Slow Exit

Contribution by Griatch 2014

An example of an Exit-type that delays its traversal. This simulates slow movement, common in many games. The contrib also contains two commands, setspeed and stop for changing the movement speed and abort an ongoing traversal, respectively.


To try out an exit of this type, you could connect two existing rooms using something like this:

@open north:contrib.grid.slow_exit.SlowExit = <destination>

To make this your new default exit, modify mygame/typeclasses/ to import this module and change the default Exit class to inherit from SlowExit instead.

# in mygame/typeclasses/

from evennia.contrib.grid.slowexit import SlowExit

class Exit(SlowExit):
    # ...

To get the ability to change your speed and abort your movement, import

# in mygame/commands/

from evennia.contrib.grid import slow_exit  <---

class CharacterCmdSet(default_cmds.CharacterCmdSet):
    # ...
    def at_cmdset_creation(self):
        # ...
        self.add(slow_exit.SlowDoorCmdSet)  <---

simply import and add CmdSetSpeed and CmdStop from this module to your default cmdset (see tutorials on how to do this if you are unsure).

To try out an exit of this type, you could connect two existing rooms using something like this:

@open north:contrib.grid.slow_exit.SlowExit = <destination>


This implementation is efficient but not persistent; so incomplete movement will be lost in a server reload. This is acceptable for most game types - to simulate longer travel times (more than the couple of seconds assumed here), a more persistent variant using Scripts or the TickerHandler might be better.

This document page is generated from evennia/contrib/grid/slow_exit/ Changes to this file will be overwritten, so edit that file rather than this one.