
Account (OOC) commands. These are stored on the Account object and self.caller is thus always an Account, not an Object/Character.

These commands go in the AccountCmdset and are accessible also when puppeting a Character (although with lower priority)

These commands use the account_caller property which tells the command parent (MuxCommand, usually) to setup caller correctly. They use self.account to make sure to always use the account object rather than self.caller (which change depending on the level you are calling from) The property self.character can be used to access the character when these commands are triggered with a connected character (such as the case of the ooc command), it is None if we are OOC.

Note that under MULTISESSION_MODE > 2, Account commands should use self.msg() and similar methods to reroute returns to the correct method. Otherwise all text will be returned to all connected sessions.

class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdOOCLook(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.account.MuxAccountLookCommand

look while out-of-character



Look in the ooc state.

key = 'look'
aliases = ['l', 'ls']
locks = 'cmd:all()'
help_category = 'general'
account_caller = True

implement the ooc look command

lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'l ls', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'look', 'no_prefix': ' l ls', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n look while out-of-character\n\n Usage:\n look\n\n Look in the ooc state.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdIC(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

control an object you have permission to puppet


ic <character>

Go in-character (IC) as a given Character.

This will attempt to “become” a different object assuming you have the right to do so. Note that it’s the ACCOUNT character that puppets characters/objects and which needs to have the correct permission!

You cannot become an object that is already controlled by another account. In principle <character> can be any in-game object as long as you the account have access right to puppet it.

key = 'ic'
locks = 'cmd:all()'
aliases = ['puppet']
help_category = 'general'
account_caller = True

Main puppet method

lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'puppet', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'ic', 'no_prefix': ' puppet', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n control an object you have permission to puppet\n\n Usage:\n ic <character>\n\n Go in-character (IC) as a given Character.\n\n This will attempt to "become" a different object assuming you have\n the right to do so. Note that it\'s the ACCOUNT character that puppets\n characters/objects and which needs to have the correct permission!\n\n You cannot become an object that is already controlled by another\n account. In principle <character> can be any in-game object as long\n as you the account have access right to puppet it.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdOOC(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.account.MuxAccountLookCommand

stop puppeting and go ooc



Go out-of-character (OOC).

This will leave your current character and put you in a incorporeal OOC state.

key = 'ooc'
locks = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
aliases = ['unpuppet']
help_category = 'general'
account_caller = True

Implement function

lock_storage = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'unpuppet', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'ooc', 'no_prefix': ' unpuppet', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n stop puppeting and go ooc\n\n Usage:\n ooc\n\n Go out-of-character (OOC).\n\n This will leave your current character and put you in a incorporeal OOC state.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdPassword(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

change your password


password <old password> = <new password>

Changes your password. Make sure to pick a safe one.

key = 'password'
locks = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
account_caller = True

hook function.

aliases = []
help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'password', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n change your password\n\n Usage:\n password <old password> = <new password>\n\n Changes your password. Make sure to pick a safe one.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdQuit(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

quit the game




all - disconnect all connected sessions

Gracefully disconnect your current session from the game. Use the /all switch to disconnect from all sessions.

key = 'quit'
switch_options = ('all',)
locks = 'cmd:all()'
account_caller = True

hook function

aliases = []
help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'quit', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n quit the game\n\n Usage:\n quit\n\n Switch:\n all - disconnect all connected sessions\n\n Gracefully disconnect your current session from the\n game. Use the /all switch to disconnect from all sessions.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdCharCreate(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

create a new character


charcreate <charname> [= desc]

Create a new character, optionally giving it a description. You may use upper-case letters in the name - you will nevertheless always be able to access your character using lower-case letters if you want.

key = 'charcreate'
locks = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
help_category = 'general'
account_caller = True

create the new character

aliases = []
lock_storage = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'charcreate', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n create a new character\n\n Usage:\n charcreate <charname> [= desc]\n\n Create a new character, optionally giving it a description. You\n may use upper-case letters in the name - you will nevertheless\n always be able to access your character using lower-case letters\n if you want.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdOption(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

Set an account option


option[/save] [name = value]


save - Save the current option settings for future logins. clear - Clear the saved options.

This command allows for viewing and setting client interface settings. Note that saved options may not be able to be used if later connecting with a client with different capabilities.

key = 'option'
aliases = ['options']
switch_options = ('save', 'clear')
locks = 'cmd:all()'
account_caller = True

Implements the command

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'options', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'option', 'no_prefix': ' options', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n Set an account option\n\n Usage:\n option[/save] [name = value]\n\n Switches:\n save - Save the current option settings for future logins.\n clear - Clear the saved options.\n\n This command allows for viewing and setting client interface\n settings. Note that saved options may not be able to be used if\n later connecting with a client with different capabilities.\n\n\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdSessions(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

check your connected session(s)



Lists the sessions currently connected to your account.

key = 'sessions'
locks = 'cmd:all()'
help_category = 'general'
account_caller = True

Implement function

aliases = []
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'sessions', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n check your connected session(s)\n\n Usage:\n sessions\n\n Lists the sessions currently connected to your account.\n\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdWho(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

list who is currently online


who doing

Shows who is currently online. Doing is an alias that limits info also for those with all permissions.

key = 'who'
aliases = ['doing']
locks = 'cmd:all()'
account_caller = True

Get all connected accounts by polling session.

help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'doing', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'who', 'no_prefix': ' doing', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n list who is currently online\n\n Usage:\n who\n doing\n\n Shows who is currently online. Doing is an alias that limits info\n also for those with all permissions.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdColorTest(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

testing which colors your client support


color ansi | xterm256 | truecolor

Prints a color map along with in-mud color codes to use to produce them. It also tests what is supported in your client. Choices are 16-color ansi (supported in most muds), the 256-color xterm256 standard, or truecolor. No checking is done to determine your client supports color - if not you will see rubbish appear.

key = 'color'
locks = 'cmd:all()'
help_category = 'general'
account_caller = True
slice_bright_fg = slice(13, 21, None)
slice_dark_fg = slice(21, 29, None)
slice_dark_bg = slice(-8, None, None)
slice_bright_bg = slice(None, None, None)

Helper method to format the ansi/xterm256 tables. Takes a table of columns [[val,val,…],[val,val,…],…]

make_hex_color_from_column(column_number, count)[source]

Show color tables

aliases = []
lock_storage = 'cmd:all()'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'color', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n testing which colors your client support\n\n Usage:\n color ansi | xterm256 | truecolor\n\n Prints a color map along with in-mud color codes to use to produce\n them. It also tests what is supported in your client. Choices are\n 16-color ansi (supported in most muds), the 256-color xterm256\n standard, or truecolor. No checking is done to determine your client supports\n color - if not you will see rubbish appear.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdQuell(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

use character’s permissions instead of account’s


quell unquell

Normally the permission level of the Account is used when puppeting a Character/Object to determine access. This command will switch the lock system to make use of the puppeted Object’s permissions instead. This is useful mainly for testing. Hierarchical permission quelling only work downwards, thus an Account cannot use a higher-permission Character to escalate their permission level. Use the unquell command to revert back to normal operation.

key = 'quell'
aliases = ['unquell']
locks = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
help_category = 'general'
account_caller = True

Perform the command

lock_storage = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': 'unquell', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'quell', 'no_prefix': ' unquell', 'tags': '', 'text': "\n use character's permissions instead of account's\n\n Usage:\n quell\n unquell\n\n Normally the permission level of the Account is used when puppeting a\n Character/Object to determine access. This command will switch the lock\n system to make use of the puppeted Object's permissions instead. This is\n useful mainly for testing.\n Hierarchical permission quelling only work downwards, thus an Account cannot\n use a higher-permission Character to escalate their permission level.\n Use the unquell command to revert back to normal operation.\n "}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdCharDelete(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

delete a character - this cannot be undone!


chardelete <charname>

Permanently deletes one of your characters.

key = 'chardelete'
locks = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
help_category = 'general'

delete the character

aliases = []
lock_storage = 'cmd:pperm(Player)'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'chardelete', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n delete a character - this cannot be undone!\n\n Usage:\n chardelete <charname>\n\n Permanently deletes one of your characters.\n '}
class evennia.commands.default.account.CmdStyle(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.commands.default.muxcommand.MuxCommand

In-game style options


style style <option> = <value>

Configure stylings for in-game display elements like table borders, help entries etc. Use without arguments to see all available options.

key = 'style'
switch_options = ['clear']

This is the hook function that actually does all the work. It is called by the cmdhandler right after self.parser() finishes, and so has access to all the variables defined therein.

aliases = []
help_category = 'general'
lock_storage = 'cmd:all();'
search_index_entry = {'aliases': '', 'category': 'general', 'key': 'style', 'no_prefix': ' ', 'tags': '', 'text': '\n In-game style options\n\n Usage:\n style\n style <option> = <value>\n\n Configure stylings for in-game display elements like table borders, help\n entries etc. Use without arguments to see all available options.\n\n '}