Evennia Multidescer

Contribution by Griatch 2016

A “multidescer” is a concept from the MUSH world. It allows for splitting your descriptions into arbitrary named ‘sections’ which you can then swap out at will. It is a way for quickly managing your look (such as when changing clothes) in more free-form roleplaying systems. This will also work well together with the rpsystem contrib.

This multidescer will not require any changes to the Character class, rather it will use the multidescs Attribute (a list) and create it if it does not exist. It adds a new +desc command (where the + is optional in Evennia).


Like for any custom command, you just add the new +desc command to a default cmdset: Import the evennia.contrib.game_systems.multidescer.CmdMultiDesc into mygame/commands/default_cmdsets.py and add it to the CharacterCmdSet class.

Reload the server and you should have the +desc command available (it will replace the default desc command).


Use the +desc command in-game:

+desc [key]                - show current desc desc with <key>
+desc <key> = <text>       - add/replace desc with <key>
+desc/list                 - list descriptions (abbreviated)
+desc/list/full            - list descriptions (full texts)
+desc/edit <key>           - add/edit desc <key> in line editor
+desc/del <key>            - delete desc <key>
+desc/swap <key1>-<key2>   - swap positions of <key1> and <key2> in list
+desc/set <key> [+key+...] - set desc as default or combine multiple descs

As an example, you can set one description for clothing, another for your boots, hairstyle or whatever you like. Use |/ to add line breaks for multi-line descriptions and paragraphs, as well as |_ to enforce indentations and whitespace (we don’t include colors in the example since they don’t show in this documentation).

+desc base = A handsome man.|_
+desc mood = He is cheerful, like all is going his way.|/|/
+desc head = On his head he has a red hat with a feather in it.|_
+desc shirt = His chest is wrapped in a white shirt. It has golden buttons.|_
+desc pants = He wears blue pants with a dragorn pattern on them.|_
+desc boots = His boots are dusty from the road.
+desc/set base + mood + head + shirt + pants + boots

When looking at this character, you will now see (assuming auto-linebreaks)

A hansome man. He is cheerful, like all is going his way.

On his head he has a red hat with a feather in it. His chest is wrapped in a
white shirt. It has golden buttons. He wears blue pants with a dragon
pattern on them. His boots are dusty from the road.

If you now do

+desc mood = He looks sullen and forlorn.|/|/
+desc shirt = His formerly white shirt is dirty and has a gash in it.|_

Your description will now be

A handsome man. He looks sullen and forlorn.

On his head he as a red hat with a feathre in it. His formerly white shirt
is dirty and has a gash in it. He wears blue pants with a pattern on them.
His boots are dusty from the road.

You can use any number of ‘pieces’ to build up your description, and can swap and replace them as you like and RP requires.

This document page is generated from evennia/contrib/game_systems/multidescer/README.md. Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.