Source code for evennia.scripts.manager

The custom manager for Scripts.

from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q

from evennia.server import signals
from evennia.typeclasses.managers import TypeclassManager, TypedObjectManager
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module, dbid_to_obj, make_iter

__all__ = ("ScriptManager", "ScriptDBManager")
_GA = object.__getattribute__

_ObjectDB = None
_AccountDB = None


[docs]class ScriptDBManager(TypedObjectManager): """ This Scriptmanager implements methods for searching and manipulating Scripts directly from the database. Evennia-specific search methods (will return Typeclasses or lists of Typeclasses, whereas Django-general methods will return Querysets or database objects). dbref (converter) dbref_search get_dbref_range object_totals typeclass_search get_all_scripts_on_obj get_all_scripts delete_script remove_non_persistent validate script_search (equivalent to evennia.search_script) copy_script """
[docs] def get_all_scripts_on_obj(self, obj, key=None): """ Find all Scripts related to a particular object. Args: obj (Object): Object whose Scripts we are looking for. key (str, optional): Script identifier - can be given as a dbref or name string. If given, only scripts matching the key on the object will be returned. Returns: matches (list): Matching scripts. """ if not obj: return [] account = _GA(_GA(obj, "__dbclass__"), "__name__") == "AccountDB" if key: dbref = self.dbref(key) if dbref or dbref == 0: if account: return self.filter(db_account=obj, id=dbref) else: return self.filter(db_obj=obj, id=dbref) elif account: return self.filter(db_account=obj, db_key=key) else: return self.filter(db_obj=obj, db_key=key) elif account: return self.filter(db_account=obj) else: return self.filter(db_obj=obj)
[docs] def get_all_scripts(self, key=None): """ Get all scripts in the database. Args: key (str or int, optional): Restrict result to only those with matching key or dbref. Returns: scripts (list): All scripts found, or those matching `key`. """ if key: dbref = self.dbref(key) if dbref: return self.filter(id=dbref) return self.filter(db_key__iexact=key.strip()) return self.all()
[docs] def delete_script(self, dbref): """ This stops and deletes a specific script directly from the script database. Args: dbref (int): Database unique id. Notes: This might be needed for global scripts not tied to a specific game object """ scripts = self.get_id(dbref) for script in make_iter(scripts): script.stop() script.delete()
[docs] def update_scripts_after_server_start(self): """ Update/sync/restart/delete scripts after server shutdown/restart. """ for script in self.filter(db_is_active=True, db_persistent=False): script._stop_task() for script in self.filter(db_is_active=True): script._unpause_task(auto_unpause=True) script.at_server_start() for script in self.filter(db_is_active=False): script.at_server_start()
[docs] def search_script(self, ostring, obj=None, only_timed=False, typeclass=None): """ Search for a particular script. Args: ostring (str): Search criterion - a script dbef or key. obj (Object, optional): Limit search to scripts defined on this object only_timed (bool): Limit search only to scripts that run on a timer. typeclass (class or str): Typeclass or path to typeclass. Returns: Queryset: An iterable with 0, 1 or more results. """ ostring = ostring.strip() dbref = self.dbref(ostring) if dbref: # this is a dbref, try to find the script directly dbref_match = self.dbref_search(dbref) if dbref_match: dmatch = dbref_match[0] if not (obj and obj != dmatch.obj) or (only_timed and dmatch.interval): return dbref_match if typeclass: if callable(typeclass): typeclass = "%s.%s" % (typeclass.__module__, typeclass.__name__) else: typeclass = "%s" % typeclass # not a dbref; normal search obj_restriction = obj and Q(db_obj=obj) or Q() timed_restriction = only_timed and Q(db_interval__gt=0) or Q() typeclass_restriction = typeclass and Q(db_typeclass_path=typeclass) or Q() scripts = self.filter( timed_restriction & obj_restriction & typeclass_restriction & Q(db_key__iexact=ostring) ) return scripts
# back-compatibility alias script_search = search_script
[docs] def copy_script(self, original_script, new_key=None, new_obj=None, new_locks=None): """ Make an identical copy of the original_script. Args: original_script (Script): The Script to copy. new_key (str, optional): Rename the copy. new_obj (Object, optional): Place copy on different Object. new_locks (str, optional): Give copy different locks from the original. Returns: script_copy (Script): A new Script instance, copied from the original. """ typeclass = original_script.typeclass_path new_key = new_key if new_key is not None else original_script.key new_obj = new_obj if new_obj is not None else original_script.obj new_locks = new_locks if new_locks is not None else original_script.db_lock_storage from evennia.utils import create new_script = create.create_script( typeclass, key=new_key, obj=new_obj, locks=new_locks, autostart=True ) return new_script
[docs] def create_script( self, typeclass=None, key=None, obj=None, account=None, locks=None, interval=None, start_delay=None, repeats=None, persistent=None, autostart=True, report_to=None, desc=None, tags=None, attributes=None, ): """ Create a new script. All scripts are a combination of a database object that communicates with the database, and an typeclass that 'decorates' the database object into being different types of scripts. It's behaviour is similar to the game objects except scripts has a time component and are more limited in scope. Keyword Args: typeclass (class or str): Class or python path to a typeclass. key (str): Name of the new object. If not set, a name of #dbref will be set. obj (Object): The entity on which this Script sits. If this is `None`, we are creating a "global" script. account (Account): The account on which this Script sits. It is exclusiv to `obj`. locks (str): one or more lockstrings, separated by semicolons. interval (int): The triggering interval for this Script, in seconds. If unset, the Script will not have a timing component. start_delay (bool): If `True`, will wait `interval` seconds before triggering the first time. repeats (int): The number of times to trigger before stopping. If unset, will repeat indefinitely. persistent (bool): If this Script survives a server shutdown or not (all Scripts will survive a reload). autostart (bool): If this Script will start immediately when created or if the `start` method must be called explicitly. report_to (Object): The object to return error messages to. desc (str): Optional description of script tags (list): List of tags or tuples (tag, category). attributes (list): List if tuples (key, value) or (key, value, category) (key, value, lockstring) or (key, value, lockstring, default_access). Returns: script (obj): An instance of the script created See evennia.scripts.manager for methods to manipulate existing scripts in the database. """ global _ObjectDB, _AccountDB if not _ObjectDB: from evennia.accounts.models import AccountDB as _AccountDB from evennia.objects.models import ObjectDB as _ObjectDB typeclass = typeclass if typeclass else settings.BASE_SCRIPT_TYPECLASS if isinstance(typeclass, str): # a path is given. Load the actual typeclass typeclass = class_from_module(typeclass, settings.TYPECLASS_PATHS) # validate input kwarg = {} if key: kwarg["db_key"] = key if account: kwarg["db_account"] = dbid_to_obj(account, _AccountDB) if obj: kwarg["db_obj"] = dbid_to_obj(obj, _ObjectDB) if interval: kwarg["db_interval"] = max(0, interval) if start_delay: kwarg["db_start_delay"] = start_delay if repeats: kwarg["db_repeats"] = max(0, repeats) if persistent: kwarg["db_persistent"] = persistent if desc: kwarg["db_desc"] = desc tags = make_iter(tags) if tags is not None else None attributes = make_iter(attributes) if attributes is not None else None # create new instance new_script = typeclass(**kwarg) # store the call signature for the signal new_script._createdict = dict( key=key, obj=obj, account=account, locks=locks, interval=interval, start_delay=start_delay, repeats=repeats, persistent=persistent, autostart=autostart, report_to=report_to, desc=desc, tags=tags, attributes=attributes, ) # this will trigger the save signal which in turn calls the # at_first_save hook on the typeclass, where the _createdict # can be used. if not # this happens in the case of having a repeating script with `repeats=1` and # `start_delay=False` - the script will run once and immediately stop before # save is over. return None signals.SIGNAL_SCRIPT_POST_CREATE.send(sender=new_script) return new_script
[docs]class ScriptManager(ScriptDBManager, TypeclassManager): pass