
Protfuncs are FuncParser-callables that can be embedded in a prototype to provide custom logic without having access to Python. The protfunc is parsed at the time of spawning, using the creating object’s session as input. If the protfunc returns a non-string, this is what will be added to the prototype.

In the prototype dict, the protfunc is specified as a string inside the prototype, e.g.:

{ ...

"key": "$funcname(args, kwargs)"

...  }

Available protfuncs are either all callables in one of the modules of settings.PROT_FUNC_MODULES or all callables added to a dict FUNCPARSER_CALLABLES in such a module. By default, base inlinefuncs for text manipulation and searching are included, as well as the special $protkey function. See the Prototypes and Spawner documentation for more info.

def funcname (*args, **kwargs):
    return "replacement text"

At spawn-time the spawner passes the following extra kwargs into each callable (in addition to what is added in the call itself):

  • session (Session): The Session of the entity spawning using this prototype.

  • prototype (dict): The dict this protfunc is a part of.

  • current_key (str): The active key this value belongs to in the prototype.

Any traceback raised by this function will be handled at the time of spawning and abort the spawn before any object is created/updated. It must otherwise return the value to store for the specified prototype key (this value must be possible to serialize in an Attribute).

evennia.prototypes.protfuncs.protfunc_callable_protkey(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Usage: $protkey(keyname)

Returns the value of another key in this prototoype. Will raise an error if the key is not found in this prototype.