Evennia elsewhere is also a nice way to spread the word.

If you’d like to help develop Evennia more hands-on, here are some ways to get going:

  • Look through our online documentation wiki and see if you can help improve or expand the documentation (even small things like fixing typos!). You don’t need any particular permissions to edit the wiki.

  • Send a message to our discussion group and/or our IRC chat asking about what needs doing, along with what your interests and skills are.

  • Take a look at our issue tracker and see if there’s something you feel like taking on. here are bugs that need fixes. At any given time there may also be some [bounties][issues-bounties] open - these are issues members of the community has put up money to see fixed (if you want to put up a bounty yourself you can do so via our page on [bountysource][bountysource]).

  • Check out the Contributing page on how to practically contribute with code using github.

… And finally, if you want to help motivate and support development you can also drop some coins in the developer’s cup. You can make a donation via PayPal or, even better, [become an Evennia patron on Patreon][patreon]! This is a great way to tip your hat and show that you appreciate the work done with the server! Finally, if you want to encourage the community to resolve a particular

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