
This module defines Scripts, out-of-character entities that can store data both on themselves and on other objects while also having the ability to run timers.

class evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.ScriptBase

This is the base TypeClass for all Scripts. Scripts describe events, timers and states in game, they can have a time component or describe a state that changes under certain conditions.

classmethod create(key, **kwargs)[source]

Provides a passthrough interface to the utils.create_script() function.


key (str) – Name of the new object.


object (Object) – A newly created object of the given typeclass. errors (list): A list of errors in string form, if any.


Only called once, when script is first created.


Get time until the script fires it at_repeat hook again.


next (int)

Time in seconds until the script runs again.

If not a timed script, return None.


This hook is not used in any way by the script’s stepping system; it’s only here for the user to be able to check in on their scripts and when they will next be run.


Get the number of returning repeats for limited Scripts.


remaining (int or None) –

The number of repeats

remaining until the Script stops. Returns None if it has unlimited repeats.


If we’re flushing this object, make sure the LoopingCall is gone too


Called every time the script is started (for persistent scripts, this is usually once every server start)


force_restart (bool, optional) – Normally an already started script will not be started again. if force_restart=True, the script will always restart the script, regardless of if it has started before.


result (int)

0 or 1 depending on if the script successfully

started or not. Used in counting.


Called to stop the script from running. This also deletes the script.


kill (bool, optional) –

  • Stop the script without

calling any relevant script hooks.


result (int)

0 if the script failed to stop, 1 otherwise.

Used in counting.


This stops a running script and stores its active state. It WILL NOT call the at_stop() hook.


Restart a paused script. This WILL call the at_start() hook.


manual_unpause (bool, optional) – This is False if unpause is called by the server reload/reset mechanism.


result (bool) – True if unpause was triggered, False otherwise.


RuntimeError – If trying to automatically resart this script (usually after a reset/reload), but it was manually paused, and so should not the auto-unpaused.

restart(interval=None, repeats=None, start_delay=None)[source]

Restarts an already existing/running Script from the beginning, optionally using different settings. This will first call the stop hooks, and then the start hooks again. :param interval: Allows for changing the interval

of the Script. Given in seconds. if None, will use the already stored interval.

  • repeats (int, optional) – The number of repeats. If unset, will use the previous setting.

  • start_delay (bool, optional) – If we should wait interval seconds before starting or not. If None, re-use the previous setting.


Reset the count of the number of calls done.


value (int, optional) – The repeat value to reset to. Default is to set it all the way back to 0.


This is only useful if repeats != 0.


Fire a premature triggering of the script callback. This will reset the timer and count down repeats as if the script had fired normally.


Is called to check if the script is valid to run at this time. Should return a boolean. The method is assumed to collect all needed information from its related self.obj.


Called whenever the script is started, which for persistent scripts is at least once every server start. It will also be called when starting again after a pause (such as after a server reload)


**kwargs (dict) – Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default).


Called repeatedly if this Script is set to repeat regularly.


**kwargs (dict) – Arbitrary, optional arguments for users overriding the call (unused by default).


Called whenever when it’s time for this script to stop (either because is_valid returned False or it runs out of iterations)

**kwargs (dict): Arbitrary, optional arguments for users

overriding the call (unused by default).


This hook is called whenever the server is shutting down for restart/reboot. If you want to, for example, save non-persistent properties across a restart, this is the place to do it.


This hook is called whenever the server is shutting down fully (i.e. not for a restart).

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.ScriptBase.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.ScriptBase.MultipleObjectsReturned

path = 'evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript'
typename = 'DefaultScript'
class evennia.scripts.scripts.DoNothing(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript

A script that does nothing. Used as default fallback.


Setup the script

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript.MultipleObjectsReturned

path = 'evennia.scripts.scripts.DoNothing'
typename = 'DoNothing'
class evennia.scripts.scripts.Store(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript

Simple storage script


Setup the script

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: evennia.scripts.scripts.DefaultScript.MultipleObjectsReturned

path = 'evennia.scripts.scripts.Store'
typename = 'Store'