Source code for evennia.server.amp_client

The Evennia Server service acts as an AMP-client when talking to the
Portal. This module sets up the Client-side communication.


import os

from django.conf import settings
from twisted.internet import protocol

import evennia
from evennia.server.portal import amp
from evennia.utils import logger
from evennia.utils.utils import class_from_module

[docs]class AMPClientFactory(protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory): """ This factory creates an instance of an AMP client connection. This handles communication from the be the Evennia 'Server' service to the 'Portal'. The client will try to auto-reconnect on a connection error. """ # Initial reconnect delay in seconds. initialDelay = 1 factor = 1.5 maxDelay = 1 noisy = False
[docs] def __init__(self, server): """ Initializes the client factory. Args: server (server): server instance. """ self.server = server self.protocol = class_from_module(settings.AMP_CLIENT_PROTOCOL_CLASS) self.maxDelay = 10 # not really used unless connecting to multiple servers, but # avoids having to check for its existence on the protocol self.broadcasts = []
[docs] def startedConnecting(self, connector): """ Called when starting to try to connect to the Portal AMP server. Args: connector (Connector): Twisted Connector instance representing this connection. """ pass
[docs] def buildProtocol(self, addr): """ Creates an AMPProtocol instance when connecting to the AMP server. Args: addr (str): Connection address. Not used. """ self.resetDelay() self.server.amp_protocol = AMPServerClientProtocol() self.server.amp_protocol.factory = self return self.server.amp_protocol
[docs] def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason): """ Called when the AMP connection to the MUD server is lost. Args: connector (Connector): Twisted Connector instance representing this connection. reason (str): Eventual text describing why connection was lost. """ logger.log_info("Server disconnected from the portal.") protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason)
[docs] def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): """ Called when an AMP connection attempt to the MUD server fails. Args: connector (Connector): Twisted Connector instance representing this connection. reason (str): Eventual text describing why connection failed. """ logger.log_msg("Attempting to reconnect to Portal ...") protocol.ReconnectingClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason)
[docs]class AMPServerClientProtocol(amp.AMPMultiConnectionProtocol): """ This protocol describes the Server service (acting as an AMP-client)'s communication with the Portal (which acts as the AMP-server) """ # sending AMP data
[docs] def connectionMade(self): """ Called when a new connection is established. """ # print("AMPClient new connection {}".format(self)) info_dict = self.factory.server.get_info_dict() super().connectionMade() # first thing we do is to request the Portal to sync all sessions # back with the Server side. We also need the startup mode (reload, reset, shutdown) self.send_AdminServer2Portal( amp.DUMMYSESSION, operation=amp.PSYNC, spid=os.getpid(), info_dict=info_dict ) # run the intial setup if needed self.factory.server.run_initial_setup()
[docs] def data_to_portal(self, command, sessid, **kwargs): """ Send data across the wire to the Portal Args: command (AMP Command): A protocol send command. sessid (int): A unique Session id. kwargs (any): Any data to pickle into the command. Returns: deferred (deferred or None): A deferred with an errback. Notes: Data will be sent across the wire pickled as a tuple (sessid, kwargs). """ # print("server data_to_portal: {}, {}, {}".format(command, sessid, kwargs)) return self.callRemote(command, packed_data=amp.dumps((sessid, kwargs))).addErrback( self.errback, command.key )
[docs] def send_MsgServer2Portal(self, session, **kwargs): """ Access method - executed on the Server for sending data to Portal. Args: session (Session): Unique Session. kwargs (any, optiona): Extra data. """ return self.data_to_portal(amp.MsgServer2Portal, session.sessid, **kwargs)
[docs] def send_AdminServer2Portal(self, session, operation="", **kwargs): """ Administrative access method called by the Server to send an instruction to the Portal. Args: session (Session): Session. operation (char, optional): Identifier for the server operation, as defined by the global variables in `evennia/server/`. kwargs (dict, optional): Data going into the adminstrative. """ return self.data_to_portal( amp.AdminServer2Portal, session.sessid, operation=operation, **kwargs )
# receiving AMP data
[docs] @amp.MsgStatus.responder def server_receive_status(self, question): return {"status": "OK"}
@amp.MsgPortal2Server.responder @amp.catch_traceback def server_receive_msgportal2server(self, packed_data): """ Receives message arriving to server. This method is executed on the Server. Args: packed_data (str): Data to receive (a pickled tuple (sessid,kwargs)) """ sessid, kwargs = self.data_in(packed_data) session = evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.get(sessid, None) if session: evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.data_in(session, **kwargs) return {} @amp.AdminPortal2Server.responder @amp.catch_traceback def server_receive_adminportal2server(self, packed_data): """ Receives admin data from the Portal (allows the portal to perform admin operations on the server). This is executed on the Server. Args: packed_data (str): Incoming, pickled data. """ sessid, kwargs = self.data_in(packed_data) operation = kwargs.pop("operation", "") if operation == amp.PCONN: # portal_session_connect # create a new session and sync it evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.portal_connect(kwargs.get("sessiondata")) elif operation == amp.PCONNSYNC: # portal_session_sync evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.portal_session_sync(kwargs.get("sessiondata")) elif operation == amp.PDISCONN: # portal_session_disconnect # session closed from portal sid session = evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.get(sessid) if session: evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.portal_disconnect(session) elif operation == amp.PDISCONNALL: # portal_disconnect_all # portal orders all sessions to close evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.portal_disconnect_all() elif operation == amp.PSYNC: # portal_session_sync # force a resync of sessions from the portal side. This happens on # first server-connect. server_restart_mode = kwargs.get("server_restart_mode", "shutdown") evennia.EVENNIA_SERVER_SERVICE.run_init_hooks(server_restart_mode) evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.portal_sessions_sync(kwargs.get("sessiondata")) evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.portal_start_time = kwargs.get("portal_start_time") elif operation == amp.SRELOAD: # server reload # shut down in reload mode evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.all_sessions_portal_sync() evennia.EVENNIA_SERVER_SERVICE.shutdown(mode="reload") elif operation == amp.SRESET: # shut down in reset mode evennia.SERVER_SESSION_HANDLER.all_sessions_portal_sync() evennia.EVENNIA_SERVER_SERVICE.shutdown(mode="reset") elif operation == amp.SSHUTD: # server shutdown # shutdown in stop mode evennia.EVENNIA_SERVER_SERVICE.shutdown(mode="shutdown") else: raise Exception("operation %(op)s not recognized." % {"op": operation}) return {}